Surgical Gastro Hospital in Kolkata
Surgical Gastro Hospital in Kolkata | Manipal Hospitals

Surgical Gastro

Surgical Gastro Hospital in Kolkata

With a mission to deliver comprehensive and innovative surgical care for gastrointestinal disorders, the Department of Surgical Gastro at Manipal Hospitals Mukundapur is a light of excellence. The department, which is made up of a group of extremely experienced and knowledgeable surgeons, has modern facilities and innovative equipment to ensure accurate diagnosis and successful treatments. With a focus on delivering patient-centric care, the Surgical Gastro department at Manipal Hospitals Mukundapur specializes in a wide range of procedures, including minimally invasive surgeries, laparoscopic interventions, and complex gastrointestinal reconstructions. The department is committed to adopting the latest advancements in surgical techniques, ensuring optimal outcomes and faster recovery for patients. By encouraging cooperation among other departments, the multidisciplinary strategy enhances the patient experience as a whole. Patient education and support are a vital part of the department's ideas, reinforcing Manipal Hospitals Mukundapur's commitment to excellence in surgical gastroenterology.

Surgical Gastro Hospital in Kolkata


Know About Us

Why Manipal?

The Manipal Hospital, Sarjapur Road, is the premiere centre for the diagnosis and treatment of various gastrointestinal disorders and concerns. The renowned team of experienced and skilled gastroenterologists and specialists provide the most advanced and affordable patient-centric and ethical care. With devotion towards clinical excellence and competent service aligned with the patient's needs, we have earned the confidence of the people as one of the best hospitals in Mukundapur.

The high-calibre medical practitioners are able to provide the best care for patients with gastrointestinal disorders thanks to cutting-edge diagnostic tools that are on par with international standards. Whether the patient has gastritis, colitis or even serious conditions such as liver failure or oesophageal cancer, we have the teams equipped to handle it all. Consult with our experts at Manipal Hospitals now. 

Treatment & Procedures

GI Emergencies

Certain gastrointestinal conditions require immediate emergency treatment, and for most people, it could be in the form of a surgical procedure. Most GI emergencies are characterised by intense abdominal pain, and immediate medical attention must be sought to quickly diagnose the problem and save the person's life. Here are some of the conditions that…

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Lap LAR and Ileostomy

It is essential to learn a little bit about the functioning of the digestive system to understand how the Lap LAR Ileostomy works. The food you eat passes through the oesophagus (food pipe) to the stomach, where the digestion process happens. The digested food then moves to the small intestine, where nutrients are absorbed. Everything that is left…

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Sleeve Gastrectomy

Also called vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VAS), the bariatric procedure involves removing a part of the stomach to drastically decrease its volume. What's left after the surgical procedure is a small, banana-shaped stomach that is closed using staples. The surgery curbs the feeling of hunger by increasing the feeling of fullness even after a small meal.…

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Ventral hernia

A ventral hernia occurs when abdominal tissues protrude through a weak 'hole' in the abdominal wall muscle. Hernias can occur anywhere on the abdominal wall, and the risk factors include obesity, injuries, previous hernia, abdominal surgeries, pregnancy or lifting heavy objects. It can be treated with ventral hernia treatment in Mukundapur such as…

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Colorectal Surgery

It is a term that encompasses a number of different surgical procedures to treat the problem in the colon (large intestine), rectum and anus. The different procedures involved can be performed on both children and adults to treat conditions such as colon and rectal cancer, congenital disabilities, injuries to the anus, inflammatory bowel disease, piles,…

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For people who are obese, exercise and diet alone cannot help with reducing weight. Bariatric surgery is performed on such individuals to help them lose excess weight effectively and reliably, especially when the excess weight causes major health concerns and issues. The surgical intervention can improve the overall health of individuals with excess…

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Lap Gastric Bypass

It is a bariatric surgery performed on severely obese individuals to accelerate weight loss and decrease the risk of serious health problems. The stomach cavity is turned into a small pouch during the procedure, and the food movement is bypassed from the first section of the small intestine. The result is lower absorption of food by the stomach and…

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Individuals who are afflicted with pancreatic cancer might be advised to have the tumour removed through a surgical procedure called the Whipple procedure. This whipple treatment in Mukundapur, which can span about 6 hours, involves removing the head of the pancreas along with the duodenum, gall bladder and a portion of the stomach. It's usually an…

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Small Bowel Resection

Small bowel resection is a procedure in which a part of the small intestine is removed as a treatment for certain conditions such as Crohn's disease, regional enteritis, regional ileitis, tumours, injury, blockage and others. During the procedure, which is done laparoscopically, the surgeon mostly removes the affected part of the small intestine and…

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Surgical Gastro Hospital in Kolkata

At Manipal Hospitals, considered the top hospital in Mukundapur, patients can avail a range of treatments for various gastrointestinal disorders and issues. Here are some of the most performed procedures and what it entails. 

Surgical Gastro Hospital in Kolkata

Find the best Surgical Gastro Hospital in Mukundapur. Book an appointment at Manipal Hospitals.