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Department of Gastrointestinal Science

Natural Ways To Dissolve Gallbladder Stones At Home

Posted On: Jun 06, 2024

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How to Get Rid of Gall Bladder Stones Naturally

Gallbladder stones are common ailments affecting individuals over the age of 401. They could be as small as a grain of sand or as big as a golf ball. The prevalence of gallbladder stone formation among Indians is around 4% and is rising, especially in northern states like Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, and Assam1. This rising incidence is attributed to westernisation and the availability of better diagnostics. Even though treatment is possible with medication and surgery, some home remedies have proven effective against gallbladder stones. This blog post describes some natural techniques through which you can dissolve gallbladder stones at home.


About Gallbladder Stones

Gallbladder stones are small, hard particles that can develop in the gallbladder, a small organ below your liver. You can have one giant stone or hundreds of smaller ones. Some people obtain a mixture of large and small stones. You may not be aware that you have them until one or more obstructs a bile duct, producing pain

Types of Gallbladder Stones

Gallbladder stones can be classified into two main types: 

  • Cholesterol stones: These are yellow-green in colour and are mostly composed of undissolved cholesterol.

  • Pigment stones: These are brown or black in colour, are composed of bilirubin, and are often linked to liver disease or blood disorders like sickle cell anaemia or leukaemia.

Symptoms of Gallbladder Stones

You can have gallbladder stones without realising it. Symptoms normally appear when one or more gallstones obstruct bile flow from your gallbladder to your small intestine (where your food goes after leaving your stomach). This is known as a gallbladder attack or biliary colic.

Common symptoms of gallstones are:

Consult our gastroenterologists in Mukundapur Kolkata if you are experiencing symptoms of gallbladder stones.

Causes of Gallbladder Stones

Doctors don't know exactly what causes gallstones, although they may occur when:

  • Your bile contains too much cholesterol: Your body needs bile for digestion. It frequently dissolves cholesterol. However, if it cannot do so, excess cholesterol may accumulate and create stones.

  • Your bile contains too much bilirubin: Conditions such as liver disease, infections, and blood abnormalities can cause your liver to produce excessive bilirubin.

  • Your gallbladder doesn't empty completely: This can make your bile extremely concentrated. 

Gallbladder Stone Treatment 

There are two ways to remove gallbladder stones:

  • Natural remedies

  • Medical interventions

Home Remedies for Gallbladder Stones

Gallbladder stones can be treated with some natural and home remedies at an initial stage. Some of the home remedies for gallbladder stones are:

  • Maintaining a healthy routine: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves a balanced diet, regular meals, fibre-rich foods, water intake, physical activity, and incorporating nutritional supplements like vitamin C, iron, and lecithin with a doctor's consultation for optimal health.

  • Gallbladder cleanse: It is a fasting procedure that involves using olive oil, sunflower oil, and lemon juice to break down gallstones and flush them out.

  • Fruit juices: Fruit juices like apple juice can soften gallstones, but excessive consumption may be harmful for individuals with diabetes, hypoglycemia, and stomach ulcers.

  • Yoga: Yoga practices can naturally treat cholesterol gallstones. These types of gallstones are a lipid profile abnormality caused by diabetes and can be improved in individuals suffering from this condition.

  • Castor oil packs and gold coin grass: These are ancient remedies for gallstones, providing instant pain relief and natural gallstone treatment through warm cloth application.

  • Acupuncture: The technique alleviates spasms and promotes bile flow, relieves upper right abdominal pain, and increases gallbladder volume.

  • Certain types of food can also help dissolve gallstones. This includes:

    • Green veggies and fruits: Vegetables and fruits are always good for your health. However, some specific veggies and fruits can help you clear gallstones. Foods high in vitamin B, vitamin C, and calcium are ideal for patients with gallbladder stones. Citrus fruits, such as lemons and oranges, as well as various types of bell peppers and green vegetables, can help eliminate gallstones.

    • Whole grains.

    • Lean proteins and low-fat dairy products.

Consult our gastro hospital in Kolkata if you need to know more about how to get rid of gallbladder stones naturally or get gallstones treatment.


Medication and surgery are not the only options to treat gallstones. Some natural remedies can also help dissolve gallstones when they are smaller in size. However, it is recommended for all patients with gallstones to seek a doctor’s guidance before embarking on home remedies for gallstones. At Manipal Hospitals in Mukundapur, Kolkata, our expert doctors provide the utmost care and guidance to patients and help them swiftly recover. 


Yes, leading a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a well-balanced diet will help lower your risk of developing gallstones. Exercise can help with digestive health and weight control, both of which have an impact on gallbladder health.

A doctor may order blood tests, abdominal ultrasounds, CT scans, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), and endoscopic ultrasounds to check for gallstones. These tests can identify gallbladder inflammation, gallbladder function, and gallstones in hard-to-see areas.

Small gallstones typically pass into your small intestines and move out with your stool on their own. If these stones do not produce any symptoms, you may not need to do anything about them, even if they recur. However, if your gallstones create pain or obstruct your bile ducts, you will require medical treatment.

Gallstones can cause serious problems, including gallbladder inflammation, blocked bile ducts, pancreatic duct blockage, infected bile ducts, and gallbladder cancer. These issues can cause constant pain, fever, jaundice, pancreatitis, and sepsis, as well as an increased risk of infection in the bloodstream. Treatment is crucial to prevent gallbladder bursts and complications.

The time taken to see results from natural remedies varies based on individual characteristics such as the size and nature of the gallstones, as well as the treatment method used. Some people may see improvement within weeks, while others may require longer-term care.

To schedule an appointment with Manipal Hospitals, contact our department or visit our website.

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