Aging is a process that begins right from birth and there is nothing anyone can do to delay or stop it. However, as longevity increases and the urge to look younger catch up amongst the modern population, more and more options and opportunities to look and appear younger become available. Preventing premature ageing is not easy in today’s lifestyle, a lot of lifestyle changes have to be made to achieve good-looking skin.
Changes in the skin especially on the face are the signs of aging that generally occur after the age of 30and prominent changes are the wrinkles and creases. Here are some tips, which can delay the process of appearance of wrinkles, tan, spots, and signs of aging.
1. Protection from sun
Sunrays can damage the collagen and elasticity in the skin, these fibers keep the skin supple and taut. Damage to this tissue leads to sagging, laxity, and the development of wrinkles and creases. Regular use of a good suitable sunscreen with SPF of 20 and above helps in delaying this process of aging. Remember Sunscreens have to be used even on cloudy days, as UV rays are known to pass through clouds too. Also, remember 30-40minutes of sun on your skin is advisable so as not to end up with Vitamin D deficiency.
2. Hydration of skin
Well-hydrated skin is a sign of healthy skin. Moisturizing the skin from within and without definitely works on the wrinkles especially on the face and limb extremities. Drink lots of water as per the body’s requirement depending on the climate and geographical area. On average, about 2ltrs per day is a good quantity. The habit of drinking a good amount of water keeps the rest of the physiology and metabolism in top condition and reflects well on the skin. The use of a proper moisturizer on the skin helps maintain the water content in the skin. Ask your Dermatologist for an appropriate face wash, do not use and harsh cleansers and scrubs that damage your skin. The more you rub the skin rough and tough it becomes.
3. Proper Nutrition
‘You are what you eat” is an often repeated mantra by wellness coaches, nutrition experts, and Doctors. Yes, skin does reveal your condition of nutrition in various ways, and giving you an aging look is one of them. Treat yourself to a good quantity of Vegetables, Fruit, and nuts in addition to your daily meals. Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables that are easily available in your market. Vegetables provide a lot of fresh vitamins and minerals good for your skin, most of these including some greens can be consumed raw as in salads and cooking destroys the goodness in them. Fresh Fruit is better eaten chewed than as juice or extract. Do not overeat anything, eat in moderation. Decrease consumption of Sugars, Refined flour, and Dairy products.
4. Exercise well and stay fit. A healthy mind in a healthy body is, true but it needs to be in healthy skin too. Keeping your internal systems in good condition keeps your skin looking young and healthy.
5. Dermatologists recommend Retinol based lotions and creams for regular use as they do have a role in keeping the collagen fiber functioning well.
6. Give up smoking and moderate your alcohol consumption. Smoking is well known to damage the elastic and collagen fibers in the skin.
7. Stress ages you faster. Work up a schedule of your own to relieve yourself of any stress. Frowning and display of Anger or Frustration worsens the wrinkles, creases on your face, and negates all the benefits you derive from the earlier mentioned tips.
8. Finally consult the best Dermatologist in Mangalore before aging changes appear, delaying their arrival is better than treating them later.
Consult the best skincare clinic in Mangalore and start your anti-aging treatment as soon as possible.
Dr. Pramod Kumar
Consultant Dermatologist
Manipal Hospitals, Mangalore