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Breast Oncoplasty Procedures
Oncoplastic surgery is a technique that improves cosmetic outcomes in breast cancer patients. Onco plastic surgeons combine breast cancer tumor removal (a lumpectomy or partial mastectomy) and plastic surgery techniques (reconstructive surgery) at the same time of breast conservation surgery.
Why choose Manipal Hospitals
At Manipal Hospital our multidisciplinary Tumour Board understands the psychological aspects in a woman who loses a breast. Hence they work with counsellors and oncoplastic surgeons to suggest the perfect cosmetic treatment protocol. Our oncoplastic surgeons are the best in their field of practice and highly skilled in performing this intricate oncoplasty procedure with the comfort and vulnerability of the patient in focus.
Solutions of breast oncoplasty
Oncoplastic breast procedures have enabled oncoplasty surgeons to remove a large part of the breast tissue at one time. This procedure reduces surgical trauma considerably and is capable of preserving the cosmetic aesthetics of the breast as well as improving the patient’s quality of life.
Complexities of breast oncoplasty
Breast oncoplasty presents low risk in the hands of skilled oncoplasty surgeons.
Number of cases
We have performed over 4 lakh breast oncoplasty surgeries with successful outcomes.
Infection control protocol
Knowing well that patients who have undergone breast oncoplasty surgery are also required to have followup sessions which pose huge risk to their delicate condition, our stringent infection control units ensure they are comfortable and safe from infection risks.
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