The inability to regulate urine leakage or inability to hold urine is known as urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is mainly a loss of bladder control and is frequently observed in older people, women who have recently given birth, and women who are menopausal. For many people, the feeling of uncontrollably spilling pee can be embarrassing. Urinary incontinence is not only a medical issue but also emotional, psychological, and social lives may all be impacted due to this.
Nearly 7% to 10% of people in society are dealing with urinary incontinence where the number of elderly people is high (20% to 25%). Moreover, the 20 to 50 age group of people face urge incontinence, and after age above 40 to 70 people get stress incontinence. Creating awareness about urinary incontinence is very important as most people are too shy to express their thoughts on urine leak feel embarrassed or do not like to share their problem.
Types of Incontinence
Incontinence comes in many different forms where urge incontinence and stress incontinence are considered the main types. These types of urine leakage have various traits, triggers, and causes. The diagnosis and management of incontinence frequently include determining the type of incontinence which is as follows:
Urge incontinence
An urgent need to urinate is what distinguishes this kind of incontinence. Frequently, in this case, an individual can't get to a toilet in time and wind up leaking urine as a result. Overactive bladder (OAB) is a disorder that can lead to urge incontinence. For more clarity regarding Urge incontinence, consult with our urologist in Mysore.
Stress incontinence
Stress incontinence is frequently present when an individual loses pee while performing an activity. The pelvic floor muscles of the patient are weak and no longer adequately support the pelvic organs in this form of incontinence. A lot of people experience leakage problems when they jump, lift objects, laugh, sneeze, cough, or run due to intra-abdominal pressure, where the bladder can feel pressure from all of these actions.
Overflow incontinence
Overflow incontinence may occur if the bladder doesn't empty each time the patient urinates. Overflow incontinence patients never empty their bladders, which puts them at risk for spills. In this case, the bladder gets filled with urine and gets extended a bit and due to pressure, it starts leaking a few drops of urine.
Treatment of Urinary Incompetence
The main concern in most cases is an individual dealing with incontinence who does not have an idea about whom to consult for treatment. In this case, to understand the scenario of the patient the doctors usually go through some tests that as a regular ultrasound of the abdomen, urine tests to check if there is any infection or not, or uroflowmetry to check obstruction and accordingly with the help of urodynamic study confirm the particular type of incontinence it is. Visit Manipal Hospitals for Urinary incontinence Treatment in Mysore.
Several kinds of treatments are available such as fluid restriction, oral antimuscarinic (anticholinergic), etc. There are several treatment procedures available to treat urge anticholinergic where medication has been provided to suppress the urge. Depending on the age group, sex, and capability the medication used to be prescribed. Doctors also suggest some pelvic exercises known as kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor. This exercise mainly helps people with stress incontinence. Urge incontinence patients are mainly suggested with relaxation exercises to suppress the urge and control urine pressure. In case of stress incontinence, if the patient is not getting cured with medication and exercises, the doctor usually goes with surgery that is Transobturator Tape or TOT.