COVID-19 is a pandemic disease with high morbidity and mortality. The numbers in India are rising and there is a growing concern about the elderly getting affected with this infection.
Q: I am >65 yr am I at a higher risk to get the infection?
A: NO, elderly people are not at a higher risk to contract the disease. They are just as likely to get the disease like anyone else.
Q: I am >65 yr old, am I at higher risk for complications?
A: Yes elderly people are at higher risk to develop complications, like longer ICU stay and higher death. Death in COVID patients increases with increasing age and ranges from 4-15% in patients >60 yr. Consult with an infectious disease doctor in Mangalore today.
Q: I am 50 yr old but I suffer from diabetes, am I at risk too?
A: Yes, people with chronic disease such as chronic lung disease, Asthma, Liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease, organ transplant, HIV and smokers are at higher risk for developing complications. Hence these people should also try and avoid social gatherings and take precautions necessary to avoid getting infections
Q: What should I do to prevent getting the COVID 19 infection?
A: Avoid going out unless it’s absolutely necessary. Wear a mask when you go out. Wash your hands regularly. If you have any family members who are having fever, cough or any other symptoms then stay away from them and maintain social distancing. Use household cleaning liquids to disinfect common areas.
Respiratory Rehabilitation in Elderly Patients with COVID-19
Different disorders are reported in respiratory function, physical function and psychological function in patients with COVID-19, especially in elderly patients. But six-week respiratory rehabilitation can improve respiratory function, QoL and anxiety of elderly patients with COVID-19, but it has little significant improvement on depression in the elderly.
Elderly (>65 yr) and people with chronic health conditions are at a higher risk to develop complications hence require strict infection prevention strategy. If you are an elderly aged person and have been infected with COVID 19 don’t worry, get in touch with your doctors and they will provide you care which will lead to a good outcome.
The risk of severe illness in older adults with COVID-19 is high. The greatest risk for severe illness from COVID-19 is among those aged 85 or older. Visit the best infectious disease hospital in Mangalore for treatment.
If anyone elderly has been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or if anyone in your house develops symptoms such as cough, fever, or shortness of breath then contact the elderly and COVID recovery centres in Mangalore.
Dr. Farhan Fazal
DM - Infectious Disease