Gastro Intestinal Disorder treatment in Mysore

GI Disorders

Gastro Intestinal Disorder treatment in Mysore

Gi disorders affect the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, responsible for digesting food and eliminating waste. Common GI disorders include gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), peptic ulcers, and gallstones. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, and nausea. Treatment options can vary depending on the type and severity of the disorder but may include lifestyle changes, medications, and surgery. Keeping a food diary and avoiding trigger foods help to manage symptoms.


  • Pre-procedure Testing

Depending on the procedure, your doctor may order specific tests to be performed before the procedure. This can include blood tests, imaging tests such as X-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans, and other tests. 

  • Medication Adjustments

Certain medications, such as blood thinners and medications that can cause bleeding, may need to be stopped before the procedure. Be sure to discuss any medications with your doctor before the procedure. 

  • Anesthesia

You may need anesthesia before the gastrointestinal disorder treatment in Mysore, and this can involve a general anesthetic to put you to sleep or a local anesthetic to numb the area.


  • Diagnosis

The first step in managing a GI disorder is to diagnose it, which can involve a physical examination, lab tests, endoscopy, imaging, and other diagnostic tools. 

  • Treatment

Treatment of GI disorders depends on the specific condition but may include medications, lifestyle changes, dietary modifications, and surgery. 

  • Monitoring

Regular monitoring is essential for most GI disorders to ensure that the condition is appropriately managed and that any complications are identified and treated early. This may involve follow-up visits to the doctor, laboratory tests, and imaging studies. 

Post Procedure

Post-procedure care for gastrointestinal disorders varies depending on the type of procedure. Generally, the following steps should be taken: 

  • Follow-up appointments

Patients should attend all follow-up appointments with their doctor to monitor the procedure's success and to check for any signs of infection or complications. 

  • Eating and drinking

Patients may be instructed to follow a specific diet for a few days after the procedure. This may include avoiding certain foods and drinks, such as alcohol, coffee, and spicy or greasy foods. 

  • Medications

Patients should take all medications as prescribed, including antibiotics and pain relievers. 

Consult with a team of experts to get the best gastro treatment in Mysore.

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