
Know more about Scoliosis | Ms. Rajvi Bose | Dr. S Vidyadhara | Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road

Hailing from West Bengal, Ms. Rajvi Bose was 9 years old when a relative spotted her spine deformity. Diagnosed with scoliosis, she was rushed to Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road. There, under the expert care of Dr. S Vidyadhara, Chairman and HOD - Spine Surgery and Consultant - Robotic Spine Surgery, Rajvi underwent a life-changing surgery. Watch Rajvi as she talks about her life post-surgery and her return to her favorite activities. Dr. Vidyadhara explains the intricacies of the successful six-hour surgery, noting that Rajvi was able to walk the very next day. Rajvi’s mother shares how Dr. Vidyadhara brought hope to their family during their stay at Manipal Hospitals.