Our Success Stories

Patient testimonial | Dr. Rajiv Lochan J | Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road
Mrs. Biakolo Mengue Epouse Mende stepped up as a donor for her brother Dr. Biakolo Esomba, who urgently needed a liver donor as he was diagnosed with Hepatitis B. Dr. Rajiv Lochan J, Lead Consultant - HPB and Liver Transplantation Surgery, Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, performed the liver transplant surgery successfully on the siblings. Dr. Esomba extends his heartfelt gratitude to the excellent team of doctors and the hospital who helped him have a safe recovery and supported him throughout the treatment process. Watch this video to know more.

Patient testimonial | Dr. Nagendra Kumar V. R. and Dr. Rajiv Lochan | Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road
Dr. Nagendra Kumar V. R., Consultant - Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, and Dr. Rajiv Lochan, Lead Consultant - HPB and Liver Transplantation Surgery, Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, recently treated a young patient from Belgaum named Alok. He was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis and required a transplant. His complex case was addressed with a multispeciality approach, ensuring a smooth procedure and quick recovery. Watch this video to know more. #ManipalHospitalOldAirportRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #Gastroenterology #Paediatrics

Patient Testimonial | Mr. Nagesh | Dr. Rajiv Lochan | Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road
Dr. Rajiv Lochan, Consultant - HPB and Liver Transplant Surgery, Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, shares about the transformative journey of Mr. Nagesh, a patient who underwent a living donor liver transplant after receiving a liver donation from his wife. Diagnosed with a very critical decompensated liver disease, he was scheduled to undergo a living donor transplant to save his life. Watch this testimonial to know more. To know more about the doctor clcik here : https://bit.ly/46kLGbx #ManipalHospitalOldAirportRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #LiverTransplant #LivingDonorTransplant

Successful Liver Transplant Story | Dr. Rajiv Lochan | Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road
Keerthi, a 7-year-old girl, had severe fever and jaundice and was rushed to Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road. At the consultation, Keerthi was diagnosed with Acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) due to Wilson's disease. Her father insisted on being the donor needed for her life saving liver transplant. Her treating doctor, Dr. Rajiv Lochan, Lead Consultant Surgeon - HPB and Liver Transplant Surgery, Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, speaks about the need for a liver transplant in children with Wilson’s disease. Watch this video to know more. #ManipalHospitalOldAirportRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #WilsonsDisease #LiverTransplant

Liver Transplant Journey | Dr. Rajiv Lochan | Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road
Mr. Bassam Mohammed Md. Abdullah, a young man from Yemen, was plagued with fluid accumulation in the abdomen, in the right lung, jaundice, episodic confusion,, and weight loss. After consultation and necessary tests, Dr. Rajiv Lochan, Lead Consultant Surgeon - HPB and Liver Transplant Surgery, Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road diagnosed him with advanced liver disease, needing a transplant. Watch this testimonial to know about his successful transplant procedure. #ManipalHospitalOldAirportRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #LiverTransplant #Hepatology