Losing a few hair strands is often normal, but don't ignore excessive hairfall. If you're seeing more hair strands than usual falling out, it's important to take action now and address the issue to prevent further damage.
Hair fall can be highly concerning. Your scalp or body may experience hair loss due to various factors like hormonal changes, diseases, heredity, or ageing. This situation is more common in men. In older adults, the main cause of baldness is hereditary hair loss.
Let's find out How to Stop Hairfall in detail through this blog.
Hair Fall and Its Causes
The medical term for hair loss is Alopecia. It happens due to a disruption in the body's normal hair growth cycle. Hair loss can be temporary or permanent. Men are significantly more prone to experiencing hair loss. It is estimated that 85% of men and around 55% of women encounter hair loss during their lifetime.
Women from the age of 40 experience extreme hair loss due to hereditary causes. Menopausal hair loss may occur among women between the ages of 45 and 55.
Below are the most common causes of hair fall:
Ageing, heredity, and changes in testosterone levels – all can contribute to hair loss.
Hair follicles might become loose due to psychological stress or emotional or physical trauma.
Medications for treatments like chemotherapy for cancer. However, in such cases, the hair grows back.
High fever, infections,
When the body's immune system targets hair follicles, it can also lead to hair loss. This type of hair loss is called Alopecia areata.
Tight hairstyles can also damage hair roots and cause hair loss such as tight ponytails, braids, cornrows, etc. This type of hair loss is called Traction alopecia.
Understanding these causes helps dermatologists plan your treatment accordingly. Consider consulting a hair specialist Bangalore for the best possible treatment.
How to Prevent Excessive Hair Fall?
There are certain preventive measures that you can take to prevent hair fall.
What to Do?
Use gentle shampoos, moisturising conditioners, leave-in conditioners, and microfibre towels. This helps in damage prevention.
Brush your hair gently.
Use your blow-dryer in the lowest heat setting.
Eat a healthy diet. Include more iron, protein, and vitamins or minerals.
Natural remedies such as Aloe vera, Coconut oil, and Rosemary oil can help prevent hair fall and promote new hair growth.
What Not to Do?
Avoid pulled-up hairstyles, as this can cause traction alopecia.
Avoid twisting or pulling on your hair.
Avoid hot oil treatments, at-home colouring, chemical straightening, and relaxing.
Limit the usage of curling or flat irons and hot combs.
Incorporate these measures into your daily routine to notice the differences in a given time
Treatments for Hair Fall
Some of the most effective hair fall treatments include the following
Medications that can help stop hair loss such as minoxidil and finasteride.
Hair Transplant is also a possibility. This is a surgical process wherein your dermatologist takes hair follicles out of your body and implants them into the bald patches on the scalp.
Laser therapy can help increase blood flow in particular regions, which encourages the development of new hair follicles from inactive follicles. Microneedling is another treatment option to regrow hair in selected bald areas.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections in the bald patches of the scalp help in new hair growth.
Hair loss requires attention just like any other ailment. The sooner you address it, the better your chances of preventing excessive hair damage and promoting healthy hair growth.
Visit us for the best hair fall treatment.
Hair growth increases through diet, but genetic hair loss can be managed with medication, laser therapy, or surgical procedures, along with a healthy lifestyle.
Women may experience extreme hair loss from the age of 40 if it is hereditary. Menopausal hair loss may impact women between the ages of 45 and 55.
Usually, incorporating a healthy diet can help in promoting hair growth. Genetic causes of hair loss may require medication, laser therapy, or even surgical procedures like hair transplantation, alongside leading a healthy lifestyle.
Home remedies like certain oils, scalp massages, and dietary changes may help slow down hair loss, but they cannot cure genetic baldness or hair loss due to hormonal imbalances. Genetic baldness requires medication, laser therapy, or surgical procedures, along with a healthy lifestyle. For persistent baldness, consult a top dermatologist in Bangalore for appropriate treatment.
Yes, harsh shampoos and styling treatments can lead to hair loss as they can damage the hair follicles and cause breakage due to overuse of chemicals.
To stop hair loss, first see a dermatologist to identify the root cause of this hair loss so that an accurate treatment plan consisting of medications and other interventions (laser, PRP, or transplant) can be curated.
Additionally, certain lifestyle changes that you can adopt to help prevent hair loss are:
·Follow a healthy diet
Manage stress
Avoid harsh treatments, use mild shampoos
Avoid tight hairstyles
Stay hydrated
Protect your hair from the sun