
    Languages Spoken

  • Kannada
  • English
  • Hindi
  • Malayalam
  • Field of Expertise

  • Neurology
  • Medically refractory epilepsy – surgical management
  • Talks & Publications

  • Raghavendra S, Krishnamoorthy T, Ashalatha R, Nayak SD, Radhakrishnan K. Hemimegalencephalic appearance of the normal hemisphere in unilateral heterotopia and absent corpus callosum. Epilepsy Behav. 2006; 9:363-6.
  • S. Raghavendra, R. Ashalatha, T. Krishnamoorthy, C. Kesavadas, S. V. Thomas, K. Radhakrishnan. Reversible Periictal MRI Abnormalities: Clinical Correlates and Long-term Outcome in 12 Patients. Epilepsy research 2007; 73:129-36.
  • S. Raghavendra, R. Ashalatha, Sanjeev V. Thomas, C Kesavadas. Focal neuronal loss, reversible subcortical focal T2 hypointensity in seizures with non-ketotic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state. Neuroradiology. 2007; 49:299-305.
  • Cherian A, Sreedharan S, Raghavendra S, Nayak D, Radhakrishnan A. Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges in fulminant form of SSPE. Can J Neurol Sci. 2009;36:524-6.
  • S. Raghavendra, S. Mirsattari, RS McLachlan. Ictal whistling: a rare automatism during temporal lobe seizures. Epileptic disorders 2010;12:133-5.
  • Raghavendra S, Nooraine J, Mirsattari SM. Role of electroencephalography in the presurgical evaluation of temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Res Treat. 2012;2012:204693.
  • Nooraine J, Jayaraman A, Reddy S, Iyer RB, Raghavendra S. Ictal sign of cross-does it has any religious annotations at all? Seizure. 2013;22:584-5.
  • Nooraine J, Iyer RB, Raghavendra S. Ictal PET in the presurgical workup of refractory extratemporal epilepsy. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2013;16:676-7.
  • Nooraine J, Vasudha K, Natesh S, Iyer RB, Raghavendra S. Autosomal recessive bilateral frontal polymicrogyria with ectopia lentis and chorioretinal dystrophy. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2013;16:678-80.
  • Javeria Nooraine, Shiva Kumar R, Rajesh B Iyer, Ravi Mohan Rao, Seetharam Raghavendra. Posterior quadrant disconnection for refractory epilepsy: A case series. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2014; 17: 392–397.
  • Veena Sheshadri, Seetharam Raghavendra, BA Chandramouli. Perioperative anaesthetic concerns during paediatric epilepsy surgeries: A retrospective chart review. Journal of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care 2016; 3:110.
  • Mhatre R, Poyuran R, Arimappamagan A, Sinha S, Kulanthaivelu K, Kenchaiah R, Ajay A, Chowdary RM, Saini J,
  • Bharath RD, Zanzmera P, Seetharam R, Sadashiva N, Jamuna R, Satishchandra P, Malla BR, Sk S, Anita M.
  • Dual/double pathology in neurocysticercosis causing drug-resistant epilepsy - Chance association or causal? Epilepsy Res. 2020; 168:106472.
  • Seetharam R, Nooraine J, Mhatre R, Ramachandran J, Iyer RB, Mahadevan A. Mild malformation of cortical development with oligodendroglial hyperplasia and epilepsy (MOGHE): a widespread disease with apparently focal epilepsy. Epileptic Disord. 2021 ;23:407-411.
  • Nooraine J, Raghavendra S. Inferior parietal lobule gyrations in refractory epilepsy. Epileptic Disord. 2021; 23:511-522.
  • Seetharam R, Nooraine J, Mhatre R, Ramachandran J, Iyer RB, Mahadevan A. Mild malformation of cortical development with oligodendroglial hyperplasia and epilepsy (MOGHE): a widespread disease with apparently focal epilepsy. Epileptic Disord. 2021 1;23:407-411.
  • Seetharam R, Iyer RB, Nooraine J, Ramachandran J. Clarithromycin-induced Seizures and Status Epilepticus. Indian J Crit Care Med 2021; 25:945-947.

    Field of Expertise

  • Neurology
  • Medically refractory epilepsy – surgical management
  • Languages Spoken

  • Kannada
  • English
  • Hindi
  • Malayalam
  • Talks & Publications

  • Raghavendra S, Krishnamoorthy T, Ashalatha R, Nayak SD, Radhakrishnan K. Hemimegalencephalic appearance of the normal hemisphere in unilateral heterotopia and absent corpus callosum. Epilepsy Behav. 2006; 9:363-6.
  • S. Raghavendra, R. Ashalatha, T. Krishnamoorthy, C. Kesavadas, S. V. Thomas, K. Radhakrishnan. Reversible Periictal MRI Abnormalities: Clinical Correlates and Long-term Outcome in 12 Patients. Epilepsy research 2007; 73:129-36.
  • S. Raghavendra, R. Ashalatha, Sanjeev V. Thomas, C Kesavadas. Focal neuronal loss, reversible subcortical focal T2 hypointensity in seizures with non-ketotic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state. Neuroradiology. 2007; 49:299-305.
  • Cherian A, Sreedharan S, Raghavendra S, Nayak D, Radhakrishnan A. Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges in fulminant form of SSPE. Can J Neurol Sci. 2009;36:524-6.
  • S. Raghavendra, S. Mirsattari, RS McLachlan. Ictal whistling: a rare automatism during temporal lobe seizures. Epileptic disorders 2010;12:133-5.
  • Raghavendra S, Nooraine J, Mirsattari SM. Role of electroencephalography in the presurgical evaluation of temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Res Treat. 2012;2012:204693.
  • Nooraine J, Jayaraman A, Reddy S, Iyer RB, Raghavendra S. Ictal sign of cross-does it has any religious annotations at all? Seizure. 2013;22:584-5.
  • Nooraine J, Iyer RB, Raghavendra S. Ictal PET in the presurgical workup of refractory extratemporal epilepsy. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2013;16:676-7.
  • Nooraine J, Vasudha K, Natesh S, Iyer RB, Raghavendra S. Autosomal recessive bilateral frontal polymicrogyria with ectopia lentis and chorioretinal dystrophy. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2013;16:678-80.
  • Javeria Nooraine, Shiva Kumar R, Rajesh B Iyer, Ravi Mohan Rao, Seetharam Raghavendra. Posterior quadrant disconnection for refractory epilepsy: A case series. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2014; 17: 392–397.
  • Veena Sheshadri, Seetharam Raghavendra, BA Chandramouli. Perioperative anaesthetic concerns during paediatric epilepsy surgeries: A retrospective chart review. Journal of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care 2016; 3:110.
  • Mhatre R, Poyuran R, Arimappamagan A, Sinha S, Kulanthaivelu K, Kenchaiah R, Ajay A, Chowdary RM, Saini J,
  • Bharath RD, Zanzmera P, Seetharam R, Sadashiva N, Jamuna R, Satishchandra P, Malla BR, Sk S, Anita M.
  • Dual/double pathology in neurocysticercosis causing drug-resistant epilepsy - Chance association or causal? Epilepsy Res. 2020; 168:106472.
  • Seetharam R, Nooraine J, Mhatre R, Ramachandran J, Iyer RB, Mahadevan A. Mild malformation of cortical development with oligodendroglial hyperplasia and epilepsy (MOGHE): a widespread disease with apparently focal epilepsy. Epileptic Disord. 2021 ;23:407-411.
  • Nooraine J, Raghavendra S. Inferior parietal lobule gyrations in refractory epilepsy. Epileptic Disord. 2021; 23:511-522.
  • Seetharam R, Nooraine J, Mhatre R, Ramachandran J, Iyer RB, Mahadevan A. Mild malformation of cortical development with oligodendroglial hyperplasia and epilepsy (MOGHE): a widespread disease with apparently focal epilepsy. Epileptic Disord. 2021 1;23:407-411.
  • Seetharam R, Iyer RB, Nooraine J, Ramachandran J. Clarithromycin-induced Seizures and Status Epilepticus. Indian J Crit Care Med 2021; 25:945-947.

    Talks & Publications

  • Raghavendra S, Krishnamoorthy T, Ashalatha R, Nayak SD, Radhakrishnan K. Hemimegalencephalic appearance of the normal hemisphere in unilateral heterotopia and absent corpus callosum. Epilepsy Behav. 2006; 9:363-6.
  • S. Raghavendra, R. Ashalatha, T. Krishnamoorthy, C. Kesavadas, S. V. Thomas, K. Radhakrishnan. Reversible Periictal MRI Abnormalities: Clinical Correlates and Long-term Outcome in 12 Patients. Epilepsy research 2007; 73:129-36.
  • S. Raghavendra, R. Ashalatha, Sanjeev V. Thomas, C Kesavadas. Focal neuronal loss, reversible subcortical focal T2 hypointensity in seizures with non-ketotic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state. Neuroradiology. 2007; 49:299-305.
  • Cherian A, Sreedharan S, Raghavendra S, Nayak D, Radhakrishnan A. Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges in fulminant form of SSPE. Can J Neurol Sci. 2009;36:524-6.
  • S. Raghavendra, S. Mirsattari, RS McLachlan. Ictal whistling: a rare automatism during temporal lobe seizures. Epileptic disorders 2010;12:133-5.
  • Raghavendra S, Nooraine J, Mirsattari SM. Role of electroencephalography in the presurgical evaluation of temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Res Treat. 2012;2012:204693.
  • Nooraine J, Jayaraman A, Reddy S, Iyer RB, Raghavendra S. Ictal sign of cross-does it has any religious annotations at all? Seizure. 2013;22:584-5.
  • Nooraine J, Iyer RB, Raghavendra S. Ictal PET in the presurgical workup of refractory extratemporal epilepsy. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2013;16:676-7.
  • Nooraine J, Vasudha K, Natesh S, Iyer RB, Raghavendra S. Autosomal recessive bilateral frontal polymicrogyria with ectopia lentis and chorioretinal dystrophy. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2013;16:678-80.
  • Javeria Nooraine, Shiva Kumar R, Rajesh B Iyer, Ravi Mohan Rao, Seetharam Raghavendra. Posterior quadrant disconnection for refractory epilepsy: A case series. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2014; 17: 392–397.
  • Veena Sheshadri, Seetharam Raghavendra, BA Chandramouli. Perioperative anaesthetic concerns during paediatric epilepsy surgeries: A retrospective chart review. Journal of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care 2016; 3:110.
  • Mhatre R, Poyuran R, Arimappamagan A, Sinha S, Kulanthaivelu K, Kenchaiah R, Ajay A, Chowdary RM, Saini J,
  • Bharath RD, Zanzmera P, Seetharam R, Sadashiva N, Jamuna R, Satishchandra P, Malla BR, Sk S, Anita M.
  • Dual/double pathology in neurocysticercosis causing drug-resistant epilepsy - Chance association or causal? Epilepsy Res. 2020; 168:106472.
  • Seetharam R, Nooraine J, Mhatre R, Ramachandran J, Iyer RB, Mahadevan A. Mild malformation of cortical development with oligodendroglial hyperplasia and epilepsy (MOGHE): a widespread disease with apparently focal epilepsy. Epileptic Disord. 2021 ;23:407-411.
  • Nooraine J, Raghavendra S. Inferior parietal lobule gyrations in refractory epilepsy. Epileptic Disord. 2021; 23:511-522.
  • Seetharam R, Nooraine J, Mhatre R, Ramachandran J, Iyer RB, Mahadevan A. Mild malformation of cortical development with oligodendroglial hyperplasia and epilepsy (MOGHE): a widespread disease with apparently focal epilepsy. Epileptic Disord. 2021 1;23:407-411.
  • Seetharam R, Iyer RB, Nooraine J, Ramachandran J. Clarithromycin-induced Seizures and Status Epilepticus. Indian J Crit Care Med 2021; 25:945-947.
  • Field of Expertise

  • Neurology
  • Medically refractory epilepsy – surgical management
  • Languages Spoken

  • Kannada
  • English
  • Hindi
  • Malayalam


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