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On the sidelines of the World Liver Day observed on April 19, Dr Anurag Shetty, medical gastroenterologist, at KMC Hospital, said that in recent years, one out of every three patients in gastroenterology OPD have fatty liver. "On average, we see about 150 new cases per month. NAFLD is strongly associated with obesity, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia. As the rates of obesity, and diabetes have been on the rise in recent years, the prevalence of NAFLD has also seen a significant increase," he said. Fatty liver is a condition wherein fat accumulates within the liver cells. It is usually identified with blood tests and ultrasound scans. Fatty liver may be of two types alcoholic and non-alcoholic.
Date : April 20, 2023
Publication name : The Times of India
Link: https://timesofindia.indiatime...
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
Date : April 20, 2023
Publication name : The Times of India
Link: https://timesofindia.indiatime...
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
Mangaluru, April 13: KMC Hospital along with Fiza Nexus Mall will be organizing the Kids Summer Carnival on Sunday, April 30 for children from the age group of 6-9 years and 10-15 years.
The carnival will showcase a drawing competition and Lil Masterchef at the event starting from 10:45 AM – 12:45 PM and 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM respectively. The theme for the drawing competition is - healthy habits and for the Lil Masterchef – Fireless cooking. Exciting prizes are to be won and all contestants will receive gift coupons.
Date : April 13, 2023
Publication name :
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
Date : April 13, 2023
Publication name :
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
Joint problems associated with obesity
1. Osteoarthritis
Obesity has been linked to an increased risk of osteoarthritis. Dr Yogeesh Kamat, hip and knee joint replacement and sports injury specialist, at KMC Hospital, Mangaluru, says, “In people with obesity, the wear and tear on the cartilage can be much more significant, leading to the development of arthritis at a much younger age compared to those who are not overweight.” Losing weight can help reduce the pressure on joints and decrease the risk of developing osteoarthritis, he adds.
Date : April 6, 2023
Publication name : Happiest Health
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
Date : April 6, 2023
Publication name : Happiest Health
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
Chronic pain is nagging, annoying, and disabling. Pain is now considered the body’s ‘5th Vital sign’. Pain lasting beyond the typical healing time is termed chronic pain beyond three months. Its occurrence is common.
Chronic Pain ranges from 11-40% in adults, about 1 in 3 senior citizens, and is the most normal symptom driving patients to doctor’s offices. The predominant chronic pains seen include low back, neck, and arthritic pains, but also does involve facial pains, migraine, neuralgias, and cancer-related pains. Dr. Gaurav Gomez who specializes in Interventional Pain Medicine & Neuro Rehabilitation, at KMC Hospital in Mangalore has suggested these 3 ways of relieving yourself from chronic pain.
Date : April 6, 2023
Publication name : Asianet Newsable
Link: https://newsable.asianetnews.c...
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
Date : April 6, 2023
Publication name : Asianet Newsable
Link: https://newsable.asianetnews.c...
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
KMC Hospital, organized a day-long programme, titled ‘Nephrology Continuing Medical Education (CME) – 2023’, on Saturday, March 11. The programme consisted of various sessions on awareness of public kidney health. The event witnessed a plethora of topics on nephrology being discussed and featured a host of speakers providing insights on Chronic kidney disease, dialysis in acute kidney injury, organ donation, and deceased donor transplant, among others. The eminent speakers dwelt on key concepts and advances in different topics of kidney disease. They explained the various treatment options available for those suffering from kidney diseases.
Date : March 11, 2023
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Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
Date : March 11, 2023
Publication name :
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
Saghir Siddiqui, Regional Chief Operating Officer, KMC Hospital, Mangaluru, said “We are proud to celebrate 20 years of Nephrology services at KMC Hospital in Mangaluru. Our hospital boasts the largest Dialysis Centre with 35 dialysis stations, backed by senior Nephrologists and experienced technical staff. We were the first to introduce modern high-end dialysis with Nephrologist supervision in Mangaluru, and have performed many ground-breaking procedures, including Live Donor Kidney transplants, Swap Transplants, and Paediatric Transplants”.
Date : March 9, 2023
Publication name : Mangalorean.Com
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
Date : March 9, 2023
Publication name : Mangalorean.Com
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
Have you ever heard about how one person can have multiple personalities? This mental health condition is known as dissociative identity disorder, in which a person identifies having two or more personality states within them. These personalities, also referred to as 'alters' or 'ego' states, have distinct behaviours, memories, and thoughts. It is mostly seen in the form of possession by demons in our country. It is a form of dissociative disorder, which means the separation of some aspects of mental functioning from conscious awareness, leading to mental dysfunction. We spoke to our expert, Dr. Krithishree Somanna, Consultant Psychiatry, KMC Hospital, Mangalore, who explained the causes, diagnosis, and treatment for dissociative identity disorder.
Date : March 6, 2023
Publication name : Onlymyhealth
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
Date : March 6, 2023
Publication name : Onlymyhealth
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
There are many surgical procedures that can be done on the soft palate like palatal implants and electrocautery which cause stiffening of the soft palate, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, LASER and collator-assisted uvuloplasty, barbed wire pharyngoplasty and palatal advancement surgery.
The tongue procedures aim at reducing the bulk of the tongue either by removal of the tongue tissue or removal of the lymphoid tissue on the tongue using LASER.
When OSA treatments are being considered, a stepwise approach should be used. Surgical correction of structures in the nose, pharynx, tonsils, and tongue will definitely benefit the patient. Tracheostomy (opening on the windpipe) should be a last-line option in severe disease or in treatment-refractory patients. Postoperative sleep studies should be performed to assess the progress.
Date : March 6, 2023
Publication name : News 9
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
Date : March 6, 2023
Publication name : News 9
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
Dr Anurag Shetty, gastroenterologist, KMC Hospital, Mangaluru, says that fermented food is rich in probiotics and consuming it increases the good bacteria in the intestine which helps in regulating the symptoms of IBS. However, fermentation comes at a cost. “Along with good bacteria, bad bacteria can also grow when fermentation is done in an unhygienic way,” he says.
“We ask people to take probiotics such as curd and buttermilk which does not have any side effects unless consumed when sour, leading to gastritis. But with traditional fermented rice, there is a risk of people getting an infection and food poisoning which can make their condition worse if hygiene standards are not met,” says Dr Shetty
Date : February 21, 2023
Publication name : Happiest Health
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
Date : February 21, 2023
Publication name : Happiest Health
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
Every year three to four lakh children are detected with cancer in the world. In India, the reported case is over 50000 per year. There is a big gap in the survival of these children between developed and developing countries. Most of these cancers can be cured if we detect them early, and provide the right treatment and right supportive therapy. In many parts of our country, these children are not able to receive tertiary care oncology services.
Date : February 15, 2023
Publication name : India Times
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru
Date : February 15, 2023
Publication name : India Times
Manipal Hospitals :Mangaluru