Effective Weight Loss Strategies For PCOD Patients

Dr. G. Moinoddin
4 Min Read
Aug 07, 2024
Dedicated to providing exceptional care and outstanding surgical outcomes, Manipal Hospitals Millers Road is renowned for its expertise in providing all-around care for patients struggling with losing weight through conventional measures such as diet and exercise. From recommending various weight-maintenance programs to non-invasive procedures, our Bariatric Surgeons can aid in your journey from FAT to FIT when your excessive weight starts to cause other health issues to become severe. These procedures involve modifying the digestive system to facilitate weight loss. Some bariatric surgeries restrict the amount of food you can consume, while others diminish the body's ability to absorb nutrients. Specific procedures combine both approaches to maximise results. It is essential to recognise that bariatric surgery is a significant surgical intervention with several benefits for patients, enhancing their quality of life. Trust the expertise and care Manipal Hospitals Millers Road offers concerning bariatric surgery, otherwise known as weight loss surgery.
Manipal Hospitals Millers Road, Bangalore is a top choice for bariatric surgery because of its superior skill and patient-centred approach. The hospital ensures excellent medical care providing optimum results with a highly qualified and experienced medical staff consisting of skilled doctors and caregivers and technical teams. The dedication to patient safety at Manipal Hospitals is evident throughout the treatment process, from pre-operative examinations to post-operative care.
The hospital's sophisticated infrastructure, cutting-edge medical equipment and extensive diagnostic services facilitate accurate evaluations and individualised plans for the best weight-loss treatment in Bangalore. Manipal Hospitals Millers Road is the 1st hospital in Bangalore to employ a 4K KARL STORZ camera for bariatric surgeries. Furthermore, Manipal Hospitals offers comprehensive treatment with specialist dieticians, fitness experts, and physical rehabilitation programs to help morbidly obese patients achieve long-term and sustained weight loss. Choose Manipal Hospitals Millers Road because of its expertise in bariatric surgery and sensitive commitment to patient care.
Bariatric surgery may be an option for you if you meet the following criteria:
Everyone who is highly overweight may not benefit from bariatric surgery. For weight-loss surgery, you must meet specific medical requirements. You will likely undergo a screening process to determine your eligibility. You must also make long-term changes to live a healthier lifestyle. Long-term follow-up plans involving the observation of your dietary habits, way of life, conduct, and health issues may be expected of you.
Your medical team provides you with preparation guidelines for your particular type of surgery if you are a candidate for bariatric surgery. Several lab tests and exams may be required before surgery. There could be limitations on what you can eat, and drink and which drugs you can use. You might have to give up smoking and begin an exercise regimen. You might also need to prepare by organising your post-surgery rehabilitation in advance. For example, if you believe you will want assistance at home, make arrangements for it.
Bariatric surgery is performed at a hospital under general anaesthesia. This means you are unconscious during the process. Your condition determines the specifics of your surgery, the type of weight-loss surgery you have, and the hospital's or doctor's practices. Traditional extensive abdominal incisions are used for several weight-loss procedures. This is known as open surgery.
The majority of weight loss surgeries are now done laparoscopically or through key-hole procedures. A laparoscope is a small, tubular tool that includes a camera. The laparoscope is placed into the abdomen through tiny incisions. The tiny camera on the tip of the laparoscope lets the surgeon see and operate inside the belly without significant incisions.
The surgical weight-loss technique is known as a sleeve gastrectomy or vertical sleeve gastrectomy. This treatment is usually done laparoscopically, which includes introducing small instruments through several small incisions in the upper belly.
Approximately 80% of the stomach is removed during a sleeve gastrectomy, leaving behind a tube-shaped, banana-sized stomach. Your stomach's capacity for food determines how much you can eat. In addition, the process induces hormonal changes that aid in weight loss. Obesity-related diseases, including high blood pressure and heart disease, are treated with the help of these hormonal adjustments.
Procedure - The specifics of your sleeve gastrectomy will differ depending on your unique circumstances and the hospital's or doctor's practices. Although sleeve gastrectomy is frequently carried out laparoscopically, some treatments may require conventionally large abdominal incisions. With the help of tiny incisions in the upper belly, the surgeon can introduce tiny instruments using this minimally invasive approach. The average length of the procedure is one to two hours.
For the best weight-loss treatment in Bangalore, our doctors will closely watch you in a recovery room after the procedure while you awaken there. You can be confident that their attentiveness and concern will contribute to your safe recovery and well-being. Your diet after having a sleeve gastrectomy starts with sugar-free, noncarbonated drinks for the first seven days, then shifts to pureed foods for the following three weeks, and eventually, ordinary foods around four weeks after the procedure. For the rest of your life, you must take a multivitamin twice daily, a calcium supplement once daily, and a vitamin B-12 injection once a month.
Mini Gastric Bypass (MGB) is a weight-loss surgery that combines restrictive and malabsorptive techniques to help patients achieve significant weight loss. During the procedure, the surgeon creates a small, tube-like stomach pouch and then connects it directly to the small intestine, bypassing a portion of the stomach and the upper part of the small intestine. This results in reduced food intake and decreased absorption of calories and nutrients.
Mini Gastric Bypass surgery is typically performed laparoscopically, using small incisions and specialised instruments. It offers the advantages of shorter operative time, more superficial anatomy, and potentially more significant weight loss compared to traditional gastric bypass surgery.
Procedure - You will be administered general anaesthesia before the mini-gastric bypass procedure. Your surgeon makes many small incisions on your abdomen. They will carefully inspect your internal organs on a monitor after inserting a laparoscope, a little instrument with a light and camera on end, into one of the incisions. Tiny surgical instruments are placed via the other incisions to accomplish the surgery. Stapling transforms the stomach into a long, slim pouch up to the antral portion.
Making a bypass so that food can flow from the new stomach pouch is the second part of the procedure. Depending on the surgeon's preference and the patient's metabolic status, a small intestinal loop with a preferred length of 150 to 250 cm is selected for anastomosis. It is known as the "omega loop" because the centre portion of the intestine is connected to the opening in the stomach pouch. Food can go through the loop, bypassing the duodenum, lower stomach, and a section of the small intestine. The incisions are sutured closed at the end of the surgery.
Gastric bypass, sometimes called Roux-en-Y (roo-en-wy) gastric bypass, is a weight-loss procedure that entails cutting a tiny pouch out of the stomach and attaching it straight to the small intestine. Following a gastric bypass, most of your stomach and the first part of your small intestine is bypassed as the food you swallow goes through this tiny pouch of your stomach and straight into the small intestine.
The gastric bypass procedure is used when diet and exercise have failed or when you are experiencing significant health issues due to your weight. Gastric bypass is not appropriate for everyone who is exceedingly overweight. To determine your eligibility, you should go through a thorough scream to determine your eligibility. You must make adjustments to live a healthier lifestyle.
Procedure - Gastric bypass surgery is a complex procedure that involves various stages. Before the surgery, you will receive general anaesthesia to ensure you are unconscious and comfortable throughout the operation. The specifics of the surgery will depend on your circumstances and the surgeon's practices.
While some surgeries may involve large incisions, most gastric bypass procedures are performed laparoscopically using small incisions. During the surgery, the surgeon creates a small pouch at the top of your stomach by sealing it off from the rest of the stomach. This pouch can hold only a tiny amount of food. Next, a portion of the small intestine is cut and attached to the pouch, bypassing the more significant part of the stomach and the initial section of the small intestine. This allows food to enter the middle part of the small intestine.
The surgery typically lasts a few hours after which you will awaken in a recovery room where medical professionals will monitor you for any complications. The post-surgery period gradually transitions from liquids to pureed foods to softer and firmer foods as your body heals. You must follow dietary restrictions and may require vitamin and mineral supplements to ensure proper nutrition.
After gastric bypass, your body may undergo various changes as it adapts to rapid weight loss, including body aches, fatigue, coldness, dry skin, hair thinning, hair loss, and mood changes. Regular checkups, laboratory testing, and medical examinations will be necessary to monitor your health and ensure a successful recovery. It is very crucial to discuss all aspects of the surgery, including potential risks and long-term commitments, with your healthcare provider to make an informed decision and receive appropriate post-operative care.
When further intervention is needed after bariatric surgery due to certain complications or not up to the mark results, the surgeons may perform revisional bariatric surgeries. These procedures aim to address the specific problems or concerns faced by patients who have previously undergone bariatric surgery. More complex than typical bariatric surgeries, these require careful assessment and personalised planning.
Procedure - Some common revisional procedures performed include the following:
Bariatric reversal surgeries are performed to reverse or undo a previous bariatric procedure. The surgeons recommend these for individuals who have experienced significant complications, intolerable side effects, or unsatisfactory weight loss after their initial weight loss surgery. Such surgeries aim to restore the normal anatomy and functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.
Procedure - Commonly performed bariatric reversal procedures include the following:
You will not be able to eat for 1 to 2 days after weight-loss surgery to allow your stomach and digestive system to heal. After that, you will adhere to a strict diet recommended by our dietician for a few weeks. The diet starts with simple liquids, then moves on to a pureed diet and highly soft foods, and then to ordinary foods. There may be several restrictions or limits on how much and what you can eat and drink. In the first few months after weight-loss surgery, you will also have regular medical exams to monitor your health which includes laboratory testing, blood work, and other exams.
Results. Long-term weight loss can be achieved with gastric bypass and other bariatric operations. The type of surgery you have and the modifications you make to your lifestyle will determine how much weight you lose. Losing half or more of your excess weight in two years is feasible.
Gastric bypass surgery has the potential to alleviate or treat several conditions that are associated with morbid obesity, such as:
In addition to enhancing your ability to carry out daily tasks, gastric bypass surgery may also enhance your quality of life.
It is possible that you will not lose weight and that you are likely to experience severe health issues if a weight-loss surgery doesn't work or stops working. Maintain all planned follow-up appointments following weight-loss surgery. Consult your doctor immediately if you are not losing weight or if you experience issues.
Tracking your weight loss enables you to look into problems that may keep you from losing weight. Any weight-reduction surgery has the risk of inadequate weight loss or weight gain even when everything goes according to plan. You may gain weight if you do not make the essential lifestyle changes, such as getting regular physical activity and eating healthy meals.
Manipal Hospitals Millers Road offers a state-of-the-art infrastructure with advanced medical technology, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for bariatric surgery patients. The experienced medical team provides personalised care and guidance throughout the treatment process. The hospital's comprehensive diagnostic services enable accurate assessments and customised treatment plans. Dedicated post-operative care units and specialised nursing staff ensure a smooth recovery.
The hospital's dieticians and fitness experts offer personalised dietary and nutritional support, promoting long-term weight management. Additionally, physical rehabilitation services assist patients in adopting an active lifestyle for improved health outcomes. Manipal Hospitals Millers Road prioritises patient comfort, safety, and holistic care.
In conclusion, Manipal Hospitals on Millers Road provides the Best weight-loss treatment in Bangalore, offering a comprehensive range of weight-loss procedures and exceptional patient care. With a team of experienced doctors specialising in bariatric surgery, Manipal Hospitals ensures the best treatment and accessibility to healthcare. When considering bariatric surgery to address weight-related health concerns, Manipal Hospitals proves to be the ideal choice. The hospital's expertise lies in gastric bypass and other weight-loss procedures, recommended when traditional methods have proven ineffective or when health issues become severe.
Manipal Hospitals Millers Road prioritises patient safety and well-being throughout the process, making it the hospital for the best Weight Loss Treatment in Bangalore. Making permanent healthy lifestyle choices is crucial to achieving long-term success after bariatric surgery. Manipal Hospitals Millers Road provides ongoing support and guidance through dedicated dieticians and fitness experts, empowering patients to adopt a balanced diet and incorporate regular physical activity into their routines.
Obese individuals are at far greater risk of dying from obesity-related diseases, including coronary artery disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), type 2 diabetes and certain cancers. A healthy weight for most people is defined as a body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 24.9. Visit our best bariatric surgery hospital in Millers road Bangalore to have the best treatment. Visit our bariatric surgery hospital in Bangalore to have the best treatment.
Bariatric surgery is a surgical intervention to treat obesity and related health concerns by modifying the digestive system to facilitate weight loss. It is recommended when traditional weight loss methods have proven ineffective or when weight-related health issues become severe.
Manipal Hospitals Millers Road has a team of doctors with extensive experience in bariatric surgery. We prioritise patient safety, providing exceptional care throughout the process, from pre-operative evaluations to post-operative care. Our dieticians and fitness experts help you achieve significant weight loss.
Manipal Hospitals Millers Road offers gastric sleeve surgery, mini gastric bypass, and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. These procedures involve different techniques for weight loss and addressing specific patient needs.
Gastric sleeve surgery removes approximately 80% of the stomach, leaving behind a tube-shaped stomach that limits the amount of food consumed. The procedure also causes hormonal changes that aid in weight loss and help treat obesity-related illnesses.
Restrictive and malabsorptive strategies are combined in the mini gastric bypass (MGB), a weight-loss procedure, by bypassing a piece of the stomach and the top part of the small intestine, a small stomach pouch is created and connected to the small intestine directly.
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass involves creating a small stomach pouch and attaching it directly to the small intestine, bypassing most of the stomach and the initial part of the small intestine. This procedure is commonly used and can lead to significant weight loss.
The specifics of the bariatric surgery procedure will vary based on individual circumstances and surgical practices. Most procedures are performed laparoscopically, using small incisions and specialised instruments. General anaesthesia is administered and the surgery typically lasts one to two hours.
The post-operative recovery period gradually transitions from liquids to pureed foods as your body heals. You must follow dietary restrictions and require vitamin supplements. Regular checkups and monitoring will be necessary.
All surgeries carry substantial risks; however, considering the advancement in technology concerning diagnostic and operating tools, the risks are much lesser than before. Potential dangers associated with bariatric surgery include blood clots, infection, bleeding, and adverse anaesthetic reactions. There can be various side effects, such as headaches, exhaustion, hair loss, and mood swings which usually go away shortly. Thus, it is important to consider these risks with your healthcare professional before making a decision.
Bariatric surgery is not suitable for everyone who is overweight. Eligibility for weight-loss surgery is determined through a thorough screening, considering medical requirements, and a willingness to make lifestyle changes. Regular follow-ups and commitment to a healthier lifestyle are essential post-surgery.