
    Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Kannada
  • Tamil
  • Hindi
  • Telugu
  • Field of Expertise

  • Addiction
  • Pain Management
  • Neuropsychiatry
  • Talks & Publications

  • Mad, bad, and drugs - A new service approach. Manjula Piratla and Anand Jayaraman. Royal College of Psychiatrist Addiction faculty annual conference May 2012.
  • Screening, Testing & Immunisation for Blood Borne Viral Infections: A clinical audit across South Wales. Ranjini R. Rao, Adarsh Ramegowda, Anand Jayaraman, Rossana Oretti, Zelda Summers, Julia Lewis. Royal College of Psychiatrists Addictions faculty meeting May 2011.
  • A systematic review of lamotrigine augmentation of treatment-resistant unipolar depression (TRD) Thomas SP, Nandhra HS, Jayaraman A. J Ment Health. 2010. Apr;19(2):168-75.
  • A systematic review of Lithium augmentation in resistant depression after two failed antidepressants. Anand Jayaraman, Harpal Nandhra Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry. 2009; 11(4): 172.
  • Arson - A growing inferno. Anand Jayaraman, John Fraser. Med Sci Law 2006;46: 295-300.
  • Right parietal infarction with concomitant mutism. Chaudhuri JR, Anand J, Shivshankar N, Jaykumar PN, Suvarna N, Murali T, Taly AB. Acta Neurologica Scandinavia 1999; 99: 77-79.
  • Spontaneous expulsion of a large vesicle calculus in a woman with paraparesis. Anand J, Shivaraman Nair KP, Taly AB, Murali T. Spinal Cord. 1999 Oct; 37 (10): 737-8.

    Field of Expertise

  • Addiction
  • Pain Management
  • Neuropsychiatry
  • Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Kannada
  • Tamil
  • Hindi
  • Telugu
  • Talks & Publications

  • Mad, bad, and drugs - A new service approach. Manjula Piratla and Anand Jayaraman. Royal College of Psychiatrist Addiction faculty annual conference May 2012.
  • Screening, Testing & Immunisation for Blood Borne Viral Infections: A clinical audit across South Wales. Ranjini R. Rao, Adarsh Ramegowda, Anand Jayaraman, Rossana Oretti, Zelda Summers, Julia Lewis. Royal College of Psychiatrists Addictions faculty meeting May 2011.
  • A systematic review of lamotrigine augmentation of treatment-resistant unipolar depression (TRD) Thomas SP, Nandhra HS, Jayaraman A. J Ment Health. 2010. Apr;19(2):168-75.
  • A systematic review of Lithium augmentation in resistant depression after two failed antidepressants. Anand Jayaraman, Harpal Nandhra Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry. 2009; 11(4): 172.
  • Arson - A growing inferno. Anand Jayaraman, John Fraser. Med Sci Law 2006;46: 295-300.
  • Right parietal infarction with concomitant mutism. Chaudhuri JR, Anand J, Shivshankar N, Jaykumar PN, Suvarna N, Murali T, Taly AB. Acta Neurologica Scandinavia 1999; 99: 77-79.
  • Spontaneous expulsion of a large vesicle calculus in a woman with paraparesis. Anand J, Shivaraman Nair KP, Taly AB, Murali T. Spinal Cord. 1999 Oct; 37 (10): 737-8.

    Talks & Publications

  • Mad, bad, and drugs - A new service approach. Manjula Piratla and Anand Jayaraman. Royal College of Psychiatrist Addiction faculty annual conference May 2012.
  • Screening, Testing & Immunisation for Blood Borne Viral Infections: A clinical audit across South Wales. Ranjini R. Rao, Adarsh Ramegowda, Anand Jayaraman, Rossana Oretti, Zelda Summers, Julia Lewis. Royal College of Psychiatrists Addictions faculty meeting May 2011.
  • A systematic review of lamotrigine augmentation of treatment-resistant unipolar depression (TRD) Thomas SP, Nandhra HS, Jayaraman A. J Ment Health. 2010. Apr;19(2):168-75.
  • A systematic review of Lithium augmentation in resistant depression after two failed antidepressants. Anand Jayaraman, Harpal Nandhra Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry. 2009; 11(4): 172.
  • Arson - A growing inferno. Anand Jayaraman, John Fraser. Med Sci Law 2006;46: 295-300.
  • Right parietal infarction with concomitant mutism. Chaudhuri JR, Anand J, Shivshankar N, Jaykumar PN, Suvarna N, Murali T, Taly AB. Acta Neurologica Scandinavia 1999; 99: 77-79.
  • Spontaneous expulsion of a large vesicle calculus in a woman with paraparesis. Anand J, Shivaraman Nair KP, Taly AB, Murali T. Spinal Cord. 1999 Oct; 37 (10): 737-8.
  • Field of Expertise

  • Addiction
  • Pain Management
  • Neuropsychiatry
  • Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Kannada
  • Tamil
  • Hindi
  • Telugu
