Tuberculosis is a contagious bacterial infection that primarily attacks the lungs and subsequently spreads to other organs. In addition to affecting the lungs, diseases caused by tuberculosis include miliary tuberculosis, Pott’s disease (TB of the spine), lymphatic tuberculosis, pericardial tuberculosis, tuberculous meningitis, and abdominal tuberculosis. According to the TB report released by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, in India, there were 25.2 lakh notified TB patients in 2023. Recognizing the symptoms of TB in the lungs and ensuring proper lung infection treatment helps mitigate the risk of complications.
Symptoms of Tuberculosis in Lungs
Some of the symptoms of TB in the lungs are blood in the cough, fatigue, tiredness, chest pain, night sweats, weight loss, and fever. If the infection has spread from the lungs to other body parts, the patient may develop joint destruction, impaired kidney function, meningitis, and improper heart function.
Causes of Lung Infection
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the bacterium responsible for causing tuberculosis. It can spread through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through the exchange of body fluids or sharing of foods.
When an individual breathes in the bacterium, it settles in the lungs and begins to grow. The infection can also spread to other body parts like the spine, kidney, and brain.
Top 6 Home Remedies to Aid Recovery from TB Lung Infection
Although various medications are available for lung infection treatment, home remedies can be used as an adjuvant in managing the condition and accelerating the healing process.
It is rich in sulphuric acid and is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which help fight bacteria causing tuberculosis. The antimicrobial effects of garlic also boost the immune system. Studies also show consuming garlic extracts can inhibit the growth of multi-drug resistant TB.4
Freshly crush some garlic cloves and add them to your plate of food if you can withstand the pungent smell, or boil crushed garlic with milk and drink it.
The antibacterial properties of mint help heal the tissues affected by tuberculosis. Its efficacy can be enhanced by mixing one teaspoon of mint juice with two teaspoons of honey, two teaspoons of malt vinegar, and half a cup of carrot juice. Separate the concoction into three parts and consume it at regular intervals.
Indian Gooseberries/Amla
Amla’s antibacterial properties can boost immunity and fight off bacteria, which can do wonders for treating tuberculosis. Its abundance of antioxidants and antitussive properties also helps reduce coughing caused by TB infection. Amla also reduces spasms, inflammation, and mucous secretion in airways.
Extract a teaspoon of gooseberry juice and mix it with an equal amount of honey and consume it. Taking amla juice along with TB medication is also known to reduce the risk of developing liver toxicity.
Green Tea
Rich in antioxidant properties, green tea helps boost immunity. Also, the polyphenols present in green tea can fight off bacteria that cause tuberculosis. To make the tea, boil green tea leaves in water and consume it twice or thrice daily.
Black Pepper
It is effective against inflammatory-related diseases and also aids in cleansing the lungs and reducing mucous production. Therefore, it helps reduce chest pain caused by tuberculosis and also decreases the symptoms of sneezing and coughing. Black pepper is also known to enhance the effectiveness of some TB drugs, such as rifampicin (increases bioavailability).
Fry 8 to 10 black peppers in clarified butter or ghee and make a paste with it; take half a spoonful of this mixture every few hours. You could also add a pinch of black pepper to your tea, soups, and broths. Alternatively, grind black pepper with honey and take a spoonful daily, or you can brew a drink by boiling peppercorn in water and sweetening it with honey.
Cow’s milk is a natural remedy against tuberculosis. Calcium, which is abundant in milk, is necessary to recover quickly from tuberculosis and its symptoms. It prevents the wasting away of tissues and is also a natural laxative for patients with TB suffering from constipation. Some patients are advised to consume milk and milk products.
Apart from home remedies, patients with tuberculosis must consume a nutritious diet to avoid malnutrition, a common complication of the disease. A well-balanced and nutritious diet strengthens the immune system and prevents unintentional weight loss caused by tuberculosis. A diet rich in antioxidants and proteins is also recommended for tuberculosis patients.
Tuberculosis is a serious, contagious illness that can lead to various complications if left untreated. While TB lung infection treatments are available, home remedies can also support healing and alleviate the symptoms of TB in the lungs. However, they must complement the TB treatment rather than replace it. Visit our expert Pulmonologists at Manipal Hospitals, Mukundapur, for comprehensive care for TB.
In some individuals who breathe in TB germs, the body can fight off the infection and prevent it from growing. In such patients, the TB germ is inactive and does not cause symptoms, but it remains alive to cause infection at a later date.
Individuals at high risk for getting TB are:
Who comes in contact with TB-infected persons
Those who are born in or frequently travel to countries with high TB prevalence
Healthcare workers
Diagnosing TB disease is possible by identifying the bacteria in the sample taken from the patient. For pulmonary tuberculosis, a sputum smear microscopy and chest X-ray can confirm the diagnosis. Whereas, for extrapulmonary TB, the diagnosis is made on clinical suspicion and special tests on the affected organ.
If you have TB disease, you need to take several medications. The most common medications used are Isoniazid, Rifampin, Ethambutol, and Pyrazinamide.
For patients who respond to TB medications, the treatment generally lasts for 6 months. However, for patients with resistance to specific medications, the treatment may last longer.