
Dr. Pratima Raj

Associate Consultant – Gynaecological Oncology

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Reviewed by

Dr. Pratima Raj

Associate Consultant – Gynaecological Oncology

Manipal Hospitals, Old Airport Road

Myths and Facts About Chemotherapy

Reviewed by:

Dr. Pratima Raj

Posted On: Jan 03, 2024

blogs read 5 Min Read

7 Myths and Facts about Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is the cornerstone of cancer treatment. It uses powerful drugs to target and destroy cancer cells. While widely used, chemotherapy often comes with several misconceptions.


Common Myths and Facts Related to Chemotherapy


Myth 1: Chemotherapy can make you feel unpleasant and sick


Fact 1: Side effects can vary from drug to drug and person to person


Fact 2: Good and balanced nutrition can help you overcome certain side effects


Understand that chemotherapy does not bring one’s life to a standstill. Even though there can be side effects to chemotherapy, its extent and nature vary widely among individuals. Not everyone experiences severe discomfort and many patients continue working and participating in routine activities with some adjustments and support. Some may encounter mild symptoms, while others may navigate the process with minimal disruption to their daily lives. 

Personalised care and tailored treatment plans prescribed by an expert oncologist are essential to follow. A well-balanced diet can positively impact one’s energy levels, immune function, and overall well-being. Addressing nutritional needs enhances the body's resilience. It helps patients cope more effectively with specific side effects. The management of side effects has also significantly improved with supportive care.

Consult our cancer hospital if you need Chemotherapy in Bangalore.


Myth 2: Chemotherapy is all about hair fall


Fact: Hair fall is only temporary


Hair loss represents only one facet of the treatment. However, not all chemotherapy drugs lead to hair fall. The extent of this effect also varies depending on individual patient conditions. Moreover, hair often regrows after the completion of treatment. Understanding that hair loss is a temporary aspect of the journey can alleviate some of the concerns associated with this widely believed notion.


Myth 3: Chemotherapy makes you infertile


Fact: Fertility preservation allows patients to plan their family post-treatment


The concern is valid. However, it is not a universal truth. Advancements in fertility preservation techniques, such as egg or sperm freezing, provide options for those wanting to conceive post-treatment. It also depends on the type and location of the cancer. Always discuss your concerns with an expert gynaecological oncologist in Bangalore before starting to panic.


Myth 4: Chemotherapy is the only treatment available for cancer


Fact: There are multiple treatment modalities to treat cancer. Chemotherapy is one among them


The treatment option depends on the specific type and stage of cancer. Surgery, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy are among the other options. Combining different treatments or employing a multimodal approach is often the most effective strategy in cancer care. 


Myth 5: Chemotherapy always requires hospitalisation


Fact: Patients need not stay overnight in the hospital


Chemotherapy can be administered in outpatient settings, daycare centres, or even at home. In OPD daycare centres, patients receive the treatment and return home the same day. This has now become a standardised procedure. Technological advancements and refined drug regimens allow for more flexible schedules without the need for extended hospitalisation.


Myth 6: Chemotherapy is only available as injectables.


Fact: Chemotherapy can be given in tablets, capsules, or locally.


While injections are a common administration method, chemotherapy drugs come in various forms like tablets or capsules, making them more accessible and convenient. Localised treatments, focusing on specific areas, offer patients more personalised and tolerable options. The suitable approach solely depends on the patient’s condition. 


Myth 7: Chemotherapy is an outdated therapy, as it's all about immunotherapy and targeted therapy now


Fact: Chemotherapy can be curative in certain conditions


Immunotherapy and targeted therapy have indeed emerged as ground-breaking approaches. However, chemotherapy remains a valuable and effective treatment option for most cancers. It is a fact that chemotherapy can lead to curative outcomes in specific conditions. While not universally applicable, there are instances where this treatment has effectively eliminated cancer. That is why early detection, timely intervention, and the collaborative efforts of healthcare teams and patients are important. 

Also, the choice of therapy depends on the cancer type, stage, and the patient’s overall health. It's not a matter of one being superior to the other, but rather a tailored approach for optimal outcomes.

Understanding the realities of chemotherapy is pivotal for navigating cancer treatments. Being well-informed about their treatment, patients can approach chemotherapy with a more confident self.

Visit Manipal Hospital, Old Airport Road, Bangalore, to receive the most precise treatment from the top oncologist in Bangalore.


The sessions usually vary from merely 10 minutes to 8 hours, depending on the drugs and treatment plan.

Yes, we have seen many patients working during chemotherapy. It usually depends on the drug type and the side effects. 

Yes. Maintain a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and rest well. Don’t forget to follow your doctor’s recommendations to minimise the side effects. 

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