
Mr. Sukhmeet Singh’s Weight Loss Transformation | Dr. G Moinoddin | Manipal Hospitals Millers Road

At the age of 40, Mr. Sukhmeet weighed 235 kg and suffered from knee pain and inability to walk. After a sudden fall, he was taken to the Emergency Room, where orthopaedic doctors found it challenging to diagnose him due to his excessive weight. Dr. G Moinoddin, Consultant - Bariatric and Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery, met the patient and discussed the possibility of bariatric surgery. Mr. Sukhmeet decided to go ahead with the surgery, which was successful, and he was discharged two days later. Over a year, he was able to reduce his weight from 235 kg to 144 kg. Watch this video to hear his inspiring story from both the patient and the doctor. #ManipalHospitalMillersRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #WeightLoss #Orthopaedics