Breast cancer is one of the most known forms of cancer worldwide. Also, it is the most common cancer affecting women. Because the breast is a superficial organ, all efforts must be made to detect and treat it as early as possible. Only by raising awareness, breast cancer be detected early. All attempts have to be made to spread awareness. Visit a top hospital for breast cancer treatment in Mangalore if you are experiencing any symptoms or need surgery for the same.
Breast Cancer Begins in the Breast Tissue
Usually, breast cancer starts developing in the ducts or lobules of the breast. The milk is produced by lobules, & ducts which are the channels that carry it from the glands towards the nipple. Additionally, cancer can develop in the fatty or fibrous connective tissue of the breast. The uncontrolled cancer cells frequently spread to the adjacent healthy breast tissue and are capable of reaching the lymph nodes beneath the arms. Once cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, it can spread to other parts of the body.
Breast Cancer is Screen-Detectable
A mammogram is a very effective tool for detecting cancer. Early-stage cancers have a very good prognosis. Breast cancers detected in stages 1 and 2 have a good overall survival rate. Such cancers can also be treated with very good breast conservation and cosmesis.
Breast Cancers were Treated Very Aggressively in the Late Nineteenth Century
The Halsteadian era believed in aggressive and debilitating surgery. With the progress of science and invention, the concepts of radiation, chemotherapy, hormonal, and targeted therapy evolved. Breast cancer treatment that was systemic and systematic improved outcomes. Fisher’s era of breast cancer evolved into a very aesthetic approach to breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
Advances in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment have been made possible by increasing public awareness of the disease through campaigns and research. Breast cancer survival rates have improved significantly, and the number of fatalities related to the disease is gradually decreasing. This is partly due to earlier identification, a new personalised treatment approach, and better knowledge of the illness.
Surgical Treatment for Breast Cancer
A surgical breast cancer approach can be:
Mastectomy is the gold standard of breast cancer surgery. It is continuously tried and tested. Breast cancer surgery involves:
Dealing with the tumour.
Approach to the axilla.
Mastectomy is the removal of the whole breast. Axillary dissection is the removal of fibrofatty tissue involving the axilla. With frozen sections in pathology becoming widely available, tumours could be excised and sent for pathological testing even during the surgery. Pathologists can comment on the completion of a safe oncological resection.
Breast Conservation Surgery
Breast conservation has progressed to improve cosmetic and aesthetic outcomes.
Breast Oncoplastic Surgery
Breast oncoplastic surgery can be classified based on the volume of breast displaced. Type 1 surgery is when less than 20% of the breast is resected. Larger resections may need flaps and complex reconstruction.
Axillary Dissection
Axillary dissection is the time-tested approach to the axilla in breast cancer. 15%–20% of the patients treated with axillary dissection end up with lymphoedema. Oedema of the upper limb leads to morbidity. The concept of a sentinel node simplifies procedures and patient recovery. The sentinel node is the first set of lymph nodes to which cancer spreads. When sentinel nodes cannot pick up the spread of cancer, an unnecessary dissection can be avoided, thus limiting the morbidity. In such situations, lymphoedema can be reduced to less than 5%.
To conclude, early detection is the way forward. Early breast cancer has a very good prognosis and survival rate. The advantage of breast conservation has to reach all eligible patients. The rate of breast conservation should be increased without compromising oncological and patient safety. Breast cancer surgery has evolved from more morbid radicality to aesthetically pleasing oncoplastic surgery. Breast cancer surgery is no more painstaking for the patient when handled by the proper personnel. Consult a top surgical oncologist in Mangalore for diagnosis and treatment.