Do you have an ACL injury and worry about what will happen next? A successful arthroscopic ACL reconstruction surgery will help you quickly recover and get back to your daily routine.
What Is an ACL Tear?
ACL i.e. anterior cruciate ligament is one of the strong bands of tissue that connects the thigh bone to the shin bone inside your knee joint. Its primary function is stabilising the knee joint by resisting translational - preventing excessive forward movement of the tibia (shin bone) relative to the femur (thigh bone) and rotational loads.
According to the best bone specialist in Bangalore ACL injuries usually occur in athletes who participate in cutting and pivoting sports activities that involve sudden stops/changes in direction and while landing from a jump incorrectly like in football, basketball, skiing and also during road traffic accidents. ACL injuries are 2-4 times more common in females.
What are the Symptoms of ACL Tears?
“Popping” sensation in the knee at the time of injury.
Swelling is noted immediately after the injury.
Instability “giving way episodes”
Pain - more so if associated with collateral ligament sprain or meniscus tear.
“Rule of 70”
70% of ACL tears are non-contact sports-related injuries.
70% of acute hemarthrosis (bleeding into the joint cavity) are ACL tears.
70% of ACL tear patients feel a “pop”.
How Do We Diagnose?
X-ray - Usually will not show any signs, but sometimes.
Segond Fracture - An avulsion-type fracture of the lateral proximal tibia at the attachment of the anterolateral ligament – can be noticed.
MRI - To confirm the ACL tear and also to rule out meniscus/cartilage/collateral injuries.
What Treatment Options Do I Have?
ACL injury can be treated by medications, physical therapy, bracing, or surgery. The treatment option depends on the condition of the ACL. If the ACL is completely torn, then it cannot heal on its own. However, in case of a partial tear of the ACL, the knee can heal without the need for surgery.
Non-Surgical Treatment
Appropriate for asymptomatic patients with partial injuries to the ACL.
Patients who are older or less physically active may elect to modify their activities and proceed with nonsurgical treatment.
Rehabilitation to strengthen hamstrings and quadriceps, as well as proprioceptive training.
Functional braces and simple knee sleeves improve proprioception, which may give patients a sense of improved knee function and stability.
Surgical Treatment
Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction is the gold standard treatment at an orthopaedic hospital in Millers Road, wherein a segment of your hamstring tendon is used as a graft to replace the torn ACL:
For individuals who wish to return to such sports, surgery is generally recommended to avoid instability and secondary meniscal and/or articular cartilage damage.
Individuals who work in occupations that may involve physical combat, such as police officers, and firefighters should have ACL reconstruction before returning to work.
Those who have difficulty performing even simple ADLs because of ACL insufficiency-related instability may require surgery.
What is the Timeline of Recovery for an Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction?
Immediate Post-Op (0-2 Weeks After Surgery) - Aiming to restore patellar mobility, full extension and gradually improving flexion. May start walking without crutches as long as there is no increased pain, effusion, and proper gait.
Intermediate Post-Op (3-5 Weeks After Surgery) - Aimed at improving range of motion, strengthening and balance
Late Post-Op (6-8 Weeks After Surgery) - Maintaining full ROM and safely strengthening progress. By the end of this phase, most patients would be able to carry out their day-to-day activities without any discomfort.
Transitional (9-12 Weeks After Surgery)
Early Return To Sport (3-5 Months After Surgery)
Unrestricted Return To Sport (6+ Months After Surgery).
ACL Injury Prevention
Proper warm-up, stretching, strengthening, plyometrics, agility drills and cool-down sessions with appropriate neuromuscular training decrease potential biomechanical risk factors and the incidence of ACL injury in athletes.