Management Of Stroke
A stroke is a condition that occurs when your blood supply to a part of your brain is reduced or interrupted. The brain tissue is kept from getting the necessary oxygen supply and nutrients. This causes brain cells to die right away. Managing a stroke is a medical emergency and you need immediate treatment. If early action is not executed, then there can be serious brain damage and other complications.
You may also have a stroke when there is significant bleeding in your brain due to trauma or a ruptured blood vessel. In such cases, the pressure of the pooled blood causes a lack of nutrition and blood supply to the brain.
Symptoms Of Stroke
Time is key when you observe the symptoms of a stroke. These symptoms include:
Trouble while speaking with slurring of words.
Have a difficulty comprehending what the opposite person is saying.
Paralysis of your face, arms, or legs. You may experience weakness or paralysis in your face, arms, or legs.
Trouble in walking or maintaining balance. You may have a sudden loss of control while walking or dizziness.
Problems in a vision where you see everything blurred or double.
When To Consult A Doctor?
Seek medical attention the moment you observe any of the above symptoms. Think of the pneumonic ‘FAST’ if you observe someone having symptoms of a stroke and perform the following:
Face - Ask the individual to smile and observe the face. If the smile or one side of the face droops, then you must rush to the hospital.
Arms - Make the individual raise both arms and observe the drift. If one arm falls or if one arm is unable to rise, then rush to the hospital.
Speech - Make the individual repeat a simple phrase and observe the slurred or strangeness in the speech.
Time - If you observe these signs in anyone, then rush to the hospital immediately without wasting any time.
Visit the best neurology hospital in Bangalore near you for the treatment and management of stroke.
Management Of Stroke
The management of stroke depends on the cause of the stroke.
If the stroke is caused by a blood clot that is blocking the flow to the brain, it is known as an ischaemic stroke.
If the stroke is caused by bleeding around the brain or inside the brain, it is known as a haemorrhagic stroke.
Management of Ischaemic Stroke
Medicines are given to manage ischaemic stroke by reducing or dissolving the clots.
This involves using medicines that bust a clot known as thrombolytic agents. These medicines dissolve the blood clots and restore the blood flow to the brain. This mode of treatment is recommended to be carried out immediately and is not beneficial after more than 4.5 hours have passed since the stroke.
The blood clots may be big and may not be easily dissolved with medicines. In such cases, you may require surgery to remove the blood clots and restore the blood flow to your brain. Thrombectomy is usually indicated when a blood clot settles in the large artery of your brain. The procedure is conducted by inserting a catheter into your artery through the groin area. A device is passed into the catheter to the brain. The clot is removed using the device and the symptoms are relieved.
If you have a history of stroke, then you will be given antiplatelet medicines to reduce the chances of another stroke forming.
Anticoagulants prevent the formation of clots by altering the chemical composition of the blood. These medicines are given if you have a history of the formation of blood clots, if you have developed a blood clot in your leg veins in the past, or if you have irregular heartbeats known as atrial fibrillation.
Management of Haemorrhagic Stroke
Haemorrhagic stroke is caused due to bleeding in the brain. This may be due to increased blood pressure or trauma.
Medicines that help reduce your blood pressure are given to prevent further stroke.
Surgery is required to remove the excess blood and repair the blood vessels in the brain. A surgical procedure known as craniotomy is performed to relieve the pressure in the brain. The surgery also involves removing any blood clots that are present and may restrict the blood flow to the brain.
Leading a healthy lifestyle by exercising daily and eating nutritious food can help manage your overall health. If you experience any of the above symptoms, do not panic. Consult the best neurologist in Bangalore right away and get immediate medical help.
Consultant - Neurology
Manipal Hospital, Old Airport Road, Bangalore