Winter can be a challenging time for many people. In spite of the fact we may feel stuck inside and want to curl up in bed with the day closing early if it goes beyond this and starts to affect how you feel and think, then it is seasonal depression or more scientifically "Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)" that requires attention.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that’s triggered by a change in seasons, usually when the Autumn season starts. The shorter days and lesser daylight may cause neurochemical changes in the brain that lead to depression symptoms. It is believed that melatonin, a sleep-related neuro-hormone, plays an important role in this condition. In response to darkness, the pineal gland in the brain produces melatonin. As a result, the circadian rhythm (24-hour internal clock) and sleep timing are maintained. Seasonal Depression may significantly affect mood due to changes in Melatonin levels.
Visit the best psychiatry hospital in Mangalore if you are experiencing symptoms of SAD.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)- History and Definition
"Seasonal Affective Disorder" (SAD) was first mentioned in the 1980s. It is defined as a mood disorder where the episodes recur in a particular season and fully remit at a characteristic time of the year.
This is also termed as:
Seasonal depression
Depressive disorder with seasonal pattern.
It gets worse in the fall or early winter and then ends in spring. Another variant of SAD is Reverse SAD and symptoms of reverse SAD begin in late spring or early summer and end in fall. However, it is a rare variant.
Characteristics of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Almost every day, you feel sad or down.
Apprehensiveness for minor triggers.
Feeling hopeless, worthless or guilty.
Losing interest in activities you once enjoyed.
Social withdrawal and increased rejection sensitivity.
Having low energy and feeling sluggish.
Decreased ability to focus or concentrate.
Suicidal thoughts.
Carbohydrate craving and weight gain.
Loss of libido.
Symptoms of Summer Depression
The following symptoms may be associated with Summer Depression:
Agitation and restlessness.
Irritability and increased stress.
Decreased appetite and possible weight loss.
Difficulty initiating sleep.
Arms and legs that feel heavy.
At times soon after its remission it gets followed by an episode of mania or hypomania at a characteristic time of the year SAD is believed to be a subtype of Major depressive disorder.
The symptoms of SAD occur in a seasonal pattern as winter approaches and resolve by spring. It repeats every year and oversleeping, overeating, and craving carbohydrates are atypical symptoms. Also, individuals experience symptoms differently.
Risk Factors of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Though the aetiology of SAD is not certain, studies showed some risk factors which include,
It's seen running in families.
Young adults
Women predominate, with a gender difference ranging from 2:1 to 9:1.
The seasonal pattern of recurrent depression affects about 10 to 20 percent of all cases.
It’s also seen in bipolar disorder, especially bipolar II disorder.
In places far from the equator like Northern Europe and North Atlantic except Iceland with a temperate climate winter depression is more seen
In tropical countries like India, Summer Depression is more prevalent.
Serotonin dysregulation
Melatonin imbalance
Vitamin D deficiency
Treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Among the treatment options is exposure to sunlight, light therapy, pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy and lifestyle modifications.
Sunlight exposure
Spending time outdoors or exposure to sunlight near the window might help to relieve the symptoms to an extent.
Light therapy
The use of fluorescent lamps for a specific time period in a day on a regular basis can be therapeutic if sunlight exposure does not help. Headaches, eyestrain, and psychomotor agitation are common side effects.
Antidepressants are chosen based on factors such as prior treatment history, the severity of illness, safety, tolerability, cost, and patient preference. As a result of these prescription medications, chemical imbalances in the brain can be corrected. While taking these medications, it is imperative to follow the instructions of the Psychiatrist.
The types of psychotherapy include cognitive behavioural therapy, interpersonal therapy, supportive therapy, and family therapy.
It is important to maintain a healthy balanced diet, maintain healthy sleep hygiene, receive natural sunlight every day, enhance indoor lighting with regular fixtures and lamps, make your home and work environment brighter, avoid stressful situations, exercise, practice relaxation techniques, music and art therapy, discuss mood changes with family and friends, and get help when needed. Consult a top psychiatrist in Mangalore for the diagnosis and treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).