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Nowadays, it's very usual to perform minimally invasive surgeries and the days of traditional and open surgeries are gone. Minimally invasive surgeries have intrinsic benefits over the traditional way of surgeries in a variety of characteristics. The Department of Minimal Invasive Surgery at Manipal Hospitals Mukundapur has immeasurable experience in these types of advanced techniques that can help minimise the stay of patients in the hospital, reduce surgical scarring as well as return patients fast to their day-to-day activities. Manipal Hospitals Mukundapur try to provide standard treatment and it exceeds the expectations of patients. The treatment at Mukundapur is attainable, cost-effective along appropriate. It has a well-experienced team of doctors who perform a variety of tests associated with minimally invasive surgeries. To get the finest treatment, consult with our squad of doctors to get the finest treatment at Manipal Hospitals Mukundapur.
We have cutting-edge laparoscopy technology and video-guided equipment to assist our gastroenterologists in performing minimally accessible/invasive cholecystectomies with ease while constantly maintaining patient comfort.
Our Center of Excellence for Laparoscopic Services is equipped with the most advanced image-guided laparoscopic instrumentation and diagnostic equipment. It allows our multidisciplinary team of gastroenterologists and laparoscopy technicians to perform a laparoscopic appendectomy treatment in Mukundapur on patients of all ages with equal ease. Consult with our experts to know more.
Gallbladder removal is a procedure that is best performed through minimally access surgical procedures by laparoscopic surgery. A Laparoscopic cholecystectomy treatment in Bangalore is performed through a few small incisions (up to 4) between 0.5 and 1 cm which varies based on the circumstances of the case and the laparoscopic technology used.
The appendix is a small, pouch-like organ attached to the large intestine. It carries bacteria. Appendicitis occurs when the appendix becomes blocked, inflamed, and swells. This may cause severe abdominal pain and can even lead to a ruptured appendix. If a ruptured appendix is not treated immediately, the bacteria can spread to the other organ, endangering…
Minimally access surgery is used to treat a variety of conditions including the removal of an inflamed appendix, gallbladder to treat gallstones, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, hernia repair, stomach ulcers, Gastrectomy, Oncological surgery, Ectopic pregnancy, removal of fibroids, and hysterectomy. Manipal Hospitals assists in the management of pain and the restoration of function in the simplest manner. Our Laparoscopic, minimally invasive procedures ensure patient recovery and improved quality of life by providing the least invasive, most appropriate, and most advanced treatment available.