
Fibroid Clinic Launch | Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road

Dr. Reddi Prasad Yadavali, Chairman, HOD & Consultant - Interventional Radiology, and Dr. Gayathri Karthik Nagesh, HOD & Consultant - Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Manipal Hospital Old Road, have joined forces for an innovative joint venture. They proudly introduce the first-of-its-kind Fibroid Clinic as part of the #SaveTheUterus Campaign, aiming to raise awareness about fibroids and promote alternative treatment methods. In this video, the experts shed light on what fibroids are and emphasize the benefits of opting for surgery at the Fibroid Clinic. They highlight the remarkably fast recovery period associated with the treatment. For more information on this groundbreaking initiative and comprehensive fibroid care, watch the video now. #ManipalHospitalOldAirportRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #Gynaecology #Fibroids #UterineArteryEmbolisation