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Dr. Uttam Kumar Saha

HOD - Cardiology

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Best Cardiologists in Mukundapur, Kolkata
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Dr. Uttam Kumar Saha

HOD - Cardiology

Manipal Hospitals, Mukundapur

5 Biggest Heart Failure Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

Posted On: Jun 13, 2024

blogs read 3 Min Read

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid for a Healthy Heart

Heart failure is a major global concern and a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. You can even have a silent heart attack without any symptoms, and you may not even know about it. Based on the 2023 study report of ‘Global Burden of Disease (GBD) published by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, for every 100,000 people in India, about 272 people die from cardiovascular diseases (CVD), compared to the global average of about 235 deaths per 100,000 people, indicating that the issue is more severe than the global average1. It is a report that is terrifying; however, heart failures are largely preventable when certain precautions are taken. This blog brings you five major mistakes you can avoid to reduce your risk of heart failure.



5 Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

1. Ignoring your symptoms or lack of awareness of the signs that indicate heart failure

Even an average-fit person who maintains a balanced diet and leads an active lifestyle could be prone to heart failure, commonly due to blockage of the arteries. Common symptoms of heart failure, such as chest pain and shortness of breath, may get misinterpreted as a manifestation of other less serious conditions or normalise these symptoms, especially if they coincide with work or personal stress. Learn about heart failure symptoms through various resources or consult a specialist, even if they occur intermittently. Don’t wait until it's too late.

2. Avoiding Routine Health Check-ups

Preventing heart failure before it even happens in the first place is often the most effective approach. Your daily lifestyle plays a major role in influencing your overall heart health and well-being. Routine checkups include measuring your height and weight to calculate your body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, oxygen saturation level, and pulse rate, and listening to your heart for signs of irregular heart rhythms or murmurs using a stethoscope. Your specialist will also recommend you undergo blood tests to check your cholesterol, blood sugar levels, liver function, kidney function, and so forth. As the saying goes, ‘prevention is always better than cure’, it is essential to not wait for a crisis to prioritise your heart.

3. Poor Lifestyle, Irregular Diet, and Lack of Exercise

A sedentary lifestyle increases your chances of developing major chronic conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, making you prone to heart failure. Moreover, high-protein foods have high saturated and trans fat content, risking your heart. Smoking accelerates the blockage of arteries, obstructing the blood flow to the heart and forming a blood clot, leading to a heart attack. Opt for a heart-healthy diet and incorporate at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise into your daily routine.

4. Trapped in Stress, Grief, or Depression

Your mental health is as important as your physical health, as it could influence your everyday life. While getting stressed is normal during work, or if you have lost a loved one and you’re grieving, it is important to seek support and take steps to address your emotions. Moreover, you might get depressed if you have experienced a heart attack and think that there is no hope for recovery. It is crucial to reach out to your specialists and family members to make a difference in your recovery journey.

5. Not asking the right questions to your specialist

Reasons for heart failure are unique and occur on a patient-to-patient basis. Lack of clarity could hinder your understanding of your condition, treatment options, and necessary lifestyle changes. Asking the right questions and seeking information from your specialist gives you a sense of hope and empowers you to participate in your healthcare decisions. Keep in mind that your specialists are always available to assist you.

Consult our cardiologist in Mukundapur if you want more tips on how to avoid heart failure


Causes of heart failure are mainly due to previous or ongoing experience of heart attack, arterial blockage, valvular stenosis, congenital heart disease, arrhythmia, fluid buildup in your body, leading to congestive heart failure (CHF), and many more. It is important to pay close attention to your symptoms and seek prompt medical attention if you notice any changes or worsening of your condition. 

At Manipal Hospitals, Mukundapur, the facility is equipped with advanced, leading-edge technologies to address a wide spectrum of cardiovascular diseases. If you have experienced prior heart failures or feel any symptoms, reach out to our cardiology hospital in Mukundapur for timely evaluation and guidance for heart failure prevention. 


While the symptoms of heart failure and CHF are similar, the causes of both diseases are not related. Heart failure is caused by underlying conditions such as structural abnormalities in the heart or by factors like atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, and many more. CHF is manifested due to fluid buildup in the arms, feet, or other organs. In most cases, the underlying conditions of heart failure may lead to CHF. 


The treatment to address heart failure depends on the severity of the condition. Surgery is often resorted to as a last option or in emergency cases. Usual heart failure treatments include medications, lifestyle changes, constant monitoring, the implantation of medical devices, and cardiac rehabilitation. 


Although age and family history are two factors that are beyond control, certain lifestyle modifications, like maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, stress management, controlling blood pressure and cholesterol, and avoiding smoking and drinking, reduce the likelihood of heart failure.


You can support your loved one during this journey by providing emotional support, helping them adhere to medication schedules, encouraging strong eating habits and exercise, assisting them with daily chores, and accompanying them to medical appointments. 

To schedule an appointment at Manipal Hospitals, Mukundapur, Kolkata, contact our Cardiology department or visit our website.

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