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Department of Cancer Care/Oncology

Detecting Oral Cancer Early: The Key To Successful Treatment And Survival

Posted On: May 25, 2023

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Detecting Oral Cancer Early

A cancer that develops inside the mouth (oral cavity) is called oral cancer. Do you know that it is the most common type of head and neck cancer in India that mainly affects old people, but it can develop in people of any age. Like other types of cancer, it often remains undetected until it reaches a more advanced stage since it may seem typical of oral or lip conditions, such as white patches or bleeding sores.

Oral cancer causes are attributed to the consumption of tobacco and excessive alcohol. Apart from that, there are some other causes for getting oral cancer as well like if you get infected with HPV and poor oral health. You need to get immediate consultation with a cancer specialist if you think you have developed or are developing symptoms of oral cancer. Some common symptoms of this cancer are difficulty swallowing, mouth sores, persistent pain in the oral cavity, or bleeding. In this article, we will discuss the importance of early detection and treatment of oral cancer. We will also offer practical advice on how to maintain good oral health and prevent oral cancer. Visit a top hospital for cancer treatment in Mangalore if you are experiencing any symptoms discussed below. 

Importance of Early Detection of Oral Cancer

For better treatment results and higher survival rates, oral cancer must be detected early. According to experts, the survival rate of oral cancer can increase up to 90 per cent upon early detection. To achieve that, you should have proper knowledge about the symptoms, causes and important risk factors of oral cancer.

Early detection of oral cancer increases the chances of successful removal of tumours without going for highly invasive surgeries. You should maintain proper hygiene of your oral cavity, and avoid or stop using tobacco products, cigarettes, and alcohol to avoid getting oral cancer. Also, you should regularly visit a dentist to understand the early warning signs of oral cancer. The chances of successful treatment and cancer survival can increase multiple times by being aware of the signs and risks associated with the condition and obtaining immediate medical help.

Early Warning Signs and Symptoms for Oral Cancer

If oral cancer is in the early stages, the symptoms may not show up. There are some warning signs and symptoms that you should be aware of. You should visit a doctor as soon as you can if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Mouth sores or ulcers that don't go away after a few weeks.

  • Red or white patches on your tongue, gums, or mouth lining.

  • Difficulty swallowing or speaking.

  • Persistent pain in your mouth, throat, or neck.

  • A lump or thickening in your mouth or neck.

  • Unexplained bleeding in your mouth.

  • Numbness or tingling in your mouth or lips.

  • Changes in the way your teeth fit together or dentures that no longer fit well.

Important Risk Factors for Oral Cancer

There are several risk factors that enhance your chances of getting oral cancer. Tobacco consumption is the biggest reason for getting oral cancer. The risk of developing cancer in the mouth of a tobacco chewer is several times that of someone who doesn’t. In addition to that, smoking and heavy alcohol consumption are also the most important risk factors for developing oral cancer. The risk of developing this type of cancer is significantly higher in smokers and drinkers than in smokers or drinkers alone.

A family history of cancer, contact with the human papillomavirus (HPV), poor oral hygiene, and an inadequate intake of fruits and vegetables are additional risk factors. Lip cancer is also more likely to occur in those who spend a lot of time in the sun, especially if they have fair skin.

Treatment of Oral Cancer

Oral cancer can be treated in different ways, depending on the stage and location of the cancer and the patient's overall health. The treatment options include:

  • Surgery 

  • Radiation therapy 

  • Chemotherapy

  • Immunotherapy

  • Targeted therapy

  • Palliative care

The first and foremost treatment for oral cancer is surgery. In the surgical process, a surgeon removes the cancerous tumour and surrounding tissue, along with affected lymph nodes. Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy may also be used alone or in combination with surgery. 

In addition to that, palliative care can also help relieve symptoms and improve the quality of life for patients with advanced or incurable cancer. Please remember that early detection and treatment can greatly improve the outcome and increase your chances of long-term survival. Consult the best Oncologists in Mangalore for the diagnosis and treatment of oral cancer. 

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