Hypertension which is also known as High blood pressure usually creates a condition where the blood vessels’ walls it generates a high force of the blood. In this situation, as the arteries have high pressured blood, the heart has to pump harder hence, the arteries come under a great strain. American College of Cardiology (ACC)/American Heart Association (AHA) Hypertension Clinical Practice Guidelines recently by the year of 2017 has altered and expanded the definition of hypertension and explained that it includes around 130/80 mm Hg or above blood pressure, and thus by this measure the prevalence of hypertension is likely far greater than the standard range. Moreover, the prevalence of hypertension may be even higher in the perspective of selected populations, such as compared with whites blacks are having a 2-fold higher risk of hypertension and lower rates of blood pressure control as well. Manipal Hospitals are providing the Treatment for Hypertension in Millers Road Bangalore, visit today.
Nowadays this particular health issue is not only limited to adult people but also is spreading in children too due to the unhealthy lifestyle. One in eight adults between the ages of 20 and 40 has hypertension, which shows that this problem is frequent among young people as well. Short-term hypertension in young adults is linked to white matter hyper intensity volume, increased rates of left ventricular hypertrophy as well as alterations in brain volume, which raises the possibility of having an effect on mental health and the cardiovascular system. One-quarter of the global population is affected with Hypertension and which is the leading modifiable risk factor for mortality and cardiovascular disease as well. However, people are less worried about such problems till then they are facing any serious health issues. In regards to young people, the diagnosis rates are done less frequently, and treatment is often delayed. The risk of hypertension is decreased by making lifestyle adjustments, eating nutritious and low-fat foods as well as engaging in regular physical activity.
Reason for hypertension in young people
Although there are some differences in the examination and referral procedures, the care for young-onset hypertension is generally the same as that for older patients. There is no significant and recognizable cause of high blood pressure for most adults, mainly depending on the gradual increase of an individual’s age it tends to develop. Particularly this type of high blood pressure is known as primary (essential) hypertension. Whereas, chronic kidney disease, adrenal disorders, and heart problems, such as severe narrowing (coarctation) of the aorta, overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), etc. are the main cause of secondary hypertension and which is usually witnessed by young people. Among young adults, the most common causes of secondary hypertension were pheochromocytoma (<0.3%), hypothyroidism (1.9%), renal insufficiency (1.5%), and primary hyperaldosteronism (1.2%), Cushing syndrome (0.5%), and renovascular disease (1.7%).
American, European, and British guidelines all encourage investigation in young individuals to find secondary causes of hypertension and signs of organ damage. Along with the above reasons some other risk factors are also mentioned to cause hypertension in young adults and those are, severe hypertension (>180/110 mm Hg), no dipping status on ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, or the presence of hypertension-mediated organ damage, drug-resistant hypertension, sudden deterioration in blood pressure control. It may be advantageous to identify secondary causes of hypertension because doing so could help to focus on treatment plans and perhaps even cure high blood pressure in young people. In young people, this is especially important where on organs the sustained duration of high blood pressure such as the kidneys and brain may produce irreversible changes. Moreover, significant follow-up with better blood pressure control procedures, the identification and treatment of secondary hypertension below the age of 40 years can be accomplished.
Managing hypertension
We can manage hypertension without medication or control it better along with medicine. So, lifestyle modifications that are needed to manage hypertension is weight reduction which decreases the blood pressure ratio from 8mm to 10 mm and also helps to maintain ideal body weight. Along with that regular physical activity of 30 minutes per day for 5 days per week will help the individual to maintain a 5mm to 8mm reduction in body weight. Intake of less salt or sodium such as 6gm of sodium chloride helps in 4ml to 9ml reduction in blood pressure level. Book an appointment at Manipal Hospitals and consult with the Cardiologist in Millers Road Bangalore.
Alcohol moderation and a proper diet, where we have a proper ratio of fruits and vegetables will help in reducing the blood pressure by 5mm to 10mm of mercury. Another perspective of this is snoring has to be diagnosed and corrected as obstructive sleep apnea is the main reason behind blood pressure fluctuation or the reason for increasing blood pressure. Second transiently or briefly when the individual stop alcohol and smoking, the blood pressure goes off because of withdrawal of anxiety. However, to keep the BP level stable it is necessary to acknowledge such activities and handle them with proper caution.