
Dr. Haroon H

Consultant- Internal Medicine

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Reviewed by

Dr. Haroon H

Consultant- Internal Medicine

Manipal Hospitals, Mangaluru

How To Reduce Blood Sugar Naturally?

Reviewed by:

Dr. Haroon H

Posted On: Apr 20, 2023

blogs read 3 Min Read

Tips to Reduce Sugar Naturally

High blood sugar level (also known as hyperglycemia) is commonly associated with prediabetes, which is a condition in which the blood sugar level is elevated but not elevated enough to be classified as diabetes. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there was a 3% rise in diabetes mortality rates by age between 2000 and 2019. In addition, the organization also found that diabetes is a major cause of kidney failure, blindness, stroke, heart attacks, lower limb amputation and mortality & morbidity.

Although the body generally manages the blood sugar level by producing insulin, which is a hormone that allows the cells to use the sugar in the blood as a source of energy, several factors, such as the production of too much glucose and too little insulin, ineffective utilization of insulin (insulin resistance), dietary habits, sedentary lifestyle, stress and certain medications, can impede its ability to manage blood sugar, thereby causing hyperglycemia.

Diabetes can augment the risk of various limb and life-threatening diseases and complications, such as stroke, foot ulcer, infections, neuropathy (nerve damage), reduced blood flow, blindness, kidney failure and in some rare cases, even limb amputation. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce high blood sugar levels to improve the quality of life and increase life expectancy.

Consult a top diabetes Hospital in Mangalore to manage diabetes more effectively.

Tips to Reduce Blood Sugar Levels Naturally

  • Exercise Regularly

As regular exercise helps people reach and maintain healthy body weight and increase insulin sensitivity, which indicates that the body’s cells are more responsive to insulin and thus, absorb glucose more effectively, it is one of the best and most effective methods for reducing blood sugar levels naturally. Moreover, regular exercise ensures that the muscles use blood sugar for muscle contraction and energy, thus preventing the blood sugar level from getting too high. 

  • Manage the Intake of Carbohydrates

The excessive consumption of carbohydrates or the consumption of carbohydrate-rich meals frequently causes a sharp spike in the blood sugar level, which can subsequently lead to lower insulin sensitivity by facilitating the production of too much insulin for enabling the absorption of glucose. Thus, to prevent a sudden spike in blood sugar levels and reduce insulin sensitivity, the intake of carbohydrates should be reduced or carefully managed.

  • Consume Fibre-Rich Foods

As fibre slows down the digestion of carbohydrates and the absorption of sugar, the consumption of fibre-rich foods, such as legumes, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, causes a more gradual rise in the blood sugar level, thus preventing high insulin production and reducing the risk of insulin sensitivity. 

  • Drink Enough Water and Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water could help the kidneys flush out excess sugar through the urine, thereby ensuring that the blood sugar level remains within a healthy range. 

  • Consume Foods with a Low Glycemic Index

The glycemic index (GI) measures the rate at which carbohydrates break down during digestion and the speed at which these carbohydrates are absorbed in the body. This process determines the rate at which a person’s blood sugar level rises. Among foods with low, medium and high GI, low GI foods, such as beans, oats, lentils, barley, unsweetened Greek yoghurt, legumes, whole-wheat pasta and non-starchy vegetables, have been found to reduce blood sugar levels, especially in people with diabetes.

Diabetes in elderly people may require a different approach and therefore consult your doctor for more information. 

  • Manage Stress

Stress can considerably augment the risk of diabetes as the body releases hormones called cortisol and glucagon, which cause a sharp spike in blood sugar when stressed. In addition, several studies have found that relaxation, meditation and exercise significantly reduce stress and blood sugar levels and also help in correcting insulin secretion problems in people with chronic diabetes. 

Consult the best diabetologists in Mangalore for the treatment and management of diabetes. 

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