
Emergency Intervention | Dr. Amrithlal. A. Mascarenhas | Manipal Hospitals Millers Road

Ms. Yung Shaw Chin, a 52-year-old lady from Hong Kong, underwent an emergency intervention for cervical disc herniation. She suffered severe pain in the neck and progressive weakness on her business trip to India which made her reach out to the experts at Manipal Hospitals Millers Road. The emergency department acted promptly and she made a full recovery under the care of Dr. Amrithlal. A. Mascarenhas, Consultant - Spine Surgery, Manipal Hospitals Millers Road. In this video, Ms. Yung expresses her gratitude to Dr. Amrithlal and the medical team that cared for her throughout the process. Watch to know more. http://bit.ly/4cSdmYS #ManipalHospitalMillersRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #SpineCare #DiscHerniation #CervicalDiscs