Dermatologists in Mysore - Manipal Hospitals

Our Dermatology Experts

Dermatologists in Mysore

Dermatology at Manipal Hospitals Mysore provides comprehensive skin care services to patients of all ages. Our team of experienced dermatologists and skin specialists is committed to delivering exceptional care and helping patients achieve healthy, radiant skin. At our Dermatology department, we offer a wide range of services to address various skin conditions and concerns. These include the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders, such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, fungal infecti......

Dermatology at Manipal Hospitals Mysore provides comprehensive skin care services to patients of all......


Consultant - Dermatology and Cosmetology


MBBS, Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, DDVLMysore University, Mandya