Organ donation is a life-saving gift that can give a new lease of life to people in need of a transplant. However, there are certain myths and misconceptions regarding organ donation, which is a major reason why not many wish to become donors. These myths create confusion and misinformation among the general public. Remember, organ donation can contribute to saving up to 9 lives.
Debunking Misconceptions About Organ Donation
Let us address some of the most common myths about organ donation and provide facts about the process.
Myth 1
Donating organs will restrict me from engaging in physically demanding jobs.
One common misconception is that organ donors can no longer resume their physically demanding jobs. It’s NOT TRUE. In living donations, most donors can continue their previous work without significant limitations after making the donation, whether it involves hard labour, driving, carpentry, or agricultural activities.
Myth 2
Organ donation will hinder my ability to embrace parenthood.
Organ donation does not impact one’s ability to conceive or father a child. Both men and women can have safe pregnancies, become a parent after donating an organ and lead healthy, normal lives. Many people are even born with one kidney and yet they lead a fruitful life just like others. For men, kidney donation does not interfere with their sexual capabilities or their role as parents.
Myth 3
Organ donation may lead to a shortened lifespan.
Organ donation does not affect one's lifespan. Donors can live healthy, fulfilling lives with no significant impact on their longevity and restriction on daily activities.
Myth 4
Only young and healthy people can donate organs.
While younger and healthier organs may have a higher success rate, this is not always the case. Age and medical conditions don't necessarily disqualify someone from being an organ donor. Each potential donor undergoes extensive evaluations to determine whether his/her organs will be suitable for transplantation even if the donor had certain medical conditions.
Myth 5
My religion does not support organ donation.
The truth is - most major religions support the idea of organ donation as an act of supreme sacrifice and compassion. In fact, many religious leaders and organizations have come forward and endorsed organ donation as a way to save the lives of others.
Myth 6
Organ donation disfigures the body, making it unsuitable for proper funerals.
Organ donation is performed with utmost respect and care. In cadaver or deceased donor donations, the body is maintained properly throughout the process and the surgical incisions are carefully closed and dressed. Hence, the body is not disfigured and families can carry out the funeral rituals.
Myth 7
Rich and famous people get preferences for organ transplants.
Organ allocation is based on medical criteria, urgency, and compatibility, not on social status or financial means. In Karnataka, the allocation of organs follows a rota system among registered centres where they enrol patients and follow a first-come, first-served basis unless there is a medical emergency. If a patient’s condition is critical or is on life-support, then s/he is placed on a supra-urgent list to receive priority for available organs.
It's important to educate yourself and others about the facts of organ donation to dispel these myths and promote a better understanding of this life-saving process. If you're interested in becoming an organ donor, you can register as an organ donor through an organization or at a hospital. Consult our top nephrologist in Bangalore if you need more details about organ donation myths and facts.