Kidney cancer is also referred to as renal cancer. Most lethal urological cancer. Incidence is around 12 per 1 lakh population every year. More common among males with a male-to-female ratio of 3:2. Usually affects the age group of 50-70 years.
Causes of Kidney Cancer
Smoking is the most common risk factor for the development of kidney cancer. Approximately one-third of the total cases of kidney cancer are diagnosed due to smoking. Other risk factors include family history, obesity, exposure to carcinogens, petroleum products, asbestos, and a few drugs.
Symptoms of Kidney Cancer
The symptoms of kidney cancer are not exhibited clearly as the tumour is localised to the particular organ. Most are detected incidentally. Symptoms of advanced kidney cancers are only exhibited when there is blood in the urine, abdominal and flank pain, and flank mass. Less than 10% of the patients have been diagnosed with these symptoms. Visit KMC Hospital to learn about kidney transplantation in Mangalore.
Diagnosis of Kidney Cancer
The diagnostic approach for kidney cancer includes:
Physical examination
Imaging tests such as ultrasound, CT Urogram/MR Urogram.
Blood screenings
Liver function test/Renal function test
Treatment of Kidney Cancer
The following treatments are available for treating kidney cancer depending on the stage of the disease:
Surgery Like Partial/Radical Nephrectomy (Open/Laparoscopic/Robotic)
Targeted therapies/ Immunotherapy/ Cytoreductive Nephrectomy in advanced cancer
Consult an oncologist in Mangalore if you need treatment for kidney cancer.
Prevention of Kidney Cancer
Although kidney cancer cannot be prevented entirely, the risks can be reduced by adopting the following measures:
Quitting smoking.
Lowering the level of blood pressure.
Maintaining a healthy body weight.
Consumption of low-fat and low-carbohydrate foods such as fruits and vegetables.
Bladder cancer
Bladder cancer develops from urothelial cells that line the bladder. Bladder carcinoma is more prevalent in males. Most bladder cancer cases are diagnosed in the early stages, which can be cured. There are chances of a recurrence of bladder cancer. Therefore, patients require regular follow-ups and monitoring to treat the recurrence of bladder cancer.
Causes of Bladder Cancer
Bladder cancer mainly occurs due to smoking. Other risk factors that cause bladder cancer development include ageing, gender, exposure to chemicals, previous cancer treatment, chronic bladder inflammation, and family history.
Symptoms of Bladder Cancer
The common symptoms of bladder cancer include blood in urine, urgency/frequent urination, Unable to pass urine due to clot retention
Diagnosis of Bladder Cancer
The diagnostic approach for bladder cancer includes:
Physical examination.
Cystoscopy followed TURBT/tumor resection/tumor biopsy.
Urine cytology.
Imaging tests such as CT urogram /MR Urogram.
Treatment of Bladder Cancer
Following are the treatment options for treating bladder cancer depending on the stage of the disease :
Surgery: It includes Cystoscopy transurethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT) or Radical Cystectomy followed by neo-bladder reconstruction/ ileal conduit.
Chemotherapy: It includes intra-vesical chemotherapy and systemic chemotherapy. Visit our urology hospital in Mangalore to learn more about chemotherapy procedures.
Radiation therapy
Targeted therapy
Prevention of Bladder Cancer
Following preventive measures are adopted for preventing bladder cancer development:
Quitting smoking.
Limiting the exposure to certain chemicals at the workplace.
Drinking more amount of water.
Consumption of more fruits and vegetables.