
    Fellowship & Membership

  • “Efficacy and Tolerability of FDC of Atorvastatin + Ezetimibe in Patients with primary hypercholesterolaemia”.
  • Efficacy and Tolerability of FDC of Simvastatin + Ezetimibe in patients with primary hypercholesterolaemia”.
  • “Effacacy and Tolerability of (Stanlip) Fenofibrate in primary hypercholesterolaemia or hypertriglyceridemia”.
  • Was the Co investigator for TRUST TRUAL – Evaluation of IV Prostaglandin (Treprostinil) therapy in PPH – trial completed 2005.
  • To study the clinical and Angiographic profile of Coronary pulmonary arterial fistulas presenting to a Tertiary care Centre in Southern India – Feb 9th – 10th 2013 , international NCD Meet
  • Correlation of antropometric , metabolic and clinical parameters with severity of ischemic heart disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus with a special reference to Insulin resistance (ongoing) Correlation of insulin resistance with severeity of ischemic heart disease in type diabetic mellitus (completed)
  • Field of Expertise

  • Coronary Interventions
  • Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Kannada
  • Hindi
  • Konkani
  • Tulu
  • Awards & Achievements

  • Secured 3rd prize in the NCCP young scientists Award for the paper titled Utility of Pulse wave analysis in Obstructive Diseased held at Kolkata , November 2005 (NAPCON)
  • Won third prize in oral presentation in International conference on update in research ethics and research methodology in Chennai – 4th & 5th of March 2013.
  • c) Fellowship from European Society of Cardiology (FESC) received on 18/01/2014 at Mumbai.
  • d) International non communicable disease research meet 18-19/01/14 , Manipal University Manipal
  • Talks & Publications

  • Brugada Syndrome – Cardiovascular Images , Indian Heart Journal 2003; 55; 193.
  • Exclusive carbon dioxide – guided renal artery stenting in a case of Takayasu’s arteritis with a solitary functioning kidney. Indian Heart Journal 2003;55;272-274,
  • Transcatheter embolization of bilateral multiple pulmonary arteruivenous malfromations in a case of herediatary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. International Journal of Cardiology 2004; 97;135-137.
  • Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2009; 51:45-47.
  • Study of home-monitored night blood pressure and its correlation with left ventricular hypertrophy in treatment-naive hypertensive patients. Singapore Med J 2012; 53(2) : 95
  • Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from Main Pulmonary Artery-a case
  • report Medicolegal update Volume 12 Number 02 July - December
  • 2012
  • Right ventricular endomyocardial fibrosis – A case report – Made, D, Achappa, B, Pai M, Kamath P. Right ventricular endomyocardial fibrosis AMJ 2003,6, 2, 88-0-. http//dx.doi.org/10.4066/AMJ2013.1558.
  • Antihypertensive therapy : nocturnal dippers and non dippers. Do we treat them differently ? , Vascular Helath and Risk management 2013:9 125-133 , Chakrpani Mahabala’ Padmanabh Kamath , unnikrishnan Bhaskaran, Narasimha D Pai, Aparna U Pai
  • Correlation of Severeity of coronary artery disease with insulin Resistance – Mukund P Sriinivasan, Padmanabh K Kamath, Poornima A Manjrekar, B Unnikirshnan, Aishwarya Ullal, Mohammed Faheem Kotekar, Chkrapani Mahabala , North American Journal of Medical Sciences – October 2013 , volume 5, issue 10
  • Factors relating with severity of coronary artery disease in Type DM on treatment for more than 5yrs. Mukund P Srinivasan, Padmanabh K Kamath , Narasimha D Pai, Poornima A Manjrekar, Chakrapani Mahabala, British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research – In press Correlation of duration of diabetes with severity of coronary artery disease inpatients with Type II diabetes mellitus . T.D Shah, R S Venkariya, R L Kamath M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Factors associated with normal coronary arteries in patients wit type II diabetes mellitus for more thant 10years of duration. M P Srinivasan, C Mahalabala, R L Kamath, M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath . Comparision of severity of coronary artery disease in diabetic and no diabetic subjects uding Gensini score in Indian Subjects – Mahadeva Swamy BC, Sydney C Douza and Padmanabh Kamath
  • Factors associated with normal coronary arteries in patients with Type II DM for more than 10yrs of duration - M P Srinivasan C Mahabala, R L Kamath, M N Bhat , N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Correlation of duration of diabetes with severity of coronary artery disease in patients with Type II DM - T D Shah, R S Vekariya, R L Kamath, M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Role of Tolvaptan in congestive heart failure patients : A novel therapeutic approatch – T D shah, S T Varghese, R L Kamath, M N bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Congenital coronary artery to pulmonary artery fistula : An unseen Villain – T D Shah, V G Karnik, M P Srinvasan, R L Kamath, M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K, Kamath
  • Comparison of severity of CAG in diabetic and non diabetic subjected using gensini score in Indian subjects. Mahadeva Swamy BC1*, Sydney C D’Souza1 and Padmanabha Kamath2
  • Severity of coronary artery disease in type 2 DM:does the timing matter – Mukund P, Srinivasan, Padmanabh K Kamath, Narayan M Bhat, Narasimha D Pai, Rajesh U Bhat, Tejas D Shah, Anish Singhal, Chakrapani Mahabala- Indian heart Journal -2016.
  • Syntax score – A predictor of coronary collateral status , Anish Singhal, Sheila Pai, Padmanabh KAmath, Rekha Kini, Mukund PS, Chakrapani Mahabala
  • Ruptured sinus of Valsalva aneursm and Bicuspid aortic valve with Coarctation of aorta in Young male – Tejad D Shah, Ramananth L Kamath, Padmanabh Kamath, Narasimha D Pai, M N Bhat
  • Evaluation of baseline ECG in patients undergoing oral Flecainide Challenge test for suspected Bruguda Syndrome:An analysis of lead II –Maneesh KRai, MD,DM, Mukund A Prabhu, Md, DM, Jayapraksh Shenthar, MD, DM,FACC, Natarajan Kumaraswamy U,MD, DM, Ritesh Vekariya , MD, Padmanabh Kamath, MD, DM, Narasimha Pai, DM, DM, FACC, Ramanath L Kamath , MD, DM, Vivek Pilai, MD, DM – India Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal- 23/04/17 .
  • ‘Optimized ‘ LV only pacing using a dual chamber pacemaker as a cost effective alternative to CRT - Maneesh K. Rai, MD, DM, Mukund A Prabhu, MD, DM, Abishekh Shar ma, MD, Ritesh Vekariya, MD, Padmanabh Kamath , MD, DM, Narasimha Pai, MD, DM, FACC, Ramanath L Kamath, MD, DM – Indian pacing and electrophysiology Journal.
  • Diabetes and metabolic syndrome:Clinical research & reviews – Mukund P Srinivasan, PhD, Padmanabh K Kamath, DM, Narayan M Bhat, DM, Narasimha D Pai, DM, Rajuesh U Bhat, DNB, Poornima A Manjrekar , PhD, Chakrapani Mahabala, MD, Associate Dean Professor – original article Manipal diabetes coronary artery severity score -2016.
  • Basal hyperinsulinemia beyond a threshold predicts major adverse cardiac events at 1year after coronary angiogram in type 2 diabetes mellitus : a retrospective cohort study - Mukund Srinivasan, Padmanabh Kamath, Narayana Bhat, Narasimha Pai, Rajesh Bhat, Tejas Shah, Poornima Manjrekar and chakrapani Mahabal- Diabetol Metab syndrome (2017 )9: 38
  • Vidur Karnik, NPai, M N bhat, Yogesh Patil, R L Kamath, P Kamath , Rajesh Bhat. Short term outcome in a severe CAD with different therapeutic strategies. JMSCR volume 07 Issue 01 January 2019.
  • Narasimha Pai D, Shiji Thomas, Syed Waleem Pasha, K Padmanabha Kamath, R L Kamath, chaitra Nayak, Francis N P Monteiro. Short term outcome in chronic heart failure with the addition of hydralazine isosorbide to standard anti failure therapy – A prospective comparison. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci 2018:7(33):3665-3669.
  • Narasimha Pai, D, Yogesh Kharche, Syed Waleem Pasha, K Padmanabha Kamath , R. L Kamath, Chithra Nayak, Francis N P Monteiro. An echocardiographic assessment of RV function in inferior wall MI undergoing primary PTCA VS PTCA within one month of index event – A follow up study. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci 2018:7(34):3780-3785
  • Rai MK , Pai N, Patel K, Prabhu MA, Marla J, Kamath P, Kamath RL. Fosphenytoin for control of electrical storm in acute MI and purkinje fiber mediated arrhythmias. Pacing clin Electrophysiol 2018 April 14
  • Dr Padmanabha Kamath was among the chosen few to explain about his innovative initiative to install ECG machine through Jan Aushadhi Abhiyan Centres to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Click Here

    Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Kannada
  • Hindi
  • Konkani
  • Tulu
  • Fellowship & Membership

  • “Efficacy and Tolerability of FDC of Atorvastatin + Ezetimibe in Patients with primary hypercholesterolaemia”.
  • Efficacy and Tolerability of FDC of Simvastatin + Ezetimibe in patients with primary hypercholesterolaemia”.
  • “Effacacy and Tolerability of (Stanlip) Fenofibrate in primary hypercholesterolaemia or hypertriglyceridemia”.
  • Was the Co investigator for TRUST TRUAL – Evaluation of IV Prostaglandin (Treprostinil) therapy in PPH – trial completed 2005.
  • To study the clinical and Angiographic profile of Coronary pulmonary arterial fistulas presenting to a Tertiary care Centre in Southern India – Feb 9th – 10th 2013 , international NCD Meet
  • Correlation of antropometric , metabolic and clinical parameters with severity of ischemic heart disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus with a special reference to Insulin resistance (ongoing) Correlation of insulin resistance with severeity of ischemic heart disease in type diabetic mellitus (completed)
  • Field of Expertise

  • Coronary Interventions
  • Awards & Achievements

  • Secured 3rd prize in the NCCP young scientists Award for the paper titled Utility of Pulse wave analysis in Obstructive Diseased held at Kolkata , November 2005 (NAPCON)
  • Won third prize in oral presentation in International conference on update in research ethics and research methodology in Chennai – 4th & 5th of March 2013.
  • c) Fellowship from European Society of Cardiology (FESC) received on 18/01/2014 at Mumbai.
  • d) International non communicable disease research meet 18-19/01/14 , Manipal University Manipal
  • Talks & Publications

  • Brugada Syndrome – Cardiovascular Images , Indian Heart Journal 2003; 55; 193.
  • Exclusive carbon dioxide – guided renal artery stenting in a case of Takayasu’s arteritis with a solitary functioning kidney. Indian Heart Journal 2003;55;272-274,
  • Transcatheter embolization of bilateral multiple pulmonary arteruivenous malfromations in a case of herediatary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. International Journal of Cardiology 2004; 97;135-137.
  • Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2009; 51:45-47.
  • Study of home-monitored night blood pressure and its correlation with left ventricular hypertrophy in treatment-naive hypertensive patients. Singapore Med J 2012; 53(2) : 95
  • Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from Main Pulmonary Artery-a case
  • report Medicolegal update Volume 12 Number 02 July - December
  • 2012
  • Right ventricular endomyocardial fibrosis – A case report – Made, D, Achappa, B, Pai M, Kamath P. Right ventricular endomyocardial fibrosis AMJ 2003,6, 2, 88-0-. http//dx.doi.org/10.4066/AMJ2013.1558.
  • Antihypertensive therapy : nocturnal dippers and non dippers. Do we treat them differently ? , Vascular Helath and Risk management 2013:9 125-133 , Chakrpani Mahabala’ Padmanabh Kamath , unnikrishnan Bhaskaran, Narasimha D Pai, Aparna U Pai
  • Correlation of Severeity of coronary artery disease with insulin Resistance – Mukund P Sriinivasan, Padmanabh K Kamath, Poornima A Manjrekar, B Unnikirshnan, Aishwarya Ullal, Mohammed Faheem Kotekar, Chkrapani Mahabala , North American Journal of Medical Sciences – October 2013 , volume 5, issue 10
  • Factors relating with severity of coronary artery disease in Type DM on treatment for more than 5yrs. Mukund P Srinivasan, Padmanabh K Kamath , Narasimha D Pai, Poornima A Manjrekar, Chakrapani Mahabala, British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research – In press Correlation of duration of diabetes with severity of coronary artery disease inpatients with Type II diabetes mellitus . T.D Shah, R S Venkariya, R L Kamath M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Factors associated with normal coronary arteries in patients wit type II diabetes mellitus for more thant 10years of duration. M P Srinivasan, C Mahalabala, R L Kamath, M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath . Comparision of severity of coronary artery disease in diabetic and no diabetic subjects uding Gensini score in Indian Subjects – Mahadeva Swamy BC, Sydney C Douza and Padmanabh Kamath
  • Factors associated with normal coronary arteries in patients with Type II DM for more than 10yrs of duration - M P Srinivasan C Mahabala, R L Kamath, M N Bhat , N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Correlation of duration of diabetes with severity of coronary artery disease in patients with Type II DM - T D Shah, R S Vekariya, R L Kamath, M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Role of Tolvaptan in congestive heart failure patients : A novel therapeutic approatch – T D shah, S T Varghese, R L Kamath, M N bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Congenital coronary artery to pulmonary artery fistula : An unseen Villain – T D Shah, V G Karnik, M P Srinvasan, R L Kamath, M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K, Kamath
  • Comparison of severity of CAG in diabetic and non diabetic subjected using gensini score in Indian subjects. Mahadeva Swamy BC1*, Sydney C D’Souza1 and Padmanabha Kamath2
  • Severity of coronary artery disease in type 2 DM:does the timing matter – Mukund P, Srinivasan, Padmanabh K Kamath, Narayan M Bhat, Narasimha D Pai, Rajesh U Bhat, Tejas D Shah, Anish Singhal, Chakrapani Mahabala- Indian heart Journal -2016.
  • Syntax score – A predictor of coronary collateral status , Anish Singhal, Sheila Pai, Padmanabh KAmath, Rekha Kini, Mukund PS, Chakrapani Mahabala
  • Ruptured sinus of Valsalva aneursm and Bicuspid aortic valve with Coarctation of aorta in Young male – Tejad D Shah, Ramananth L Kamath, Padmanabh Kamath, Narasimha D Pai, M N Bhat
  • Evaluation of baseline ECG in patients undergoing oral Flecainide Challenge test for suspected Bruguda Syndrome:An analysis of lead II –Maneesh KRai, MD,DM, Mukund A Prabhu, Md, DM, Jayapraksh Shenthar, MD, DM,FACC, Natarajan Kumaraswamy U,MD, DM, Ritesh Vekariya , MD, Padmanabh Kamath, MD, DM, Narasimha Pai, DM, DM, FACC, Ramanath L Kamath , MD, DM, Vivek Pilai, MD, DM – India Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal- 23/04/17 .
  • ‘Optimized ‘ LV only pacing using a dual chamber pacemaker as a cost effective alternative to CRT - Maneesh K. Rai, MD, DM, Mukund A Prabhu, MD, DM, Abishekh Shar ma, MD, Ritesh Vekariya, MD, Padmanabh Kamath , MD, DM, Narasimha Pai, MD, DM, FACC, Ramanath L Kamath, MD, DM – Indian pacing and electrophysiology Journal.
  • Diabetes and metabolic syndrome:Clinical research & reviews – Mukund P Srinivasan, PhD, Padmanabh K Kamath, DM, Narayan M Bhat, DM, Narasimha D Pai, DM, Rajuesh U Bhat, DNB, Poornima A Manjrekar , PhD, Chakrapani Mahabala, MD, Associate Dean Professor – original article Manipal diabetes coronary artery severity score -2016.
  • Basal hyperinsulinemia beyond a threshold predicts major adverse cardiac events at 1year after coronary angiogram in type 2 diabetes mellitus : a retrospective cohort study - Mukund Srinivasan, Padmanabh Kamath, Narayana Bhat, Narasimha Pai, Rajesh Bhat, Tejas Shah, Poornima Manjrekar and chakrapani Mahabal- Diabetol Metab syndrome (2017 )9: 38
  • Vidur Karnik, NPai, M N bhat, Yogesh Patil, R L Kamath, P Kamath , Rajesh Bhat. Short term outcome in a severe CAD with different therapeutic strategies. JMSCR volume 07 Issue 01 January 2019.
  • Narasimha Pai D, Shiji Thomas, Syed Waleem Pasha, K Padmanabha Kamath, R L Kamath, chaitra Nayak, Francis N P Monteiro. Short term outcome in chronic heart failure with the addition of hydralazine isosorbide to standard anti failure therapy – A prospective comparison. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci 2018:7(33):3665-3669.
  • Narasimha Pai, D, Yogesh Kharche, Syed Waleem Pasha, K Padmanabha Kamath , R. L Kamath, Chithra Nayak, Francis N P Monteiro. An echocardiographic assessment of RV function in inferior wall MI undergoing primary PTCA VS PTCA within one month of index event – A follow up study. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci 2018:7(34):3780-3785
  • Rai MK , Pai N, Patel K, Prabhu MA, Marla J, Kamath P, Kamath RL. Fosphenytoin for control of electrical storm in acute MI and purkinje fiber mediated arrhythmias. Pacing clin Electrophysiol 2018 April 14
  • Dr Padmanabha Kamath was among the chosen few to explain about his innovative initiative to install ECG machine through Jan Aushadhi Abhiyan Centres to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Click Here

    Field of Expertise

  • Coronary Interventions
  • Fellowship & Membership

  • “Efficacy and Tolerability of FDC of Atorvastatin + Ezetimibe in Patients with primary hypercholesterolaemia”.
  • Efficacy and Tolerability of FDC of Simvastatin + Ezetimibe in patients with primary hypercholesterolaemia”.
  • “Effacacy and Tolerability of (Stanlip) Fenofibrate in primary hypercholesterolaemia or hypertriglyceridemia”.
  • Was the Co investigator for TRUST TRUAL – Evaluation of IV Prostaglandin (Treprostinil) therapy in PPH – trial completed 2005.
  • To study the clinical and Angiographic profile of Coronary pulmonary arterial fistulas presenting to a Tertiary care Centre in Southern India – Feb 9th – 10th 2013 , international NCD Meet
  • Correlation of antropometric , metabolic and clinical parameters with severity of ischemic heart disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus with a special reference to Insulin resistance (ongoing) Correlation of insulin resistance with severeity of ischemic heart disease in type diabetic mellitus (completed)
  • Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Kannada
  • Hindi
  • Konkani
  • Tulu
  • Awards & Achievements

  • Secured 3rd prize in the NCCP young scientists Award for the paper titled Utility of Pulse wave analysis in Obstructive Diseased held at Kolkata , November 2005 (NAPCON)
  • Won third prize in oral presentation in International conference on update in research ethics and research methodology in Chennai – 4th & 5th of March 2013.
  • c) Fellowship from European Society of Cardiology (FESC) received on 18/01/2014 at Mumbai.
  • d) International non communicable disease research meet 18-19/01/14 , Manipal University Manipal
  • Talks & Publications

  • Brugada Syndrome – Cardiovascular Images , Indian Heart Journal 2003; 55; 193.
  • Exclusive carbon dioxide – guided renal artery stenting in a case of Takayasu’s arteritis with a solitary functioning kidney. Indian Heart Journal 2003;55;272-274,
  • Transcatheter embolization of bilateral multiple pulmonary arteruivenous malfromations in a case of herediatary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. International Journal of Cardiology 2004; 97;135-137.
  • Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2009; 51:45-47.
  • Study of home-monitored night blood pressure and its correlation with left ventricular hypertrophy in treatment-naive hypertensive patients. Singapore Med J 2012; 53(2) : 95
  • Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from Main Pulmonary Artery-a case
  • report Medicolegal update Volume 12 Number 02 July - December
  • 2012
  • Right ventricular endomyocardial fibrosis – A case report – Made, D, Achappa, B, Pai M, Kamath P. Right ventricular endomyocardial fibrosis AMJ 2003,6, 2, 88-0-. http//dx.doi.org/10.4066/AMJ2013.1558.
  • Antihypertensive therapy : nocturnal dippers and non dippers. Do we treat them differently ? , Vascular Helath and Risk management 2013:9 125-133 , Chakrpani Mahabala’ Padmanabh Kamath , unnikrishnan Bhaskaran, Narasimha D Pai, Aparna U Pai
  • Correlation of Severeity of coronary artery disease with insulin Resistance – Mukund P Sriinivasan, Padmanabh K Kamath, Poornima A Manjrekar, B Unnikirshnan, Aishwarya Ullal, Mohammed Faheem Kotekar, Chkrapani Mahabala , North American Journal of Medical Sciences – October 2013 , volume 5, issue 10
  • Factors relating with severity of coronary artery disease in Type DM on treatment for more than 5yrs. Mukund P Srinivasan, Padmanabh K Kamath , Narasimha D Pai, Poornima A Manjrekar, Chakrapani Mahabala, British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research – In press Correlation of duration of diabetes with severity of coronary artery disease inpatients with Type II diabetes mellitus . T.D Shah, R S Venkariya, R L Kamath M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Factors associated with normal coronary arteries in patients wit type II diabetes mellitus for more thant 10years of duration. M P Srinivasan, C Mahalabala, R L Kamath, M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath . Comparision of severity of coronary artery disease in diabetic and no diabetic subjects uding Gensini score in Indian Subjects – Mahadeva Swamy BC, Sydney C Douza and Padmanabh Kamath
  • Factors associated with normal coronary arteries in patients with Type II DM for more than 10yrs of duration - M P Srinivasan C Mahabala, R L Kamath, M N Bhat , N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Correlation of duration of diabetes with severity of coronary artery disease in patients with Type II DM - T D Shah, R S Vekariya, R L Kamath, M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Role of Tolvaptan in congestive heart failure patients : A novel therapeutic approatch – T D shah, S T Varghese, R L Kamath, M N bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Congenital coronary artery to pulmonary artery fistula : An unseen Villain – T D Shah, V G Karnik, M P Srinvasan, R L Kamath, M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K, Kamath
  • Comparison of severity of CAG in diabetic and non diabetic subjected using gensini score in Indian subjects. Mahadeva Swamy BC1*, Sydney C D’Souza1 and Padmanabha Kamath2
  • Severity of coronary artery disease in type 2 DM:does the timing matter – Mukund P, Srinivasan, Padmanabh K Kamath, Narayan M Bhat, Narasimha D Pai, Rajesh U Bhat, Tejas D Shah, Anish Singhal, Chakrapani Mahabala- Indian heart Journal -2016.
  • Syntax score – A predictor of coronary collateral status , Anish Singhal, Sheila Pai, Padmanabh KAmath, Rekha Kini, Mukund PS, Chakrapani Mahabala
  • Ruptured sinus of Valsalva aneursm and Bicuspid aortic valve with Coarctation of aorta in Young male – Tejad D Shah, Ramananth L Kamath, Padmanabh Kamath, Narasimha D Pai, M N Bhat
  • Evaluation of baseline ECG in patients undergoing oral Flecainide Challenge test for suspected Bruguda Syndrome:An analysis of lead II –Maneesh KRai, MD,DM, Mukund A Prabhu, Md, DM, Jayapraksh Shenthar, MD, DM,FACC, Natarajan Kumaraswamy U,MD, DM, Ritesh Vekariya , MD, Padmanabh Kamath, MD, DM, Narasimha Pai, DM, DM, FACC, Ramanath L Kamath , MD, DM, Vivek Pilai, MD, DM – India Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal- 23/04/17 .
  • ‘Optimized ‘ LV only pacing using a dual chamber pacemaker as a cost effective alternative to CRT - Maneesh K. Rai, MD, DM, Mukund A Prabhu, MD, DM, Abishekh Shar ma, MD, Ritesh Vekariya, MD, Padmanabh Kamath , MD, DM, Narasimha Pai, MD, DM, FACC, Ramanath L Kamath, MD, DM – Indian pacing and electrophysiology Journal.
  • Diabetes and metabolic syndrome:Clinical research & reviews – Mukund P Srinivasan, PhD, Padmanabh K Kamath, DM, Narayan M Bhat, DM, Narasimha D Pai, DM, Rajuesh U Bhat, DNB, Poornima A Manjrekar , PhD, Chakrapani Mahabala, MD, Associate Dean Professor – original article Manipal diabetes coronary artery severity score -2016.
  • Basal hyperinsulinemia beyond a threshold predicts major adverse cardiac events at 1year after coronary angiogram in type 2 diabetes mellitus : a retrospective cohort study - Mukund Srinivasan, Padmanabh Kamath, Narayana Bhat, Narasimha Pai, Rajesh Bhat, Tejas Shah, Poornima Manjrekar and chakrapani Mahabal- Diabetol Metab syndrome (2017 )9: 38
  • Vidur Karnik, NPai, M N bhat, Yogesh Patil, R L Kamath, P Kamath , Rajesh Bhat. Short term outcome in a severe CAD with different therapeutic strategies. JMSCR volume 07 Issue 01 January 2019.
  • Narasimha Pai D, Shiji Thomas, Syed Waleem Pasha, K Padmanabha Kamath, R L Kamath, chaitra Nayak, Francis N P Monteiro. Short term outcome in chronic heart failure with the addition of hydralazine isosorbide to standard anti failure therapy – A prospective comparison. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci 2018:7(33):3665-3669.
  • Narasimha Pai, D, Yogesh Kharche, Syed Waleem Pasha, K Padmanabha Kamath , R. L Kamath, Chithra Nayak, Francis N P Monteiro. An echocardiographic assessment of RV function in inferior wall MI undergoing primary PTCA VS PTCA within one month of index event – A follow up study. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci 2018:7(34):3780-3785
  • Rai MK , Pai N, Patel K, Prabhu MA, Marla J, Kamath P, Kamath RL. Fosphenytoin for control of electrical storm in acute MI and purkinje fiber mediated arrhythmias. Pacing clin Electrophysiol 2018 April 14
  • Dr Padmanabha Kamath was among the chosen few to explain about his innovative initiative to install ECG machine through Jan Aushadhi Abhiyan Centres to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Click Here

    Awards & Achievements

  • Secured 3rd prize in the NCCP young scientists Award for the paper titled Utility of Pulse wave analysis in Obstructive Diseased held at Kolkata , November 2005 (NAPCON)
  • Won third prize in oral presentation in International conference on update in research ethics and research methodology in Chennai – 4th & 5th of March 2013.
  • c) Fellowship from European Society of Cardiology (FESC) received on 18/01/2014 at Mumbai.
  • d) International non communicable disease research meet 18-19/01/14 , Manipal University Manipal
  • Fellowship & Membership

  • “Efficacy and Tolerability of FDC of Atorvastatin + Ezetimibe in Patients with primary hypercholesterolaemia”.
  • Efficacy and Tolerability of FDC of Simvastatin + Ezetimibe in patients with primary hypercholesterolaemia”.
  • “Effacacy and Tolerability of (Stanlip) Fenofibrate in primary hypercholesterolaemia or hypertriglyceridemia”.
  • Was the Co investigator for TRUST TRUAL – Evaluation of IV Prostaglandin (Treprostinil) therapy in PPH – trial completed 2005.
  • To study the clinical and Angiographic profile of Coronary pulmonary arterial fistulas presenting to a Tertiary care Centre in Southern India – Feb 9th – 10th 2013 , international NCD Meet
  • Correlation of antropometric , metabolic and clinical parameters with severity of ischemic heart disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus with a special reference to Insulin resistance (ongoing) Correlation of insulin resistance with severeity of ischemic heart disease in type diabetic mellitus (completed)
  • Field of Expertise

  • Coronary Interventions
  • Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Kannada
  • Hindi
  • Konkani
  • Tulu
  • Talks & Publications

  • Brugada Syndrome – Cardiovascular Images , Indian Heart Journal 2003; 55; 193.
  • Exclusive carbon dioxide – guided renal artery stenting in a case of Takayasu’s arteritis with a solitary functioning kidney. Indian Heart Journal 2003;55;272-274,
  • Transcatheter embolization of bilateral multiple pulmonary arteruivenous malfromations in a case of herediatary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. International Journal of Cardiology 2004; 97;135-137.
  • Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2009; 51:45-47.
  • Study of home-monitored night blood pressure and its correlation with left ventricular hypertrophy in treatment-naive hypertensive patients. Singapore Med J 2012; 53(2) : 95
  • Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from Main Pulmonary Artery-a case
  • report Medicolegal update Volume 12 Number 02 July - December
  • 2012
  • Right ventricular endomyocardial fibrosis – A case report – Made, D, Achappa, B, Pai M, Kamath P. Right ventricular endomyocardial fibrosis AMJ 2003,6, 2, 88-0-. http//dx.doi.org/10.4066/AMJ2013.1558.
  • Antihypertensive therapy : nocturnal dippers and non dippers. Do we treat them differently ? , Vascular Helath and Risk management 2013:9 125-133 , Chakrpani Mahabala’ Padmanabh Kamath , unnikrishnan Bhaskaran, Narasimha D Pai, Aparna U Pai
  • Correlation of Severeity of coronary artery disease with insulin Resistance – Mukund P Sriinivasan, Padmanabh K Kamath, Poornima A Manjrekar, B Unnikirshnan, Aishwarya Ullal, Mohammed Faheem Kotekar, Chkrapani Mahabala , North American Journal of Medical Sciences – October 2013 , volume 5, issue 10
  • Factors relating with severity of coronary artery disease in Type DM on treatment for more than 5yrs. Mukund P Srinivasan, Padmanabh K Kamath , Narasimha D Pai, Poornima A Manjrekar, Chakrapani Mahabala, British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research – In press Correlation of duration of diabetes with severity of coronary artery disease inpatients with Type II diabetes mellitus . T.D Shah, R S Venkariya, R L Kamath M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Factors associated with normal coronary arteries in patients wit type II diabetes mellitus for more thant 10years of duration. M P Srinivasan, C Mahalabala, R L Kamath, M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath . Comparision of severity of coronary artery disease in diabetic and no diabetic subjects uding Gensini score in Indian Subjects – Mahadeva Swamy BC, Sydney C Douza and Padmanabh Kamath
  • Factors associated with normal coronary arteries in patients with Type II DM for more than 10yrs of duration - M P Srinivasan C Mahabala, R L Kamath, M N Bhat , N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Correlation of duration of diabetes with severity of coronary artery disease in patients with Type II DM - T D Shah, R S Vekariya, R L Kamath, M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Role of Tolvaptan in congestive heart failure patients : A novel therapeutic approatch – T D shah, S T Varghese, R L Kamath, M N bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Congenital coronary artery to pulmonary artery fistula : An unseen Villain – T D Shah, V G Karnik, M P Srinvasan, R L Kamath, M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K, Kamath
  • Comparison of severity of CAG in diabetic and non diabetic subjected using gensini score in Indian subjects. Mahadeva Swamy BC1*, Sydney C D’Souza1 and Padmanabha Kamath2
  • Severity of coronary artery disease in type 2 DM:does the timing matter – Mukund P, Srinivasan, Padmanabh K Kamath, Narayan M Bhat, Narasimha D Pai, Rajesh U Bhat, Tejas D Shah, Anish Singhal, Chakrapani Mahabala- Indian heart Journal -2016.
  • Syntax score – A predictor of coronary collateral status , Anish Singhal, Sheila Pai, Padmanabh KAmath, Rekha Kini, Mukund PS, Chakrapani Mahabala
  • Ruptured sinus of Valsalva aneursm and Bicuspid aortic valve with Coarctation of aorta in Young male – Tejad D Shah, Ramananth L Kamath, Padmanabh Kamath, Narasimha D Pai, M N Bhat
  • Evaluation of baseline ECG in patients undergoing oral Flecainide Challenge test for suspected Bruguda Syndrome:An analysis of lead II –Maneesh KRai, MD,DM, Mukund A Prabhu, Md, DM, Jayapraksh Shenthar, MD, DM,FACC, Natarajan Kumaraswamy U,MD, DM, Ritesh Vekariya , MD, Padmanabh Kamath, MD, DM, Narasimha Pai, DM, DM, FACC, Ramanath L Kamath , MD, DM, Vivek Pilai, MD, DM – India Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal- 23/04/17 .
  • ‘Optimized ‘ LV only pacing using a dual chamber pacemaker as a cost effective alternative to CRT - Maneesh K. Rai, MD, DM, Mukund A Prabhu, MD, DM, Abishekh Shar ma, MD, Ritesh Vekariya, MD, Padmanabh Kamath , MD, DM, Narasimha Pai, MD, DM, FACC, Ramanath L Kamath, MD, DM – Indian pacing and electrophysiology Journal.
  • Diabetes and metabolic syndrome:Clinical research & reviews – Mukund P Srinivasan, PhD, Padmanabh K Kamath, DM, Narayan M Bhat, DM, Narasimha D Pai, DM, Rajuesh U Bhat, DNB, Poornima A Manjrekar , PhD, Chakrapani Mahabala, MD, Associate Dean Professor – original article Manipal diabetes coronary artery severity score -2016.
  • Basal hyperinsulinemia beyond a threshold predicts major adverse cardiac events at 1year after coronary angiogram in type 2 diabetes mellitus : a retrospective cohort study - Mukund Srinivasan, Padmanabh Kamath, Narayana Bhat, Narasimha Pai, Rajesh Bhat, Tejas Shah, Poornima Manjrekar and chakrapani Mahabal- Diabetol Metab syndrome (2017 )9: 38
  • Vidur Karnik, NPai, M N bhat, Yogesh Patil, R L Kamath, P Kamath , Rajesh Bhat. Short term outcome in a severe CAD with different therapeutic strategies. JMSCR volume 07 Issue 01 January 2019.
  • Narasimha Pai D, Shiji Thomas, Syed Waleem Pasha, K Padmanabha Kamath, R L Kamath, chaitra Nayak, Francis N P Monteiro. Short term outcome in chronic heart failure with the addition of hydralazine isosorbide to standard anti failure therapy – A prospective comparison. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci 2018:7(33):3665-3669.
  • Narasimha Pai, D, Yogesh Kharche, Syed Waleem Pasha, K Padmanabha Kamath , R. L Kamath, Chithra Nayak, Francis N P Monteiro. An echocardiographic assessment of RV function in inferior wall MI undergoing primary PTCA VS PTCA within one month of index event – A follow up study. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci 2018:7(34):3780-3785
  • Rai MK , Pai N, Patel K, Prabhu MA, Marla J, Kamath P, Kamath RL. Fosphenytoin for control of electrical storm in acute MI and purkinje fiber mediated arrhythmias. Pacing clin Electrophysiol 2018 April 14
  • Dr Padmanabha Kamath was among the chosen few to explain about his innovative initiative to install ECG machine through Jan Aushadhi Abhiyan Centres to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Click Here

    Talks & Publications

  • Brugada Syndrome – Cardiovascular Images , Indian Heart Journal 2003; 55; 193.
  • Exclusive carbon dioxide – guided renal artery stenting in a case of Takayasu’s arteritis with a solitary functioning kidney. Indian Heart Journal 2003;55;272-274,
  • Transcatheter embolization of bilateral multiple pulmonary arteruivenous malfromations in a case of herediatary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. International Journal of Cardiology 2004; 97;135-137.
  • Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2009; 51:45-47.
  • Study of home-monitored night blood pressure and its correlation with left ventricular hypertrophy in treatment-naive hypertensive patients. Singapore Med J 2012; 53(2) : 95
  • Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from Main Pulmonary Artery-a case
  • report Medicolegal update Volume 12 Number 02 July - December
  • 2012
  • Right ventricular endomyocardial fibrosis – A case report – Made, D, Achappa, B, Pai M, Kamath P. Right ventricular endomyocardial fibrosis AMJ 2003,6, 2, 88-0-. http//dx.doi.org/10.4066/AMJ2013.1558.
  • Antihypertensive therapy : nocturnal dippers and non dippers. Do we treat them differently ? , Vascular Helath and Risk management 2013:9 125-133 , Chakrpani Mahabala’ Padmanabh Kamath , unnikrishnan Bhaskaran, Narasimha D Pai, Aparna U Pai
  • Correlation of Severeity of coronary artery disease with insulin Resistance – Mukund P Sriinivasan, Padmanabh K Kamath, Poornima A Manjrekar, B Unnikirshnan, Aishwarya Ullal, Mohammed Faheem Kotekar, Chkrapani Mahabala , North American Journal of Medical Sciences – October 2013 , volume 5, issue 10
  • Factors relating with severity of coronary artery disease in Type DM on treatment for more than 5yrs. Mukund P Srinivasan, Padmanabh K Kamath , Narasimha D Pai, Poornima A Manjrekar, Chakrapani Mahabala, British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research – In press Correlation of duration of diabetes with severity of coronary artery disease inpatients with Type II diabetes mellitus . T.D Shah, R S Venkariya, R L Kamath M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Factors associated with normal coronary arteries in patients wit type II diabetes mellitus for more thant 10years of duration. M P Srinivasan, C Mahalabala, R L Kamath, M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath . Comparision of severity of coronary artery disease in diabetic and no diabetic subjects uding Gensini score in Indian Subjects – Mahadeva Swamy BC, Sydney C Douza and Padmanabh Kamath
  • Factors associated with normal coronary arteries in patients with Type II DM for more than 10yrs of duration - M P Srinivasan C Mahabala, R L Kamath, M N Bhat , N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Correlation of duration of diabetes with severity of coronary artery disease in patients with Type II DM - T D Shah, R S Vekariya, R L Kamath, M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Role of Tolvaptan in congestive heart failure patients : A novel therapeutic approatch – T D shah, S T Varghese, R L Kamath, M N bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K Kamath
  • Congenital coronary artery to pulmonary artery fistula : An unseen Villain – T D Shah, V G Karnik, M P Srinvasan, R L Kamath, M N Bhat, N D Pai, R U Bhat, P K, Kamath
  • Comparison of severity of CAG in diabetic and non diabetic subjected using gensini score in Indian subjects. Mahadeva Swamy BC1*, Sydney C D’Souza1 and Padmanabha Kamath2
  • Severity of coronary artery disease in type 2 DM:does the timing matter – Mukund P, Srinivasan, Padmanabh K Kamath, Narayan M Bhat, Narasimha D Pai, Rajesh U Bhat, Tejas D Shah, Anish Singhal, Chakrapani Mahabala- Indian heart Journal -2016.
  • Syntax score – A predictor of coronary collateral status , Anish Singhal, Sheila Pai, Padmanabh KAmath, Rekha Kini, Mukund PS, Chakrapani Mahabala
  • Ruptured sinus of Valsalva aneursm and Bicuspid aortic valve with Coarctation of aorta in Young male – Tejad D Shah, Ramananth L Kamath, Padmanabh Kamath, Narasimha D Pai, M N Bhat
  • Evaluation of baseline ECG in patients undergoing oral Flecainide Challenge test for suspected Bruguda Syndrome:An analysis of lead II –Maneesh KRai, MD,DM, Mukund A Prabhu, Md, DM, Jayapraksh Shenthar, MD, DM,FACC, Natarajan Kumaraswamy U,MD, DM, Ritesh Vekariya , MD, Padmanabh Kamath, MD, DM, Narasimha Pai, DM, DM, FACC, Ramanath L Kamath , MD, DM, Vivek Pilai, MD, DM – India Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal- 23/04/17 .
  • ‘Optimized ‘ LV only pacing using a dual chamber pacemaker as a cost effective alternative to CRT - Maneesh K. Rai, MD, DM, Mukund A Prabhu, MD, DM, Abishekh Shar ma, MD, Ritesh Vekariya, MD, Padmanabh Kamath , MD, DM, Narasimha Pai, MD, DM, FACC, Ramanath L Kamath, MD, DM – Indian pacing and electrophysiology Journal.
  • Diabetes and metabolic syndrome:Clinical research & reviews – Mukund P Srinivasan, PhD, Padmanabh K Kamath, DM, Narayan M Bhat, DM, Narasimha D Pai, DM, Rajuesh U Bhat, DNB, Poornima A Manjrekar , PhD, Chakrapani Mahabala, MD, Associate Dean Professor – original article Manipal diabetes coronary artery severity score -2016.
  • Basal hyperinsulinemia beyond a threshold predicts major adverse cardiac events at 1year after coronary angiogram in type 2 diabetes mellitus : a retrospective cohort study - Mukund Srinivasan, Padmanabh Kamath, Narayana Bhat, Narasimha Pai, Rajesh Bhat, Tejas Shah, Poornima Manjrekar and chakrapani Mahabal- Diabetol Metab syndrome (2017 )9: 38
  • Vidur Karnik, NPai, M N bhat, Yogesh Patil, R L Kamath, P Kamath , Rajesh Bhat. Short term outcome in a severe CAD with different therapeutic strategies. JMSCR volume 07 Issue 01 January 2019.
  • Narasimha Pai D, Shiji Thomas, Syed Waleem Pasha, K Padmanabha Kamath, R L Kamath, chaitra Nayak, Francis N P Monteiro. Short term outcome in chronic heart failure with the addition of hydralazine isosorbide to standard anti failure therapy – A prospective comparison. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci 2018:7(33):3665-3669.
  • Narasimha Pai, D, Yogesh Kharche, Syed Waleem Pasha, K Padmanabha Kamath , R. L Kamath, Chithra Nayak, Francis N P Monteiro. An echocardiographic assessment of RV function in inferior wall MI undergoing primary PTCA VS PTCA within one month of index event – A follow up study. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci 2018:7(34):3780-3785
  • Rai MK , Pai N, Patel K, Prabhu MA, Marla J, Kamath P, Kamath RL. Fosphenytoin for control of electrical storm in acute MI and purkinje fiber mediated arrhythmias. Pacing clin Electrophysiol 2018 April 14
  • Dr Padmanabha Kamath was among the chosen few to explain about his innovative initiative to install ECG machine through Jan Aushadhi Abhiyan Centres to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Click Here
  • Fellowship & Membership

  • “Efficacy and Tolerability of FDC of Atorvastatin + Ezetimibe in Patients with primary hypercholesterolaemia”.
  • Efficacy and Tolerability of FDC of Simvastatin + Ezetimibe in patients with primary hypercholesterolaemia”.
  • “Effacacy and Tolerability of (Stanlip) Fenofibrate in primary hypercholesterolaemia or hypertriglyceridemia”.
  • Was the Co investigator for TRUST TRUAL – Evaluation of IV Prostaglandin (Treprostinil) therapy in PPH – trial completed 2005.
  • To study the clinical and Angiographic profile of Coronary pulmonary arterial fistulas presenting to a Tertiary care Centre in Southern India – Feb 9th – 10th 2013 , international NCD Meet
  • Correlation of antropometric , metabolic and clinical parameters with severity of ischemic heart disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus with a special reference to Insulin resistance (ongoing) Correlation of insulin resistance with severeity of ischemic heart disease in type diabetic mellitus (completed)
  • Field of Expertise

  • Coronary Interventions
  • Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Kannada
  • Hindi
  • Konkani
  • Tulu
  • Awards & Achievements

  • Secured 3rd prize in the NCCP young scientists Award for the paper titled Utility of Pulse wave analysis in Obstructive Diseased held at Kolkata , November 2005 (NAPCON)
  • Won third prize in oral presentation in International conference on update in research ethics and research methodology in Chennai – 4th & 5th of March 2013.
  • c) Fellowship from European Society of Cardiology (FESC) received on 18/01/2014 at Mumbai.
  • d) International non communicable disease research meet 18-19/01/14 , Manipal University Manipal

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26 Google reviews


Patients often seek Dr. Padmanabh Kamath’s expertise as the Consultant - Cardiology at Manipal Hospitals Mangaluru. Dr. Padmanabh Kamath is a consultant cardiologist in Mangalore Works at KMC Manipal Hospitals with expertise in cardiology & heart failure treatment. Book Appointment Online.