
KMC Hospital Mangaluru | Intrauterine Transfusion in an Unborn Foetus | Patient Testimonial

In this video, expert doctors from KMC Hospital Mangaluru share crucial medical insights on the treatment of anaemia in an unborn foetus with the use of a complex treatment called intrauterine transfusion. This procedure helped save the life of a young patient and her baby, when it was discovered that the patient's blood group wasn't compatible with the baby, leading to complications in foetal development. Dr. Sameena, Consultant - Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Dr. Pundalik Baliga, Consultant - Foetal Medicine, and Dr. Mario J Bukelo, Consultant - Pediatrics, share their insights. Watch this video to know more. #KMCHospitalMangaluru #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #OBGYN #IntrauterineTransfusion #Gynaecology #ObstetricsAndGynaecology #FoetalMedicice #Paediatrics #Pregnancy #Anaemia