Best Pain Management Hospital in Mysore
Best Pain Management Hospital in Mysore | Manipal Hospitals

Pain Medicine

Best Pain Management Hospital In Mysore

The Pain Medicine department at Manipal Hospitals, Mysore has an eminent team of specialists with expertise in assessing and comprehensively treating conditions that trigger acute and chronic pain. Pain resulting from an illness, surgery, chronic condition, or injury may adversely affect one's general health and standard of life.

Best Pain Management Hospital in Mysore


Know About Us

Why Manipal?

Manipal Hospitals, Mysore, is a multi-speciality hospital providing comprehensive healthcare services and facilities, including specialists in pain management. The experienced faculty specialises in pain management and offers high-quality treatment and care. Manipal Hospitals Mysore’s state-of-the-art facilities and advanced technology ensure patients receive the best-in-class treatment and pain management strategies. Additionally, Manipal's emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration allows doctors to interact with specialists from different healthcare disciplines, enriching their learning experience and fostering a holistic approach to patient care.

Treatment & Procedures

Pain Management Planning

In cases of chronic pain that cannot be fully removed or treated, the patient needs to follow a routine that helps them manage their pain effectively through a combination of physical therapy, medication, and counseling. Depending on the nature and severity of the pain, additional therapeutic practices may be recommended. A pain management specialist…

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Best Pain Management Hospital in Mysore


Treatment & Procedure

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia is mainly characterised by the pain on one side of the face that feels electric shock-like. This chronic pain illness affects the trigeminal nerve, which carries sensation from the face to the brain. If the patient has trigeminal neuralgia, even minor facial stimulation, such as brushing teeth, washing the face or chewing food can cause excruciating pain. Episodes of intense pain may last longer and occur more frequently as trigeminal neuralgia worsens. It is more common in women than men and is more likely to occur in people over 50. Trigeminal neuralgia is very difficult to treat, but there are treatments to decrease the unbearable pain. The first course of treatment is often anticonvulsive medication. Intervention may be a helpful alternative if a patient stops responding to medicine or experiences severe pharmaceutical side effects.


Trigeminal Ganglion Radio-frequency Ablation [RFA]

Trigeminal neuralgia is commonly treated with percutaneous surgery, especially in older patients and high-risk groups. RFA, or radiofrequency ablation, is a type of percutaneous intervention that uses high-frequency waves to target the nerve responsible for the body's chronic pain. RFA targets a small portion of the trigeminal nerve which is responsible for pain and changes the way pain signals are perceived by the trigeminal nerve and brain, thereby lessening pain and discomfort. RFA is evolving as the most chosen and efficient treatment over all other treatment procedures for trigeminal neuralgia. It is possible to conduct sensory and motor testing during surgery. Since the needle is smaller, the pain is reduced. Patients recover sufficiently to go home the same day after the procedure, completed in a single day. 


Lower Limb Radicular Pain/Sciatica

Lower Limb Radicular Pain/Sciatica is a form of pain that travels down the spine from your back and hip to your legs. The pain traverses through the path of the spinal nerve root. Numbness, tingling, and weakness might also be present in addition to the leg discomfort—radicular pain results when the spinal nerve is crushed (pinched) or irritated. Sciatica can be severe and persistent and worsen while sitting or moving around.


Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection:

Sciatica, herniated discs, or other back issues may cause pain in your lower back, legs, and feet that can be relieved with a transforaminal injection. The spinal cord of your body is connected to your legs by nerves. Pain can travel from your back to your legs and feet when a nerve "root"—the end closest to your spinal cord—becomes irritated and inflamed due to a broken disc or another ailment. Pain relief and inflammation reduction are both possible with the use of a minimal amount of steroids. It is injected into your back, between your spinal column and spine.

Neuroplasty is a therapy approach used to relieve pain in people with spinal discomfort. The fundamental idea behind neuroplasty is that inflammation and adhesion in the epidural space, brought on by stimulating the nerve roots, cause back pain. The pain can be eliminated by removing the adhesion and lowering the inflammation. 

Epidural caudal steroid injection involves the injection of steroids into the epidural caudal space, which is the bottom portion of the epidural space, which encircles the nerve roots like a sleeve. The steroid injections lessen nerve pain and reduce spinal discomfort. 


Vascular Limb Pain in peripheral vascular diseases:

A blood circulation disorder known as peripheral vascular disease (PVD) causes the arteries outside your heart and brain to constrict, block, or spasm. Patients may experience this in their veins or arteries. Pain and exhaustion are characteristic symptoms of PVD, frequently in the legs and especially when exercising, and rest typically makes the ache disappear.

It may also impact the arteries that carry oxygen and blood to your kidneys, stomach, and intestines. Blood flow reductions and blood vessel narrowing occur in PVD. Arteriosclerosis, often known as "hardening of the arteries" or blood vessel spasms, may be to blame. Plaques accumulate in a blood vessel in arteriosclerosis, restricting the amount of blood and oxygen that can reach your organs and limbs.

Clots may form and block the artery when the plaque growth intensifies. Delay in treatment or leaving untreated may lead to organ damage and the loss of limbs or fingers and toes.


Chemical Neurolysis/ RFA of Sympathetic Chain

Sympathetic chain neurolysis is a medical procedure to alleviate chronic pain associated with peripheral vascular diseases, in some cases even after successful angioplasty. The sympathetic nervous system regulates various bodily functions, including blood flow, heart rate, and pain perception. Sympathetic chain neurolysis involves the injection of a neurolytic agent, such as alcohol or phenol, into the sympathetic chain near the lower spine. This injection destroys or blocks the nerve fibres responsible for transmitting pain signals, relieving patients suffering from complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) or certain types of cancer-related pain. Sympathetic chain neurolysis is typically performed under imaging guidance and may be repeated at the Best Pain Management Hospital in Mysore.


Cancer Pain

Different types of cancer pain exist. It could be achy, scorching, dull, or acute, and it can be mild, moderate, severe, intermittent, or constant. The sort of cancer, its stage of development, its location, and the level of pain tolerance all affect how much pain the patient experiences. The vast majority of cancer patients tend to control their pain, by making it a crucial component of monotherapy. 

Cancer itself has the potential to cause pain. The cancer might spread into or damage the adjacent tissue, causing pain. A tumour's expansion might pressure bones, organs, or nerves. Additionally, the tumour may emit pain-causing substances. Pain relief after cancer treatment may be a possibility in a few cases. Alternatively, pain can also arise as an adverse effect of cancer therapies like surgery chemo or radiation.



Radio waves heat a small patch of nerve tissue in a procedure known as radiofrequency ablation (radiofrequency neurotomy). By destroying that nerve portion, it prevents the body from receiving pain signals from that place. People with chronic pain, particularly in the neck, lower back, and arthritic joints, may find long-lasting relief with RFA.

In this procedure, a tiny needle is placed around the pain-causing nerve during a radiofrequency ablation procedure. The intended nerve receives radio waves that are passed through the needle. The adjacent healthy nerves remain unaffected.


Knee Pain

All ages are susceptible to the common condition known as knee discomfort. An injury, such as a torn ligament or damaged cartilage, may bring on knee discomfort. Infections, gout, and arthritis can also cause knee discomfort.

The majority of the time, knee pain is not a severe sign. Simple muscular strain, tendonitis, or arthritis are just a few of the many possible causes. Sometimes there is no discernible cause. Self-care methods work well for many conditions that cause modest knee pain. Using knee braces and physical therapy are additional ways to relieve knee discomfort. However, there may be times when patients need to have interventional procedures or even knee surgery. 



Knee Joint Injections

Knee pain management has various treatments. One of these treatments is injectable therapy for the knee, and it entails injecting drugs directly into the knee joint to relieve localised inflammation and pain. Substances such as hyaluronic acid, botulinum neurotoxin, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP)/ growth factors have been applied. Knee osteoarthritis injection therapy can involve a single injection, or weekly treatments spaced three to five weeks apart. Most people experience pain alleviation after four to twelve weeks; studies have shown that injections can ensure pain relief for up to several months. As often as necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

Knee joint injections may temporarily alleviate pain and enhance joint mobility, making it easier for recovering people to participate in physical therapy and other rehabilitation exercises. The time it takes for a patient to experience pain varies depending on their circumstances; some patients find relief right once, while others gradually experience it over weeks or months. Few patients with osteoarthritis knee who are medically unfit/frail and who are not willing to undergo surgical procedures can undergo minimally invasive Genicular nerve RFA procedures for adequate pain relief.  These injections could come with hazards and issues like infection, bleeding, allergic responses, and harm to the structures nearby. As a result, the procedure should be carried out by a skilled healthcare expert with strict adherence to asepsis.


Neck Pain and Upper Limb Pain

Neck discomfort is a typical problem for a significant population at any age. Even the most basic tasks can be exceedingly challenging to complete when suffering from this kind of agony, which is frequently crippling. It might result from severe back or nerve problems, including a pinched nerve, a herniated disc, or underlying spinal or vertebral problems. Your shoulders and arms may hurt for various reasons, such as physical trauma, muscle strain, a pinched nerve, or issues with the cervical spine. Although the issue may be localised in the nerves in your spine, the nerves that travel from the spine in your neck, down the shoulders, and down your arms might produce discomfort that radiates from those areas. 



Cervical Neuroplasty/ Epidural injection

Chronic neck and arm pain brought on by nerve compression in the cervical spine can be treated with cervical neuroplasty, also known as cervical epidural neuroplasty, a minimally invasive pain intervention. It is frequently carried out as a non-surgical approach to treat the symptoms of radiculopathy, spinal stenosis, or herniated discs.

To numb the area, local anaesthetic is given while the patient is positioned comfortably for the surgery. Under the guidance of fluoroscopy or X-ray imaging, a tiny catheter or special needle is introduced into the epidural space. Using the catheter, the afflicted nerve root or disc is treated with a cocktail of drugs, including corticosteroids and local anaesthetics. 

Cervical neuroplasty aims to reduce inflammation, relieve nerve compression, and promote the healing of the affected tissues. The procedure is typically performed outpatient, and patients may experience immediate pain relief or a gradual improvement in symptoms over time. As with any medical procedure, there are potential risks and complications, including infection, bleeding, nerve injury, or allergic reactions.


The Pain Medicine department in Manipal Hospitals, Mysore, is a renowned healthcare unit in pain management because of its knowledgeable faculty and cutting-edge infrastructure. Multiple procedures and therapies are available for managing various pain conditions. These procedures, which range from knee joint injections for knee pain to cervical neuroplasty/ facet joint denervation for persistent neck and arm pain, are designed to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and improve the overall quality of life.

Each procedure has benefits and considerations, and it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate treatment for individual cases. Pain management is vital in enhancing a patient’s well-being by offering effective pain relief strategies and improving their overall quality of life. 

Best Pain Management Hospital in Mysore

Facilities & Services

Facilities and services at Manipal Hospitals Mysore for pain management are in place to provide a comfortable and supportive environment for patients seeking treatment. These facilities encompass treatment centres with advanced medical technologies and equipment. The purpose is to ensure accurate diagnosis, effective interventions, and the best possible care for patients. The staff is trained and experienced in pain management, and they strive to create a welcoming and understanding atmosphere for patients. They offer a range of services, including various pain-relieving treatments such as injections, medications, physical therapy, and alternative therapies. The goal is to help patients manage their pain, improve their quality of life, and regain functionality. The facilities also focus on patient education and provide support in developing self-management strategies for long-term pain relief. These facilities at the Best Pain Management Hospital in Mysore, aim to provide comprehensive and individualised care to patients, addressing their unique pain needs and helping them find relief and recovery.


After examining the patient's condition and evaluating the history, a pain specialist will prescribe a few ways to help the patient manage their pain without overly compromising their lifestyle. In severe cases, medications will be recommended as well as regular physical therapy to strengthen the patient's body.

Pain management is an area of medicine that focuses on identifying, assessing, and treating different kinds of pain. Chronic pain can have a substantial adverse influence on a person's quality of life. It is crucial because effective pain management can help people with chronic pain feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally.

●Old age ●Family history of chronic pain ●Obesity ●Past injuries

Numerous illnesses, such as slipped disc, sciatica, cancer pain, myofascial pain,  fibromyalgia, migraines, post-surgical pain, neuropathic pain, back pain, and other chronic pains, can be treated with pain management.

By definition, chronic pain is described as pain that persists beyond 3-6 months from the day it first started. Chronic pain is lingering, continuous pain that makes it difficult for a patient to go about their everyday business and also adversely affects their mental health.

At the Best Pain Management Hospital in Mysore, Pain management treatment options may include medications, interventional procedures (such as nerve blocks/ injections/ RFA ), physical therapy, rehabilitation &  exercises.

In most cases, chronic pain is a symptom of another underlying condition, which could be an illness or injury. It is difficult to predict, and therefore, to prevent.

At the Best Pain Management Hospital in Mysore will conduct a comprehensive evaluation, which may include a thorough medical history review, physical examination, diagnostic tests (such as imaging or nerve studies), and detailed pain assessment tools to understand the nature and severity of your pain.

To control discomfort, medications are essential. Analgesics (pain relievers), anti-inflammatory medicines, muscle relaxants, antidepressants, or anticonvulsants may be prescribed by the pain management specialist depending on the type and intensity of the pain.

The majority of pain management therapies at the best pain management hospital in Mysore, concentrate on non-surgical methods. Minimally invasive techniques, such as radiofrequency ablation, or nerve blocks, might be advised in some circumstances. These interventions are carried out by pain management experts who are skilled in these techniques.

The duration of pain relief varies depending on factors such as the underlying condition, the chosen treatment approach, and individual patient response. Some treatments may provide temporary relief, while others offer long-term or permanent pain reduction.

A multidisciplinary, continuing strategy at the best pain management hospital in Mysore is frequently used to manage pain. Creating a customised treatment plan, keeping track of progress, modifying therapy as necessary, and offering continuous pain management and rehabilitation assistance may need several visits.

Pain management treatments can have potential risks or side effects like any medical intervention. However, the pain management team at MH Mysore takes all necessary precautions, follows best practices, and prioritises patient safety to minimise risks and maximise benefits.

To schedule an appointment with the pain management specialists at the best pain management hospital in Mysore, you can call the hospital's designated appointment line or contact their pain management department directly. The staff will assist you in scheduling a convenient time for consultation and further evaluation.

Manipal Hospitals is actively engaged in an effort to providing high quality health care that is personalised over a long-term partnership with its patients. The department of pain medicine and its endeavour to improve the quality of our patient's lives is a testament to this. Reach out to us to know more about chronic pain and make an appointment with one of our pain medicine specialists today.