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The Department of Paediatric Pulmonology, Manipal Hospitals focuses on the diagnosis and management of respiratory issues in children from birth through puberty. Respiratory conditions that are frequently treated include pneumonia, bronchiolitis, asthma, cystic fibrosis, and congenital lung abnormalities. Additionally, the speciality treats upper airway abnormalities such as laryngomalacia and sleep-related breathing issues.
Comprehensive evaluation methods such as pulmonary function tests, imaging procedures like chest X-rays or CT scans, and bronchoscopy when required are important components of paediatric pulmonology. Treatment plans differ greatly and may include respiratory therapies like Inhalation techniques and Oxygen Therapy, as well as drugs like Corticosteroids, Antibiotics, or Bronchodilators.
To provide comprehensive care, paediatric pulmonologists work closely with paediatricians, ENT (ear, nose, and throat) physicians, and allergists. Other essential elements of paediatric pulmonology practice include patient education, environmental control measures, and preventive vaccines. Paediatric pulmonology care concentrates on early diagnosis, individualised treatment programs, and continuous care to maximise lung health and quality of life, improving outcomes for kids with respiratory illnesses.
Asthma, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis, RSV infections, obstructive sleep apnoea, persistent cough, congenital lung malformations, interstitial lung disorders, and allergic rhinitis/sinusitis are among the common respiratory problems seen in paediatric pulmonology. These ailments, which range from acute infections like pneumonia and bronchiolitis to chronic diseases like cystic fibrosis and asthma, call for specialist care in order to control symptoms and support children's lung health.
Paediatric pulmonology focuses on the unique developmental needs of children's lungs, requiring specialised approaches for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Unlike adults, children have growing bodies and distinct medical needs, often expressing concerns differently. Paediatric pulmonologists work closely with other specialists, such as allergists, and prioritise long-term care by monitoring lung function and growth. Their practices are designed to be child-friendly, helping to relax and cooperate with young patients.
Paediatric pulmonologists play a crucial role in the healthcare of children who display symptoms like chronic cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, recurrent respiratory infections, chronic congestion, difficulty sleeping due to breathing issues, failure to thrive, chest pain during coughing or breathing, and breathing symptoms associated with allergies. An early assessment by a paediatric pulmonologist is vital for the accurate diagnosis and treatment of respiratory conditions, ensuring the overall health and lung function of the child.
Depending on the child's age and degree of cooperation, pulmonary function tests (PFTs) include diffusion capacity testing to assess gas exchange efficiency, peak flow measurement to monitor asthma, lung volume assessments to determine total and residual lung capacity, and spirometry to measure lung capacity and airflow. To accurately evaluate and maintain the continuing management of paediatric respiratory health, these tests are essential. Through these tests the diagnosis of asthma, interstitial lung disorders, chronic lung illnesses, and restrictive lung conditions is possible.
Paediatric respiratory problems are influenced by environmental variables such as mould, pollen, and allergens; tobacco smoke; air pollution (particulate matter, ozone); poor indoor air quality (VOCs, allergens); and occupational exposures. Air quality control (air purifiers, smoke reduction), avoidance techniques (allergen control, ventilation), outdoor protection (monitoring air quality), and education (smoking cessation) are the measures involved in managing these respiratory conditions. Paediatric pulmonologists work in conjunction with other experts to develop efficient strategies that target these variables and improve children's respiratory health.
To provide complete care, paediatric pulmonologists work closely with paediatricians, allergists, ENT specialists, respiratory therapists, sleep medicine experts, cardiologists, gastroenterologists, geneticists, radiologists, and psychologists and /social workers. This collaboration addresses the medical, developmental, and behavioural aspects of respiratory disorders in children through shared care plans, multidisciplinary clinics, and collaborative consultations. In addition to improving patient management and treatment outcomes, this kind of collaboration helps paediatric patients' general respiratory health.
According to severity and control, individualised care is given priority in the current asthma management guidelines for children. This entails routinely evaluating lung function and symptoms using instruments like spirometry. Step-by-step, individually tailored pharmacological techniques and leukotriene modifiers are used in treatment. Education about self-management and avoiding triggers are examples of non-pharmacological techniques. To improve long-term asthma management and lower exacerbations, evolving guidelines emphasise eliminating environmental triggers, patient education, and the early use of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS).
It can be difficult to diagnose respiratory disorders in infants and young children because of nonspecific symptoms like cough and wheezing, poor communication skills, the rapid course of the disease, unusual presentations, and difficulties with diagnostics like pulmonary function tests. The diagnosis is made more difficult by elements such as coexisting symptoms, age-specific illness presentations, a lack of adequate diagnostic instruments, and environmental effects. To properly manage these disorders, paediatricians use specialised diagnostics, clinical examinations, and history-taking.
Children with cystic fibrosis experience inflammation, bronchiectasis, persistent infections, airway blockage, and respiratory failure as a result of thick mucus accumulation. Lung Transplantation, nutritional assistance, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conduction regulator modulator therapies (CFTR modulators), antibiotics, bronchodilators, airway clearance procedures, and mucolytics are among the treatments. The goal of individualised care is to improve the quality of life and control symptoms based on severity and genetic mutation.
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