

  • Dr. Satish Nair is the best doctor for head, neck, and ENT in Bangalore. He is currently practicing as the Academic Head and Consultant in ENT, Head and Neck Surgery, and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery at Manipal Hospital on Old Airport Road. His commitment to clinical excellence is evident in every aspect of his practice, as he approaches patient care with deep compassion and professionalism. He is the top surgeon for ENT in Bangalore.

  • Dr. Nair’s surgical repertoire includes advanced procedures in Otology, such as Cochlear Implant Surgery, and minimally invasive techniques like Endoscopic Ear Surgery and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery. He is also proficient in transoral CO2 laser surgery, aesthetic rhinoplasty, voice surgery, and laryngotracheal surgeries. Notably, Dr. Nair has pioneered a minimally invasive approach to parotid surgery, developing the "Nair Incision," a small, hidden incision that exemplifies his innovative spirit.

  • Dr. Satish Nair's extensive experience in management and administration is rooted in his distinguished 23-year career in the Indian Armed Forces. From serving as a medical officer in the challenging terrains of Jammu & Kashmir to his tenure at the prestigious Army Hospital (Research & Referral) in Delhi Cantt, Dr. Nair has developed a robust skill set in hospital administration and management. His time at the Army Hospital R&R was particularly formative, allowing him to contribute to the development of the state-of-the-art ENT department, conduct various conferences, and oversee equipment procurement for the ENT centres of the armed forces.

  • In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Satish Nair is deeply passionate about research. Throughout his career, he has actively engaged in numerous research projects under the aegis of the Armed Forces Medical Research Committee (AFMRC) and the Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO). Training the next generation of medical professionals is another area where Dr. Nair excels. His passion for education drives him to mentor postgraduate students, imparting knowledge through formal and informal tutorials, lectures, clinics, seminars, and demonstrations.

  • Dr. Nair's commitment to professional development extends to his involvement in numerous workshops and academic activities. Over the past nine years, he has conducted various cadaveric dissection workshops at the Advanced Learning Centre of MSR Medical College, including Head & Neck workshops, Endoscopic Skull Base Workshops, and Endoscopic Ear Workshops. He has also authored several books.

  • Throughout his career, Dr. Nair has adhered to three guiding principles: clinical practice, research, and training. These pillars have shaped his approach to medicine and continue to drive his pursuit of excellence. His membership in professional bodies such as the Association of Otolaryngologists of India, the Foundation for Head & Neck Oncology, and the Indian Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, among others, further attests to his standing in the medical community.

  • Field of Expertise

  • General Otolaryngology (Adult & Paediatric)
  • Advanced Endoscopic ear surgery
  • Advanced Anterior & Lateral Skull Base Surgery
  • Robotic & Endoscopic Head & Neck Surgery, Thyroidectomy
  • Mini-Incision Parotidectomy
  • Airway Reconstructive Surgeries
  • Cochlear Implant (Nucleus, Med el & Advance Bionics)
  • Head & Neck Oncology
  • Performing all head and neck oncosurgery (total laryngectomy, open partial laryngectomies, Commando surgery, neck dissection, lateral temporal bone resection, maxillectomy, thyroidectomy and parotidectomy)
  • Laryngeal & Tracheal Stenosis
  • Endoscopic CO2 and KTP laser
  • Open tracheal resection and anastomosis
  • Laryngo-tracheoplasty
  • CO2 Laser Transoral laser surgery of malignancy (glottis, supraglottic).
  • Surgery for obstructive sleep apnoea.
  • Basic Otology
  • Complex middle ear surgery for mucosal and squamous disease,
  • Facial nerve decompression
  • Stapedotomy including laser stapedotomy
  • Advanced Endoscopic Sinus Surgery for primary and revision conditions
  • Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery:
  • Pituitary adenoma
  • Endoscopic skull base repairs.
  • Phonosurgery:
  • Thyroplasty
  • Vocal fold augmentation
  • Facial Plastic Surgery
  • Experienced in both internal and external rhinoplasty techniques.
  • Endoscopic / Minimally Invasive Surgery
  • Thyroideciomy
  • Parotidectomy
  • Neck Dissection
  • Robotic Surgery
  • Thyroidectomy
  • Neck Dissection
  • TORS
  • Fellowship & Membership

  • Life Member
  • Association of Otolaryngologists of India. (LM 3590)
  • Foundation for Head & Neck Oncology, India. (249)
  • The Cochlear Implant Group of India. (LM 280)
  • Indian Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (IAOHNS). (LM 68)
  • Laryngology and Voice Association of India.
  • Skull Base Surgery Society of India (SBSSI-279)
  • Association of Otolaryngologists of India (Delhi Branch)
  • Member Governing Council AOl (Delhi Br): 2014-15
  • Editorial Board (Indian Journal of Otolaryngology & Head Neck Surgery)
  • Editorial Board (Annals of IAOHNS)
  • Editorial Board (World Journal of Otolaryngology)"
  • Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Kannada
  • Hindi
  • Tamil
  • Malayalam
  • Talks & Publications

  • Col RS Bhadauria, Lt Col S Nair, Dr DK Pal. A Survey of Deaf Mutes. Med J Armed Forces India 2007;63:29-32.
  • Lt Col S Nair, Maj A Bahal, Col ML Gupta, Col R Lakhtakia. REAH: Unusual Case of Unilaterai Nasai Blockage. Med J Armed Forces india 2008;64:280-81.
  • Nair S. Laryngoscope. Mar 2009: 617 In reference to The Role of Allergy and Smoking in Chronic Rhinosinusitis and Polyposis.Laryngoscope.2008;118: 1521-1527
  • Lt ColS Nair, Maj A Bahal, Col RS Bhadauria. Lobular Capillary Hemangioma of Nasal Cavity. Med J Armed Forces India 2008; 64: 270-271.
  • Nair S. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Vol Apr-Sep 2008;60 Role of rhinomanometry to assess nasal airflow and resistance in patients undergoing septoplasty"" JOHNS (April-Jun 2008) 60, 133-136
  • Lt ColS Nair, AVM R C Kashyap. Significance of 6 KHz in noise-induced hearing loss in Indian Air Force personnel. Indian J Aerospace Med; Dec 2008
  • Nair S. Correlation between symptoms and CT scan findings in patients of chronic rhinosinusitis:
  • modified CT scan typing system.Rhinology.2009;47 (2): 181-186
  • Lt Coi S Nair, AViv R C Kashyap. A study of the prevaience and severity of noise induced hearing loss in Indian Air Force personnel. Med J Armed Forces india 2009;July;66
  • Awasthi SK, Satish, A Comparative study of nasal endoscopy vis-à-vis conventional rhinoscopy in aircrew. Ind Aerospace Med 2010;54(2):30-37.
  • Lt Col S Nair, Col Rs Bhadauria, Lt Col S Sharma. Impact of endoscopic sinus surgery on symptom manifestation of chronic rhinosinusitis. Med J Armed Forces India. Jan 2010, Vol 66, No 1.
  • Nair S, James E, Dutta A, Goyal S. Antrolith in the maxillary sinus: an unusual complication of endoscopic sinus surgery. Indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg.(Jan -Mar 2010) Vol 62, No 1;81-83.
  • Lt Coi S Nair, Coi RS Bhadauria, Lt Coi S Sharma. Effect Of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery On Asthmatic Patients With Chronic Rhinosinusitis. indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg (July-Sep 2010) 62(3) (Rhinology):285-288
  • Nair S, James E, Dutta A. A rare case of mucopyocele in the compartmentalised maxillary sinus. Indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg. (Aug -Sep 2010) Vol 62, Supp 2;5222-224.
  • Nair S, Dutta A, Rajagopalan R, Nambiar S. Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in Chronic Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyposis: A Comparative Study. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. Volume 63, Number 1(2011), 50-55, DOI: 10.1007/s12070-011-0
  • Nair S, James E, Chugh R. An unusual case of recurrent post aural abscess. indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg.: Volume 63, issue 1 (2011), Page 58-60
  • Nair S. Importance of Ethmoidal Roof in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Open Access Scientific Reports. Aug 2012; 1: 251. doi: 10.4172/scientificreports.251.
  • Ramalingam WVBS, Nair S, Ramesh AV, Gupta DK, Kumar A. Combined Laryngocele Secondary to Localized Laryngeal Amyloidosis. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. Apr - Jun 2012; 64(2): 193-196.
  • Nair S. Nasal Breathing Exercise and its Effect on Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis.
  • Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Apr - Jun 2012;64(2): 172-176. DOI: 10.1007/12070-011-0243-5.
  • Mittal R, Ramesh AV, Panwar SS, Nilkantan A, Nair S, Mehra PR. Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder: its prevalence and audiological characteristics in an Indian tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinoiaryngology. September 2012; 76(9): 1351-1354.
  • Ramalingam WBS, Nair S, Mandal G. Malignant peripheral nerve Sheath tumour of the oral cavity. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Oct 2012;70(10): e581-585.Nair S, James E, AwasthiS, Nambiar S, Goyal S. A
  • Review of theClinicopathologicaland Radiological Features of Unilateral Nasal Mass. Indian
  • Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2011, DOl:10.1007/12070-011-0288-5.
  • Nair S, Mohan S, Mandal G, Nilakantan A. Tracheal Stenosis: Our Experience at a Tertiary Care Centre in india with Special Regard to Cause and Management. indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery: Volume 66, Issue 1
  • (2014), Page 51-56.
  • Malik A, Ramalingam WVBS, Nilakantan A, Nair S, Ramesh AV, Raj P.
  • Comparison of the use of silastic with titanium prefabricated implant in type I thyroplasty. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2014;80: 156-60.
  • Malik A, Nair S, Nilakantan A. Laryngeal framework surgery for adductor spasmodic dysphonia. J Laryngol Voice 2014;4:28-31.
  • Nair S, Ramalingam WVBS, Bharadwaj R, Ramesh AV, Malik A, Mohan S.
  • Benign Fibrous Histiocytoma of the ethmoids. Med J Armed Forces India.Nair S, Ramalingam WVBS, Bharadwaj R, Mohan S, Malik A. Angiomyxolipoma:Unusual swelling of oral cavity. Med J Armed Forces India.
  • Mohan S, Nair S, Prasad M, Nilakantan A, Malik A. Inverted papilloma of frontal sinus with intracranial extension. Med J Armed Forces India.
  • Nair S, Sood A, Nilakantan A, Ramesh AV, Gupta A. A Survey of Noise Induced Hearing Loss in Indian Air Force Personnel by Extra High Frequency Audiometry.Ind J Aerospace Med 2014;58(1):21-26.
  • Venkatesh MD, Datta R, Satish. Noise Induced Hearing Loss in Armed Forces.
  • Journal of Combat Medical Support and Logistics, Vol 3, No 2, 2013-2014:38-43.
  • Gupta A, Nair S, Nilakantan A, Sood A. Aggressive Fibromatosis of Head and Neck in a child. Indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg. Vol 67 (1) (2015):154-157.
  • Nair S, Mohan S, Nilakantan A, Gupta A, Malik A, Gupta A. Impact of 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography Scan on Initial Evaluation of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Our Experience at a Tertiary Care Center in India. World J Nucl Med 2015;14:19-24.
  • Mittal R, Ramesh AV, Panwar SS, Nilkantan A, Sinha VR, Nair S, et al. Mapping of pediatric cochlear implant recipients using electrical auditory brainstem responses as a tool. Indian J Otol 2015;21:14-8.
  • Nair S, Nilakantan A, Sood A, Gupta A, Gupta A. Chailenges in the iVanagement of Laryngeal
  • Stenosis. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2016 Sep; 68(3):294-9.
  • Nair, S., Gupta, A., Nilakantan, A. et ai. impaired Vestibular Function After Cochlear Implantation in Children: Role of Static Posturography. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2017).
  • Nair S, Ramalingam WVBS, Bharadwaj R, Malik A, Prasad R. Ectopic Pituitary Adenoma: Case Report with Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Neurosurgery, 06(02), 117-121.
  • 36. Swetha K, Nair S, Brijith KVR, Aishwarya JG, Nagamani YS, Indeewar H.
  • Selective Neck Dissection Technique in the Treatment of Recurrent Pyriform Sinus Fistula. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019;71(Suppl 1):506-509.
  • Aishwarya J G, Nair S, Anoop P, Shivakumar S, Patil AR, Babu S. Otologic presentation of multiple myeloma with isolated temporal bone involvement:
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic implications. Ann Indian Acad Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2019;3:45-8.
  • Aishwarya, J.G., Nair, S., Patil, C.N. et al. Peripheral T Cell Lymphoma of Parotid Gland: A Diagnostic Challenge. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.2019;71:533-536.
  • Ramanathan, K., Patil, A.R., Narasimhan, S., Nair S. imaging and intervention in Internal Carotid Artery Pseudoaneurysm Secondary to Retropharyngeal Abscess. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02283-0
  • Nair S, Brijith KVR, Aishwarya J.G, Pavithra V. Transcanal endoscopic excision of tympanic paraganglioma: A three-case series. Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lers.2020.10.001.
  • Brijith, K.V.R., Aishwarya, J.G., Shah, A.S., Nair S. Modified CT Scan Scoring System for Evaluating Symptom Severity of Chronic Rhinosinusitis. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02259-0 Ibrahim, A., Kumar, S., Patil, A.R., Aishwarya J.G., Shah A.S., Nair S. Radiological and cadaveric study of anatomical safe zone for transoral base of tongue surgery. J Robotic Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11701-020-01164-6
  • Ramanathan, K., Nair, S., Pavithra, V., Kumar S., Adoor G., Karjigi U., Shivakumar S. Igg4 Related Disease of Skull
  • Challenge. Indian Diagnostic J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02135-x
  • Nair, S., Ibrahim, A. The Importance of Cribriform-Lamella Angle in Endoscopic SinusSurgery. IndianOtolaryngol https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02171-7 Head Neck Surg (2020).
  • Nair, S., Aishwarya, J.G. Endoscopic Ear Surgery: Our Experience. indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02042-
  • Aishwarya j G, Shah AS, Nair S, Kumar S, Kumar S, Brijith KVR, Srivastava N, Ibrahim A. Safe surgical zone during TORS radical tonsillectomy: An anatomical and radiological study. LERS. 2020;3 (2):34-38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lers.2020.04.002.
  • Jain A, Nair S, Thakur D, Shah AS. Glomus laryngicum. Ann Indian Acad Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020;4:53-6.
  • Shankaralingappa A, Patil A R, Nandikoor S, Nair S, Raju H A. imaging in malignant thyroglossal duct cyst. Ann indian Acad Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 (4);57 - 60.
  • Nair, S., Srivastava, N., Brijith, K.V.R. et ai. Surgical Landmarks for Parapharyngeal internal Carotid Artery During Extended Endoscopic Surgery of Nasopharynx: A Cadaveric and Radiological Study. Indian J Otolaryngol Head NeckSurg (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-02508-W 10.4103/aiao.aiao_28_19.
  • Nect Sue. Asiwarya, J.6., Jain, A. tal Mini-incision Parotidectory-Our Technique. Indian Otolaryngoi
  • Surg (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-02882-5.
  • Nair, S., Aishwarya, J.G., Vasu, P.K. et al. Outcomes of Totally Endoscopic Versus Microscopic Techniques in Middle Ear Cholesteatoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Indian Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-02869-2.
  • Nair, Satish & JG, Aishwarya & Warrier, Nagamani & V, Pavithra & Jain, Aditya & Shamim, Mehrin & Ramanathan, Krishna & Vasu, Pooja. (2021). Endoscopic ear surgery in middle ear cholesteatoma. Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery. 4. 10.1016/j.lers.2021.01.004.
  • Shah, A.S., Nair, S., Pavithra, V. et ai. Anatomical and Surgical Study to Evaluate the Accuracy of ""C-M-S"" Technique in Facial Nerve Identification During Parotid Surgery. Indian (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02329-3.
  • J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 73, 188-192
  • Shamim, M., Vasu, P.K., Kumar, S., Aishwarya, J.G., Nair, S. Giant Facial Nerve Schwannoma with Extra-Temporal Involvement: A Series Of Two Cases. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-03067-W.
  • Muthu V, Agarwal R, Rudramurthy SM, Thangaraju D, Shevkani MR, Patel AK, Shastri PS, Tayade A, Bhandari S, Gella V, Savio J, Madan S, Hallur V, Maturu VN, Srinivasan A, Sethuraman N, Sibia RPS, Pujari S, Mehta R, Singhai T, Saxena P, Gupta V, Nagvekar V, Prayag P, Patel D, Xess I, Savaj P, Sehgal IS, Panda N, Rajagopal GD, Parwani RS, Patel K, Deshmukh A, Vyas A, Gandra RR, Sistla SK, Padaki PA, Ramar D, Panigahi MK, Sarkar S, Rachagulla B, Vallandaramam P, Premachandran KP, Pawar S, Gugale P, Hosamani P, Dutt SN, Nair S, Kalpakkam H, Badhwar S, Kompella KK, Singla N, Navlakhe M, Prayag A, Singh G, Dhakecha P, Chakrabarti A. Prevalence of co-existent COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA) and its impact on early mortality in patients with COVID-19-associated pulmonary mucormycosis (CAPM). Mycoses. 2024 May;67(5):13745. doi: 10.1111/myc. 13745. PMID: 38767273.
  • Vasu PK, Nair S, Aishwarya JG, Sameema VV, Geethu KP. Cog - A Radiological Indicator in Identifying Dysventilation Syndrome. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2023 Apr; 75(Suppl 1):419-423.
  • Muthu V, Agarwal R, Rudramurthy SM, Thangaraju D, Shevkani MR, Patel AK, Shastri PS, Tayade A, Bhandari S, Gella V, Savio J, Madan S, Hallur VK, Maturu VN, Srinivasan A, Sethuraman N, Sibia RPS, Pujari S, Mehta R, Singhal T,"

    Fellowship & Membership

  • Life Member
  • Association of Otolaryngologists of India. (LM 3590)
  • Foundation for Head & Neck Oncology, India. (249)
  • The Cochlear Implant Group of India. (LM 280)
  • Indian Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (IAOHNS). (LM 68)
  • Laryngology and Voice Association of India.
  • Skull Base Surgery Society of India (SBSSI-279)
  • Association of Otolaryngologists of India (Delhi Branch)
  • Member Governing Council AOl (Delhi Br): 2014-15
  • Editorial Board (Indian Journal of Otolaryngology & Head Neck Surgery)
  • Editorial Board (Annals of IAOHNS)
  • Editorial Board (World Journal of Otolaryngology)"
  • Overview

  • Dr. Satish Nair is the best doctor for head, neck, and ENT in Bangalore. He is currently practicing as the Academic Head and Consultant in ENT, Head and Neck Surgery, and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery at Manipal Hospital on Old Airport Road. His commitment to clinical excellence is evident in every aspect of his practice, as he approaches patient care with deep compassion and professionalism. He is the top surgeon for ENT in Bangalore.

  • Dr. Nair’s surgical repertoire includes advanced procedures in Otology, such as Cochlear Implant Surgery, and minimally invasive techniques like Endoscopic Ear Surgery and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery. He is also proficient in transoral CO2 laser surgery, aesthetic rhinoplasty, voice surgery, and laryngotracheal surgeries. Notably, Dr. Nair has pioneered a minimally invasive approach to parotid surgery, developing the "Nair Incision," a small, hidden incision that exemplifies his innovative spirit.

  • Dr. Satish Nair's extensive experience in management and administration is rooted in his distinguished 23-year career in the Indian Armed Forces. From serving as a medical officer in the challenging terrains of Jammu & Kashmir to his tenure at the prestigious Army Hospital (Research & Referral) in Delhi Cantt, Dr. Nair has developed a robust skill set in hospital administration and management. His time at the Army Hospital R&R was particularly formative, allowing him to contribute to the development of the state-of-the-art ENT department, conduct various conferences, and oversee equipment procurement for the ENT centres of the armed forces.

  • In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Satish Nair is deeply passionate about research. Throughout his career, he has actively engaged in numerous research projects under the aegis of the Armed Forces Medical Research Committee (AFMRC) and the Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO). Training the next generation of medical professionals is another area where Dr. Nair excels. His passion for education drives him to mentor postgraduate students, imparting knowledge through formal and informal tutorials, lectures, clinics, seminars, and demonstrations.

  • Dr. Nair's commitment to professional development extends to his involvement in numerous workshops and academic activities. Over the past nine years, he has conducted various cadaveric dissection workshops at the Advanced Learning Centre of MSR Medical College, including Head & Neck workshops, Endoscopic Skull Base Workshops, and Endoscopic Ear Workshops. He has also authored several books.

  • Throughout his career, Dr. Nair has adhered to three guiding principles: clinical practice, research, and training. These pillars have shaped his approach to medicine and continue to drive his pursuit of excellence. His membership in professional bodies such as the Association of Otolaryngologists of India, the Foundation for Head & Neck Oncology, and the Indian Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, among others, further attests to his standing in the medical community.

  • Field of Expertise

  • General Otolaryngology (Adult & Paediatric)
  • Advanced Endoscopic ear surgery
  • Advanced Anterior & Lateral Skull Base Surgery
  • Robotic & Endoscopic Head & Neck Surgery, Thyroidectomy
  • Mini-Incision Parotidectomy
  • Airway Reconstructive Surgeries
  • Cochlear Implant (Nucleus, Med el & Advance Bionics)
  • Head & Neck Oncology
  • Performing all head and neck oncosurgery (total laryngectomy, open partial laryngectomies, Commando surgery, neck dissection, lateral temporal bone resection, maxillectomy, thyroidectomy and parotidectomy)
  • Laryngeal & Tracheal Stenosis
  • Endoscopic CO2 and KTP laser
  • Open tracheal resection and anastomosis
  • Laryngo-tracheoplasty
  • CO2 Laser Transoral laser surgery of malignancy (glottis, supraglottic).
  • Surgery for obstructive sleep apnoea.
  • Basic Otology
  • Complex middle ear surgery for mucosal and squamous disease,
  • Facial nerve decompression
  • Stapedotomy including laser stapedotomy
  • Advanced Endoscopic Sinus Surgery for primary and revision conditions
  • Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery:
  • Pituitary adenoma
  • Endoscopic skull base repairs.
  • Phonosurgery:
  • Thyroplasty
  • Vocal fold augmentation
  • Facial Plastic Surgery
  • Experienced in both internal and external rhinoplasty techniques.
  • Endoscopic / Minimally Invasive Surgery
  • Thyroideciomy
  • Parotidectomy
  • Neck Dissection
  • Robotic Surgery
  • Thyroidectomy
  • Neck Dissection
  • TORS
  • Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Kannada
  • Hindi
  • Tamil
  • Malayalam
  • Talks & Publications

  • Col RS Bhadauria, Lt Col S Nair, Dr DK Pal. A Survey of Deaf Mutes. Med J Armed Forces India 2007;63:29-32.
  • Lt Col S Nair, Maj A Bahal, Col ML Gupta, Col R Lakhtakia. REAH: Unusual Case of Unilaterai Nasai Blockage. Med J Armed Forces india 2008;64:280-81.
  • Nair S. Laryngoscope. Mar 2009: 617 In reference to The Role of Allergy and Smoking in Chronic Rhinosinusitis and Polyposis.Laryngoscope.2008;118: 1521-1527
  • Lt ColS Nair, Maj A Bahal, Col RS Bhadauria. Lobular Capillary Hemangioma of Nasal Cavity. Med J Armed Forces India 2008; 64: 270-271.
  • Nair S. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Vol Apr-Sep 2008;60 Role of rhinomanometry to assess nasal airflow and resistance in patients undergoing septoplasty"" JOHNS (April-Jun 2008) 60, 133-136
  • Lt ColS Nair, AVM R C Kashyap. Significance of 6 KHz in noise-induced hearing loss in Indian Air Force personnel. Indian J Aerospace Med; Dec 2008
  • Nair S. Correlation between symptoms and CT scan findings in patients of chronic rhinosinusitis:
  • modified CT scan typing system.Rhinology.2009;47 (2): 181-186
  • Lt Coi S Nair, AViv R C Kashyap. A study of the prevaience and severity of noise induced hearing loss in Indian Air Force personnel. Med J Armed Forces india 2009;July;66
  • Awasthi SK, Satish, A Comparative study of nasal endoscopy vis-à-vis conventional rhinoscopy in aircrew. Ind Aerospace Med 2010;54(2):30-37.
  • Lt Col S Nair, Col Rs Bhadauria, Lt Col S Sharma. Impact of endoscopic sinus surgery on symptom manifestation of chronic rhinosinusitis. Med J Armed Forces India. Jan 2010, Vol 66, No 1.
  • Nair S, James E, Dutta A, Goyal S. Antrolith in the maxillary sinus: an unusual complication of endoscopic sinus surgery. Indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg.(Jan -Mar 2010) Vol 62, No 1;81-83.
  • Lt Coi S Nair, Coi RS Bhadauria, Lt Coi S Sharma. Effect Of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery On Asthmatic Patients With Chronic Rhinosinusitis. indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg (July-Sep 2010) 62(3) (Rhinology):285-288
  • Nair S, James E, Dutta A. A rare case of mucopyocele in the compartmentalised maxillary sinus. Indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg. (Aug -Sep 2010) Vol 62, Supp 2;5222-224.
  • Nair S, Dutta A, Rajagopalan R, Nambiar S. Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in Chronic Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyposis: A Comparative Study. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. Volume 63, Number 1(2011), 50-55, DOI: 10.1007/s12070-011-0
  • Nair S, James E, Chugh R. An unusual case of recurrent post aural abscess. indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg.: Volume 63, issue 1 (2011), Page 58-60
  • Nair S. Importance of Ethmoidal Roof in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Open Access Scientific Reports. Aug 2012; 1: 251. doi: 10.4172/scientificreports.251.
  • Ramalingam WVBS, Nair S, Ramesh AV, Gupta DK, Kumar A. Combined Laryngocele Secondary to Localized Laryngeal Amyloidosis. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. Apr - Jun 2012; 64(2): 193-196.
  • Nair S. Nasal Breathing Exercise and its Effect on Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis.
  • Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Apr - Jun 2012;64(2): 172-176. DOI: 10.1007/12070-011-0243-5.
  • Mittal R, Ramesh AV, Panwar SS, Nilkantan A, Nair S, Mehra PR. Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder: its prevalence and audiological characteristics in an Indian tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinoiaryngology. September 2012; 76(9): 1351-1354.
  • Ramalingam WBS, Nair S, Mandal G. Malignant peripheral nerve Sheath tumour of the oral cavity. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Oct 2012;70(10): e581-585.Nair S, James E, AwasthiS, Nambiar S, Goyal S. A
  • Review of theClinicopathologicaland Radiological Features of Unilateral Nasal Mass. Indian
  • Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2011, DOl:10.1007/12070-011-0288-5.
  • Nair S, Mohan S, Mandal G, Nilakantan A. Tracheal Stenosis: Our Experience at a Tertiary Care Centre in india with Special Regard to Cause and Management. indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery: Volume 66, Issue 1
  • (2014), Page 51-56.
  • Malik A, Ramalingam WVBS, Nilakantan A, Nair S, Ramesh AV, Raj P.
  • Comparison of the use of silastic with titanium prefabricated implant in type I thyroplasty. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2014;80: 156-60.
  • Malik A, Nair S, Nilakantan A. Laryngeal framework surgery for adductor spasmodic dysphonia. J Laryngol Voice 2014;4:28-31.
  • Nair S, Ramalingam WVBS, Bharadwaj R, Ramesh AV, Malik A, Mohan S.
  • Benign Fibrous Histiocytoma of the ethmoids. Med J Armed Forces India.Nair S, Ramalingam WVBS, Bharadwaj R, Mohan S, Malik A. Angiomyxolipoma:Unusual swelling of oral cavity. Med J Armed Forces India.
  • Mohan S, Nair S, Prasad M, Nilakantan A, Malik A. Inverted papilloma of frontal sinus with intracranial extension. Med J Armed Forces India.
  • Nair S, Sood A, Nilakantan A, Ramesh AV, Gupta A. A Survey of Noise Induced Hearing Loss in Indian Air Force Personnel by Extra High Frequency Audiometry.Ind J Aerospace Med 2014;58(1):21-26.
  • Venkatesh MD, Datta R, Satish. Noise Induced Hearing Loss in Armed Forces.
  • Journal of Combat Medical Support and Logistics, Vol 3, No 2, 2013-2014:38-43.
  • Gupta A, Nair S, Nilakantan A, Sood A. Aggressive Fibromatosis of Head and Neck in a child. Indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg. Vol 67 (1) (2015):154-157.
  • Nair S, Mohan S, Nilakantan A, Gupta A, Malik A, Gupta A. Impact of 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography Scan on Initial Evaluation of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Our Experience at a Tertiary Care Center in India. World J Nucl Med 2015;14:19-24.
  • Mittal R, Ramesh AV, Panwar SS, Nilkantan A, Sinha VR, Nair S, et al. Mapping of pediatric cochlear implant recipients using electrical auditory brainstem responses as a tool. Indian J Otol 2015;21:14-8.
  • Nair S, Nilakantan A, Sood A, Gupta A, Gupta A. Chailenges in the iVanagement of Laryngeal
  • Stenosis. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2016 Sep; 68(3):294-9.
  • Nair, S., Gupta, A., Nilakantan, A. et ai. impaired Vestibular Function After Cochlear Implantation in Children: Role of Static Posturography. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2017).
  • Nair S, Ramalingam WVBS, Bharadwaj R, Malik A, Prasad R. Ectopic Pituitary Adenoma: Case Report with Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Neurosurgery, 06(02), 117-121.
  • 36. Swetha K, Nair S, Brijith KVR, Aishwarya JG, Nagamani YS, Indeewar H.
  • Selective Neck Dissection Technique in the Treatment of Recurrent Pyriform Sinus Fistula. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019;71(Suppl 1):506-509.
  • Aishwarya J G, Nair S, Anoop P, Shivakumar S, Patil AR, Babu S. Otologic presentation of multiple myeloma with isolated temporal bone involvement:
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic implications. Ann Indian Acad Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2019;3:45-8.
  • Aishwarya, J.G., Nair, S., Patil, C.N. et al. Peripheral T Cell Lymphoma of Parotid Gland: A Diagnostic Challenge. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.2019;71:533-536.
  • Ramanathan, K., Patil, A.R., Narasimhan, S., Nair S. imaging and intervention in Internal Carotid Artery Pseudoaneurysm Secondary to Retropharyngeal Abscess. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02283-0
  • Nair S, Brijith KVR, Aishwarya J.G, Pavithra V. Transcanal endoscopic excision of tympanic paraganglioma: A three-case series. Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lers.2020.10.001.
  • Brijith, K.V.R., Aishwarya, J.G., Shah, A.S., Nair S. Modified CT Scan Scoring System for Evaluating Symptom Severity of Chronic Rhinosinusitis. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02259-0 Ibrahim, A., Kumar, S., Patil, A.R., Aishwarya J.G., Shah A.S., Nair S. Radiological and cadaveric study of anatomical safe zone for transoral base of tongue surgery. J Robotic Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11701-020-01164-6
  • Ramanathan, K., Nair, S., Pavithra, V., Kumar S., Adoor G., Karjigi U., Shivakumar S. Igg4 Related Disease of Skull
  • Challenge. Indian Diagnostic J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02135-x
  • Nair, S., Ibrahim, A. The Importance of Cribriform-Lamella Angle in Endoscopic SinusSurgery. IndianOtolaryngol https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02171-7 Head Neck Surg (2020).
  • Nair, S., Aishwarya, J.G. Endoscopic Ear Surgery: Our Experience. indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02042-
  • Aishwarya j G, Shah AS, Nair S, Kumar S, Kumar S, Brijith KVR, Srivastava N, Ibrahim A. Safe surgical zone during TORS radical tonsillectomy: An anatomical and radiological study. LERS. 2020;3 (2):34-38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lers.2020.04.002.
  • Jain A, Nair S, Thakur D, Shah AS. Glomus laryngicum. Ann Indian Acad Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020;4:53-6.
  • Shankaralingappa A, Patil A R, Nandikoor S, Nair S, Raju H A. imaging in malignant thyroglossal duct cyst. Ann indian Acad Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 (4);57 - 60.
  • Nair, S., Srivastava, N., Brijith, K.V.R. et ai. Surgical Landmarks for Parapharyngeal internal Carotid Artery During Extended Endoscopic Surgery of Nasopharynx: A Cadaveric and Radiological Study. Indian J Otolaryngol Head NeckSurg (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-02508-W 10.4103/aiao.aiao_28_19.
  • Nect Sue. Asiwarya, J.6., Jain, A. tal Mini-incision Parotidectory-Our Technique. Indian Otolaryngoi
  • Surg (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-02882-5.
  • Nair, S., Aishwarya, J.G., Vasu, P.K. et al. Outcomes of Totally Endoscopic Versus Microscopic Techniques in Middle Ear Cholesteatoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Indian Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-02869-2.
  • Nair, Satish & JG, Aishwarya & Warrier, Nagamani & V, Pavithra & Jain, Aditya & Shamim, Mehrin & Ramanathan, Krishna & Vasu, Pooja. (2021). Endoscopic ear surgery in middle ear cholesteatoma. Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery. 4. 10.1016/j.lers.2021.01.004.
  • Shah, A.S., Nair, S., Pavithra, V. et ai. Anatomical and Surgical Study to Evaluate the Accuracy of ""C-M-S"" Technique in Facial Nerve Identification During Parotid Surgery. Indian (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02329-3.
  • J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 73, 188-192
  • Shamim, M., Vasu, P.K., Kumar, S., Aishwarya, J.G., Nair, S. Giant Facial Nerve Schwannoma with Extra-Temporal Involvement: A Series Of Two Cases. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-03067-W.
  • Muthu V, Agarwal R, Rudramurthy SM, Thangaraju D, Shevkani MR, Patel AK, Shastri PS, Tayade A, Bhandari S, Gella V, Savio J, Madan S, Hallur V, Maturu VN, Srinivasan A, Sethuraman N, Sibia RPS, Pujari S, Mehta R, Singhai T, Saxena P, Gupta V, Nagvekar V, Prayag P, Patel D, Xess I, Savaj P, Sehgal IS, Panda N, Rajagopal GD, Parwani RS, Patel K, Deshmukh A, Vyas A, Gandra RR, Sistla SK, Padaki PA, Ramar D, Panigahi MK, Sarkar S, Rachagulla B, Vallandaramam P, Premachandran KP, Pawar S, Gugale P, Hosamani P, Dutt SN, Nair S, Kalpakkam H, Badhwar S, Kompella KK, Singla N, Navlakhe M, Prayag A, Singh G, Dhakecha P, Chakrabarti A. Prevalence of co-existent COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA) and its impact on early mortality in patients with COVID-19-associated pulmonary mucormycosis (CAPM). Mycoses. 2024 May;67(5):13745. doi: 10.1111/myc. 13745. PMID: 38767273.
  • Vasu PK, Nair S, Aishwarya JG, Sameema VV, Geethu KP. Cog - A Radiological Indicator in Identifying Dysventilation Syndrome. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2023 Apr; 75(Suppl 1):419-423.
  • Muthu V, Agarwal R, Rudramurthy SM, Thangaraju D, Shevkani MR, Patel AK, Shastri PS, Tayade A, Bhandari S, Gella V, Savio J, Madan S, Hallur VK, Maturu VN, Srinivasan A, Sethuraman N, Sibia RPS, Pujari S, Mehta R, Singhal T,"

    Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Kannada
  • Hindi
  • Tamil
  • Malayalam
  • Overview

  • Dr. Satish Nair is the best doctor for head, neck, and ENT in Bangalore. He is currently practicing as the Academic Head and Consultant in ENT, Head and Neck Surgery, and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery at Manipal Hospital on Old Airport Road. His commitment to clinical excellence is evident in every aspect of his practice, as he approaches patient care with deep compassion and professionalism. He is the top surgeon for ENT in Bangalore.

  • Dr. Nair’s surgical repertoire includes advanced procedures in Otology, such as Cochlear Implant Surgery, and minimally invasive techniques like Endoscopic Ear Surgery and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery. He is also proficient in transoral CO2 laser surgery, aesthetic rhinoplasty, voice surgery, and laryngotracheal surgeries. Notably, Dr. Nair has pioneered a minimally invasive approach to parotid surgery, developing the "Nair Incision," a small, hidden incision that exemplifies his innovative spirit.

  • Dr. Satish Nair's extensive experience in management and administration is rooted in his distinguished 23-year career in the Indian Armed Forces. From serving as a medical officer in the challenging terrains of Jammu & Kashmir to his tenure at the prestigious Army Hospital (Research & Referral) in Delhi Cantt, Dr. Nair has developed a robust skill set in hospital administration and management. His time at the Army Hospital R&R was particularly formative, allowing him to contribute to the development of the state-of-the-art ENT department, conduct various conferences, and oversee equipment procurement for the ENT centres of the armed forces.

  • In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Satish Nair is deeply passionate about research. Throughout his career, he has actively engaged in numerous research projects under the aegis of the Armed Forces Medical Research Committee (AFMRC) and the Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO). Training the next generation of medical professionals is another area where Dr. Nair excels. His passion for education drives him to mentor postgraduate students, imparting knowledge through formal and informal tutorials, lectures, clinics, seminars, and demonstrations.

  • Dr. Nair's commitment to professional development extends to his involvement in numerous workshops and academic activities. Over the past nine years, he has conducted various cadaveric dissection workshops at the Advanced Learning Centre of MSR Medical College, including Head & Neck workshops, Endoscopic Skull Base Workshops, and Endoscopic Ear Workshops. He has also authored several books.

  • Throughout his career, Dr. Nair has adhered to three guiding principles: clinical practice, research, and training. These pillars have shaped his approach to medicine and continue to drive his pursuit of excellence. His membership in professional bodies such as the Association of Otolaryngologists of India, the Foundation for Head & Neck Oncology, and the Indian Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, among others, further attests to his standing in the medical community.

  • Fellowship & Membership

  • Life Member
  • Association of Otolaryngologists of India. (LM 3590)
  • Foundation for Head & Neck Oncology, India. (249)
  • The Cochlear Implant Group of India. (LM 280)
  • Indian Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (IAOHNS). (LM 68)
  • Laryngology and Voice Association of India.
  • Skull Base Surgery Society of India (SBSSI-279)
  • Association of Otolaryngologists of India (Delhi Branch)
  • Member Governing Council AOl (Delhi Br): 2014-15
  • Editorial Board (Indian Journal of Otolaryngology & Head Neck Surgery)
  • Editorial Board (Annals of IAOHNS)
  • Editorial Board (World Journal of Otolaryngology)"
  • Field of Expertise

  • General Otolaryngology (Adult & Paediatric)
  • Advanced Endoscopic ear surgery
  • Advanced Anterior & Lateral Skull Base Surgery
  • Robotic & Endoscopic Head & Neck Surgery, Thyroidectomy
  • Mini-Incision Parotidectomy
  • Airway Reconstructive Surgeries
  • Cochlear Implant (Nucleus, Med el & Advance Bionics)
  • Head & Neck Oncology
  • Performing all head and neck oncosurgery (total laryngectomy, open partial laryngectomies, Commando surgery, neck dissection, lateral temporal bone resection, maxillectomy, thyroidectomy and parotidectomy)
  • Laryngeal & Tracheal Stenosis
  • Endoscopic CO2 and KTP laser
  • Open tracheal resection and anastomosis
  • Laryngo-tracheoplasty
  • CO2 Laser Transoral laser surgery of malignancy (glottis, supraglottic).
  • Surgery for obstructive sleep apnoea.
  • Basic Otology
  • Complex middle ear surgery for mucosal and squamous disease,
  • Facial nerve decompression
  • Stapedotomy including laser stapedotomy
  • Advanced Endoscopic Sinus Surgery for primary and revision conditions
  • Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery:
  • Pituitary adenoma
  • Endoscopic skull base repairs.
  • Phonosurgery:
  • Thyroplasty
  • Vocal fold augmentation
  • Facial Plastic Surgery
  • Experienced in both internal and external rhinoplasty techniques.
  • Endoscopic / Minimally Invasive Surgery
  • Thyroideciomy
  • Parotidectomy
  • Neck Dissection
  • Robotic Surgery
  • Thyroidectomy
  • Neck Dissection
  • TORS
  • Talks & Publications

  • Col RS Bhadauria, Lt Col S Nair, Dr DK Pal. A Survey of Deaf Mutes. Med J Armed Forces India 2007;63:29-32.
  • Lt Col S Nair, Maj A Bahal, Col ML Gupta, Col R Lakhtakia. REAH: Unusual Case of Unilaterai Nasai Blockage. Med J Armed Forces india 2008;64:280-81.
  • Nair S. Laryngoscope. Mar 2009: 617 In reference to The Role of Allergy and Smoking in Chronic Rhinosinusitis and Polyposis.Laryngoscope.2008;118: 1521-1527
  • Lt ColS Nair, Maj A Bahal, Col RS Bhadauria. Lobular Capillary Hemangioma of Nasal Cavity. Med J Armed Forces India 2008; 64: 270-271.
  • Nair S. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Vol Apr-Sep 2008;60 Role of rhinomanometry to assess nasal airflow and resistance in patients undergoing septoplasty"" JOHNS (April-Jun 2008) 60, 133-136
  • Lt ColS Nair, AVM R C Kashyap. Significance of 6 KHz in noise-induced hearing loss in Indian Air Force personnel. Indian J Aerospace Med; Dec 2008
  • Nair S. Correlation between symptoms and CT scan findings in patients of chronic rhinosinusitis:
  • modified CT scan typing system.Rhinology.2009;47 (2): 181-186
  • Lt Coi S Nair, AViv R C Kashyap. A study of the prevaience and severity of noise induced hearing loss in Indian Air Force personnel. Med J Armed Forces india 2009;July;66
  • Awasthi SK, Satish, A Comparative study of nasal endoscopy vis-à-vis conventional rhinoscopy in aircrew. Ind Aerospace Med 2010;54(2):30-37.
  • Lt Col S Nair, Col Rs Bhadauria, Lt Col S Sharma. Impact of endoscopic sinus surgery on symptom manifestation of chronic rhinosinusitis. Med J Armed Forces India. Jan 2010, Vol 66, No 1.
  • Nair S, James E, Dutta A, Goyal S. Antrolith in the maxillary sinus: an unusual complication of endoscopic sinus surgery. Indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg.(Jan -Mar 2010) Vol 62, No 1;81-83.
  • Lt Coi S Nair, Coi RS Bhadauria, Lt Coi S Sharma. Effect Of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery On Asthmatic Patients With Chronic Rhinosinusitis. indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg (July-Sep 2010) 62(3) (Rhinology):285-288
  • Nair S, James E, Dutta A. A rare case of mucopyocele in the compartmentalised maxillary sinus. Indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg. (Aug -Sep 2010) Vol 62, Supp 2;5222-224.
  • Nair S, Dutta A, Rajagopalan R, Nambiar S. Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in Chronic Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyposis: A Comparative Study. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. Volume 63, Number 1(2011), 50-55, DOI: 10.1007/s12070-011-0
  • Nair S, James E, Chugh R. An unusual case of recurrent post aural abscess. indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg.: Volume 63, issue 1 (2011), Page 58-60
  • Nair S. Importance of Ethmoidal Roof in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Open Access Scientific Reports. Aug 2012; 1: 251. doi: 10.4172/scientificreports.251.
  • Ramalingam WVBS, Nair S, Ramesh AV, Gupta DK, Kumar A. Combined Laryngocele Secondary to Localized Laryngeal Amyloidosis. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. Apr - Jun 2012; 64(2): 193-196.
  • Nair S. Nasal Breathing Exercise and its Effect on Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis.
  • Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Apr - Jun 2012;64(2): 172-176. DOI: 10.1007/12070-011-0243-5.
  • Mittal R, Ramesh AV, Panwar SS, Nilkantan A, Nair S, Mehra PR. Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder: its prevalence and audiological characteristics in an Indian tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinoiaryngology. September 2012; 76(9): 1351-1354.
  • Ramalingam WBS, Nair S, Mandal G. Malignant peripheral nerve Sheath tumour of the oral cavity. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Oct 2012;70(10): e581-585.Nair S, James E, AwasthiS, Nambiar S, Goyal S. A
  • Review of theClinicopathologicaland Radiological Features of Unilateral Nasal Mass. Indian
  • Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2011, DOl:10.1007/12070-011-0288-5.
  • Nair S, Mohan S, Mandal G, Nilakantan A. Tracheal Stenosis: Our Experience at a Tertiary Care Centre in india with Special Regard to Cause and Management. indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery: Volume 66, Issue 1
  • (2014), Page 51-56.
  • Malik A, Ramalingam WVBS, Nilakantan A, Nair S, Ramesh AV, Raj P.
  • Comparison of the use of silastic with titanium prefabricated implant in type I thyroplasty. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2014;80: 156-60.
  • Malik A, Nair S, Nilakantan A. Laryngeal framework surgery for adductor spasmodic dysphonia. J Laryngol Voice 2014;4:28-31.
  • Nair S, Ramalingam WVBS, Bharadwaj R, Ramesh AV, Malik A, Mohan S.
  • Benign Fibrous Histiocytoma of the ethmoids. Med J Armed Forces India.Nair S, Ramalingam WVBS, Bharadwaj R, Mohan S, Malik A. Angiomyxolipoma:Unusual swelling of oral cavity. Med J Armed Forces India.
  • Mohan S, Nair S, Prasad M, Nilakantan A, Malik A. Inverted papilloma of frontal sinus with intracranial extension. Med J Armed Forces India.
  • Nair S, Sood A, Nilakantan A, Ramesh AV, Gupta A. A Survey of Noise Induced Hearing Loss in Indian Air Force Personnel by Extra High Frequency Audiometry.Ind J Aerospace Med 2014;58(1):21-26.
  • Venkatesh MD, Datta R, Satish. Noise Induced Hearing Loss in Armed Forces.
  • Journal of Combat Medical Support and Logistics, Vol 3, No 2, 2013-2014:38-43.
  • Gupta A, Nair S, Nilakantan A, Sood A. Aggressive Fibromatosis of Head and Neck in a child. Indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg. Vol 67 (1) (2015):154-157.
  • Nair S, Mohan S, Nilakantan A, Gupta A, Malik A, Gupta A. Impact of 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography Scan on Initial Evaluation of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Our Experience at a Tertiary Care Center in India. World J Nucl Med 2015;14:19-24.
  • Mittal R, Ramesh AV, Panwar SS, Nilkantan A, Sinha VR, Nair S, et al. Mapping of pediatric cochlear implant recipients using electrical auditory brainstem responses as a tool. Indian J Otol 2015;21:14-8.
  • Nair S, Nilakantan A, Sood A, Gupta A, Gupta A. Chailenges in the iVanagement of Laryngeal
  • Stenosis. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2016 Sep; 68(3):294-9.
  • Nair, S., Gupta, A., Nilakantan, A. et ai. impaired Vestibular Function After Cochlear Implantation in Children: Role of Static Posturography. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2017).
  • Nair S, Ramalingam WVBS, Bharadwaj R, Malik A, Prasad R. Ectopic Pituitary Adenoma: Case Report with Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Neurosurgery, 06(02), 117-121.
  • 36. Swetha K, Nair S, Brijith KVR, Aishwarya JG, Nagamani YS, Indeewar H.
  • Selective Neck Dissection Technique in the Treatment of Recurrent Pyriform Sinus Fistula. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019;71(Suppl 1):506-509.
  • Aishwarya J G, Nair S, Anoop P, Shivakumar S, Patil AR, Babu S. Otologic presentation of multiple myeloma with isolated temporal bone involvement:
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic implications. Ann Indian Acad Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2019;3:45-8.
  • Aishwarya, J.G., Nair, S., Patil, C.N. et al. Peripheral T Cell Lymphoma of Parotid Gland: A Diagnostic Challenge. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.2019;71:533-536.
  • Ramanathan, K., Patil, A.R., Narasimhan, S., Nair S. imaging and intervention in Internal Carotid Artery Pseudoaneurysm Secondary to Retropharyngeal Abscess. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02283-0
  • Nair S, Brijith KVR, Aishwarya J.G, Pavithra V. Transcanal endoscopic excision of tympanic paraganglioma: A three-case series. Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lers.2020.10.001.
  • Brijith, K.V.R., Aishwarya, J.G., Shah, A.S., Nair S. Modified CT Scan Scoring System for Evaluating Symptom Severity of Chronic Rhinosinusitis. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02259-0 Ibrahim, A., Kumar, S., Patil, A.R., Aishwarya J.G., Shah A.S., Nair S. Radiological and cadaveric study of anatomical safe zone for transoral base of tongue surgery. J Robotic Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11701-020-01164-6
  • Ramanathan, K., Nair, S., Pavithra, V., Kumar S., Adoor G., Karjigi U., Shivakumar S. Igg4 Related Disease of Skull
  • Challenge. Indian Diagnostic J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02135-x
  • Nair, S., Ibrahim, A. The Importance of Cribriform-Lamella Angle in Endoscopic SinusSurgery. IndianOtolaryngol https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02171-7 Head Neck Surg (2020).
  • Nair, S., Aishwarya, J.G. Endoscopic Ear Surgery: Our Experience. indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02042-
  • Aishwarya j G, Shah AS, Nair S, Kumar S, Kumar S, Brijith KVR, Srivastava N, Ibrahim A. Safe surgical zone during TORS radical tonsillectomy: An anatomical and radiological study. LERS. 2020;3 (2):34-38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lers.2020.04.002.
  • Jain A, Nair S, Thakur D, Shah AS. Glomus laryngicum. Ann Indian Acad Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020;4:53-6.
  • Shankaralingappa A, Patil A R, Nandikoor S, Nair S, Raju H A. imaging in malignant thyroglossal duct cyst. Ann indian Acad Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 (4);57 - 60.
  • Nair, S., Srivastava, N., Brijith, K.V.R. et ai. Surgical Landmarks for Parapharyngeal internal Carotid Artery During Extended Endoscopic Surgery of Nasopharynx: A Cadaveric and Radiological Study. Indian J Otolaryngol Head NeckSurg (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-02508-W 10.4103/aiao.aiao_28_19.
  • Nect Sue. Asiwarya, J.6., Jain, A. tal Mini-incision Parotidectory-Our Technique. Indian Otolaryngoi
  • Surg (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-02882-5.
  • Nair, S., Aishwarya, J.G., Vasu, P.K. et al. Outcomes of Totally Endoscopic Versus Microscopic Techniques in Middle Ear Cholesteatoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Indian Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-02869-2.
  • Nair, Satish & JG, Aishwarya & Warrier, Nagamani & V, Pavithra & Jain, Aditya & Shamim, Mehrin & Ramanathan, Krishna & Vasu, Pooja. (2021). Endoscopic ear surgery in middle ear cholesteatoma. Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery. 4. 10.1016/j.lers.2021.01.004.
  • Shah, A.S., Nair, S., Pavithra, V. et ai. Anatomical and Surgical Study to Evaluate the Accuracy of ""C-M-S"" Technique in Facial Nerve Identification During Parotid Surgery. Indian (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02329-3.
  • J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 73, 188-192
  • Shamim, M., Vasu, P.K., Kumar, S., Aishwarya, J.G., Nair, S. Giant Facial Nerve Schwannoma with Extra-Temporal Involvement: A Series Of Two Cases. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-03067-W.
  • Muthu V, Agarwal R, Rudramurthy SM, Thangaraju D, Shevkani MR, Patel AK, Shastri PS, Tayade A, Bhandari S, Gella V, Savio J, Madan S, Hallur V, Maturu VN, Srinivasan A, Sethuraman N, Sibia RPS, Pujari S, Mehta R, Singhai T, Saxena P, Gupta V, Nagvekar V, Prayag P, Patel D, Xess I, Savaj P, Sehgal IS, Panda N, Rajagopal GD, Parwani RS, Patel K, Deshmukh A, Vyas A, Gandra RR, Sistla SK, Padaki PA, Ramar D, Panigahi MK, Sarkar S, Rachagulla B, Vallandaramam P, Premachandran KP, Pawar S, Gugale P, Hosamani P, Dutt SN, Nair S, Kalpakkam H, Badhwar S, Kompella KK, Singla N, Navlakhe M, Prayag A, Singh G, Dhakecha P, Chakrabarti A. Prevalence of co-existent COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA) and its impact on early mortality in patients with COVID-19-associated pulmonary mucormycosis (CAPM). Mycoses. 2024 May;67(5):13745. doi: 10.1111/myc. 13745. PMID: 38767273.
  • Vasu PK, Nair S, Aishwarya JG, Sameema VV, Geethu KP. Cog - A Radiological Indicator in Identifying Dysventilation Syndrome. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2023 Apr; 75(Suppl 1):419-423.
  • Muthu V, Agarwal R, Rudramurthy SM, Thangaraju D, Shevkani MR, Patel AK, Shastri PS, Tayade A, Bhandari S, Gella V, Savio J, Madan S, Hallur VK, Maturu VN, Srinivasan A, Sethuraman N, Sibia RPS, Pujari S, Mehta R, Singhal T,"

    Field of Expertise

  • General Otolaryngology (Adult & Paediatric)
  • Advanced Endoscopic ear surgery
  • Advanced Anterior & Lateral Skull Base Surgery
  • Robotic & Endoscopic Head & Neck Surgery, Thyroidectomy
  • Mini-Incision Parotidectomy
  • Airway Reconstructive Surgeries
  • Cochlear Implant (Nucleus, Med el & Advance Bionics)
  • Head & Neck Oncology
  • Performing all head and neck oncosurgery (total laryngectomy, open partial laryngectomies, Commando surgery, neck dissection, lateral temporal bone resection, maxillectomy, thyroidectomy and parotidectomy)
  • Laryngeal & Tracheal Stenosis
  • Endoscopic CO2 and KTP laser
  • Open tracheal resection and anastomosis
  • Laryngo-tracheoplasty
  • CO2 Laser Transoral laser surgery of malignancy (glottis, supraglottic).
  • Surgery for obstructive sleep apnoea.
  • Basic Otology
  • Complex middle ear surgery for mucosal and squamous disease,
  • Facial nerve decompression
  • Stapedotomy including laser stapedotomy
  • Advanced Endoscopic Sinus Surgery for primary and revision conditions
  • Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery:
  • Pituitary adenoma
  • Endoscopic skull base repairs.
  • Phonosurgery:
  • Thyroplasty
  • Vocal fold augmentation
  • Facial Plastic Surgery
  • Experienced in both internal and external rhinoplasty techniques.
  • Endoscopic / Minimally Invasive Surgery
  • Thyroideciomy
  • Parotidectomy
  • Neck Dissection
  • Robotic Surgery
  • Thyroidectomy
  • Neck Dissection
  • TORS
  • Fellowship & Membership

  • Life Member
  • Association of Otolaryngologists of India. (LM 3590)
  • Foundation for Head & Neck Oncology, India. (249)
  • The Cochlear Implant Group of India. (LM 280)
  • Indian Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (IAOHNS). (LM 68)
  • Laryngology and Voice Association of India.
  • Skull Base Surgery Society of India (SBSSI-279)
  • Association of Otolaryngologists of India (Delhi Branch)
  • Member Governing Council AOl (Delhi Br): 2014-15
  • Editorial Board (Indian Journal of Otolaryngology & Head Neck Surgery)
  • Editorial Board (Annals of IAOHNS)
  • Editorial Board (World Journal of Otolaryngology)"
  • Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Kannada
  • Hindi
  • Tamil
  • Malayalam
  • Talks & Publications

  • Col RS Bhadauria, Lt Col S Nair, Dr DK Pal. A Survey of Deaf Mutes. Med J Armed Forces India 2007;63:29-32.
  • Lt Col S Nair, Maj A Bahal, Col ML Gupta, Col R Lakhtakia. REAH: Unusual Case of Unilaterai Nasai Blockage. Med J Armed Forces india 2008;64:280-81.
  • Nair S. Laryngoscope. Mar 2009: 617 In reference to The Role of Allergy and Smoking in Chronic Rhinosinusitis and Polyposis.Laryngoscope.2008;118: 1521-1527
  • Lt ColS Nair, Maj A Bahal, Col RS Bhadauria. Lobular Capillary Hemangioma of Nasal Cavity. Med J Armed Forces India 2008; 64: 270-271.
  • Nair S. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Vol Apr-Sep 2008;60 Role of rhinomanometry to assess nasal airflow and resistance in patients undergoing septoplasty"" JOHNS (April-Jun 2008) 60, 133-136
  • Lt ColS Nair, AVM R C Kashyap. Significance of 6 KHz in noise-induced hearing loss in Indian Air Force personnel. Indian J Aerospace Med; Dec 2008
  • Nair S. Correlation between symptoms and CT scan findings in patients of chronic rhinosinusitis:
  • modified CT scan typing system.Rhinology.2009;47 (2): 181-186
  • Lt Coi S Nair, AViv R C Kashyap. A study of the prevaience and severity of noise induced hearing loss in Indian Air Force personnel. Med J Armed Forces india 2009;July;66
  • Awasthi SK, Satish, A Comparative study of nasal endoscopy vis-à-vis conventional rhinoscopy in aircrew. Ind Aerospace Med 2010;54(2):30-37.
  • Lt Col S Nair, Col Rs Bhadauria, Lt Col S Sharma. Impact of endoscopic sinus surgery on symptom manifestation of chronic rhinosinusitis. Med J Armed Forces India. Jan 2010, Vol 66, No 1.
  • Nair S, James E, Dutta A, Goyal S. Antrolith in the maxillary sinus: an unusual complication of endoscopic sinus surgery. Indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg.(Jan -Mar 2010) Vol 62, No 1;81-83.
  • Lt Coi S Nair, Coi RS Bhadauria, Lt Coi S Sharma. Effect Of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery On Asthmatic Patients With Chronic Rhinosinusitis. indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg (July-Sep 2010) 62(3) (Rhinology):285-288
  • Nair S, James E, Dutta A. A rare case of mucopyocele in the compartmentalised maxillary sinus. Indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg. (Aug -Sep 2010) Vol 62, Supp 2;5222-224.
  • Nair S, Dutta A, Rajagopalan R, Nambiar S. Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in Chronic Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyposis: A Comparative Study. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. Volume 63, Number 1(2011), 50-55, DOI: 10.1007/s12070-011-0
  • Nair S, James E, Chugh R. An unusual case of recurrent post aural abscess. indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg.: Volume 63, issue 1 (2011), Page 58-60
  • Nair S. Importance of Ethmoidal Roof in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Open Access Scientific Reports. Aug 2012; 1: 251. doi: 10.4172/scientificreports.251.
  • Ramalingam WVBS, Nair S, Ramesh AV, Gupta DK, Kumar A. Combined Laryngocele Secondary to Localized Laryngeal Amyloidosis. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. Apr - Jun 2012; 64(2): 193-196.
  • Nair S. Nasal Breathing Exercise and its Effect on Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis.
  • Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Apr - Jun 2012;64(2): 172-176. DOI: 10.1007/12070-011-0243-5.
  • Mittal R, Ramesh AV, Panwar SS, Nilkantan A, Nair S, Mehra PR. Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder: its prevalence and audiological characteristics in an Indian tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinoiaryngology. September 2012; 76(9): 1351-1354.
  • Ramalingam WBS, Nair S, Mandal G. Malignant peripheral nerve Sheath tumour of the oral cavity. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Oct 2012;70(10): e581-585.Nair S, James E, AwasthiS, Nambiar S, Goyal S. A
  • Review of theClinicopathologicaland Radiological Features of Unilateral Nasal Mass. Indian
  • Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2011, DOl:10.1007/12070-011-0288-5.
  • Nair S, Mohan S, Mandal G, Nilakantan A. Tracheal Stenosis: Our Experience at a Tertiary Care Centre in india with Special Regard to Cause and Management. indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery: Volume 66, Issue 1
  • (2014), Page 51-56.
  • Malik A, Ramalingam WVBS, Nilakantan A, Nair S, Ramesh AV, Raj P.
  • Comparison of the use of silastic with titanium prefabricated implant in type I thyroplasty. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2014;80: 156-60.
  • Malik A, Nair S, Nilakantan A. Laryngeal framework surgery for adductor spasmodic dysphonia. J Laryngol Voice 2014;4:28-31.
  • Nair S, Ramalingam WVBS, Bharadwaj R, Ramesh AV, Malik A, Mohan S.
  • Benign Fibrous Histiocytoma of the ethmoids. Med J Armed Forces India.Nair S, Ramalingam WVBS, Bharadwaj R, Mohan S, Malik A. Angiomyxolipoma:Unusual swelling of oral cavity. Med J Armed Forces India.
  • Mohan S, Nair S, Prasad M, Nilakantan A, Malik A. Inverted papilloma of frontal sinus with intracranial extension. Med J Armed Forces India.
  • Nair S, Sood A, Nilakantan A, Ramesh AV, Gupta A. A Survey of Noise Induced Hearing Loss in Indian Air Force Personnel by Extra High Frequency Audiometry.Ind J Aerospace Med 2014;58(1):21-26.
  • Venkatesh MD, Datta R, Satish. Noise Induced Hearing Loss in Armed Forces.
  • Journal of Combat Medical Support and Logistics, Vol 3, No 2, 2013-2014:38-43.
  • Gupta A, Nair S, Nilakantan A, Sood A. Aggressive Fibromatosis of Head and Neck in a child. Indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg. Vol 67 (1) (2015):154-157.
  • Nair S, Mohan S, Nilakantan A, Gupta A, Malik A, Gupta A. Impact of 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography Scan on Initial Evaluation of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Our Experience at a Tertiary Care Center in India. World J Nucl Med 2015;14:19-24.
  • Mittal R, Ramesh AV, Panwar SS, Nilkantan A, Sinha VR, Nair S, et al. Mapping of pediatric cochlear implant recipients using electrical auditory brainstem responses as a tool. Indian J Otol 2015;21:14-8.
  • Nair S, Nilakantan A, Sood A, Gupta A, Gupta A. Chailenges in the iVanagement of Laryngeal
  • Stenosis. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2016 Sep; 68(3):294-9.
  • Nair, S., Gupta, A., Nilakantan, A. et ai. impaired Vestibular Function After Cochlear Implantation in Children: Role of Static Posturography. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2017).
  • Nair S, Ramalingam WVBS, Bharadwaj R, Malik A, Prasad R. Ectopic Pituitary Adenoma: Case Report with Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Neurosurgery, 06(02), 117-121.
  • 36. Swetha K, Nair S, Brijith KVR, Aishwarya JG, Nagamani YS, Indeewar H.
  • Selective Neck Dissection Technique in the Treatment of Recurrent Pyriform Sinus Fistula. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019;71(Suppl 1):506-509.
  • Aishwarya J G, Nair S, Anoop P, Shivakumar S, Patil AR, Babu S. Otologic presentation of multiple myeloma with isolated temporal bone involvement:
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic implications. Ann Indian Acad Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2019;3:45-8.
  • Aishwarya, J.G., Nair, S., Patil, C.N. et al. Peripheral T Cell Lymphoma of Parotid Gland: A Diagnostic Challenge. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.2019;71:533-536.
  • Ramanathan, K., Patil, A.R., Narasimhan, S., Nair S. imaging and intervention in Internal Carotid Artery Pseudoaneurysm Secondary to Retropharyngeal Abscess. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02283-0
  • Nair S, Brijith KVR, Aishwarya J.G, Pavithra V. Transcanal endoscopic excision of tympanic paraganglioma: A three-case series. Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lers.2020.10.001.
  • Brijith, K.V.R., Aishwarya, J.G., Shah, A.S., Nair S. Modified CT Scan Scoring System for Evaluating Symptom Severity of Chronic Rhinosinusitis. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02259-0 Ibrahim, A., Kumar, S., Patil, A.R., Aishwarya J.G., Shah A.S., Nair S. Radiological and cadaveric study of anatomical safe zone for transoral base of tongue surgery. J Robotic Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11701-020-01164-6
  • Ramanathan, K., Nair, S., Pavithra, V., Kumar S., Adoor G., Karjigi U., Shivakumar S. Igg4 Related Disease of Skull
  • Challenge. Indian Diagnostic J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02135-x
  • Nair, S., Ibrahim, A. The Importance of Cribriform-Lamella Angle in Endoscopic SinusSurgery. IndianOtolaryngol https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02171-7 Head Neck Surg (2020).
  • Nair, S., Aishwarya, J.G. Endoscopic Ear Surgery: Our Experience. indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02042-
  • Aishwarya j G, Shah AS, Nair S, Kumar S, Kumar S, Brijith KVR, Srivastava N, Ibrahim A. Safe surgical zone during TORS radical tonsillectomy: An anatomical and radiological study. LERS. 2020;3 (2):34-38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lers.2020.04.002.
  • Jain A, Nair S, Thakur D, Shah AS. Glomus laryngicum. Ann Indian Acad Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020;4:53-6.
  • Shankaralingappa A, Patil A R, Nandikoor S, Nair S, Raju H A. imaging in malignant thyroglossal duct cyst. Ann indian Acad Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 (4);57 - 60.
  • Nair, S., Srivastava, N., Brijith, K.V.R. et ai. Surgical Landmarks for Parapharyngeal internal Carotid Artery During Extended Endoscopic Surgery of Nasopharynx: A Cadaveric and Radiological Study. Indian J Otolaryngol Head NeckSurg (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-02508-W 10.4103/aiao.aiao_28_19.
  • Nect Sue. Asiwarya, J.6., Jain, A. tal Mini-incision Parotidectory-Our Technique. Indian Otolaryngoi
  • Surg (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-02882-5.
  • Nair, S., Aishwarya, J.G., Vasu, P.K. et al. Outcomes of Totally Endoscopic Versus Microscopic Techniques in Middle Ear Cholesteatoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Indian Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-02869-2.
  • Nair, Satish & JG, Aishwarya & Warrier, Nagamani & V, Pavithra & Jain, Aditya & Shamim, Mehrin & Ramanathan, Krishna & Vasu, Pooja. (2021). Endoscopic ear surgery in middle ear cholesteatoma. Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery. 4. 10.1016/j.lers.2021.01.004.
  • Shah, A.S., Nair, S., Pavithra, V. et ai. Anatomical and Surgical Study to Evaluate the Accuracy of ""C-M-S"" Technique in Facial Nerve Identification During Parotid Surgery. Indian (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02329-3.
  • J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 73, 188-192
  • Shamim, M., Vasu, P.K., Kumar, S., Aishwarya, J.G., Nair, S. Giant Facial Nerve Schwannoma with Extra-Temporal Involvement: A Series Of Two Cases. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-03067-W.
  • Muthu V, Agarwal R, Rudramurthy SM, Thangaraju D, Shevkani MR, Patel AK, Shastri PS, Tayade A, Bhandari S, Gella V, Savio J, Madan S, Hallur V, Maturu VN, Srinivasan A, Sethuraman N, Sibia RPS, Pujari S, Mehta R, Singhai T, Saxena P, Gupta V, Nagvekar V, Prayag P, Patel D, Xess I, Savaj P, Sehgal IS, Panda N, Rajagopal GD, Parwani RS, Patel K, Deshmukh A, Vyas A, Gandra RR, Sistla SK, Padaki PA, Ramar D, Panigahi MK, Sarkar S, Rachagulla B, Vallandaramam P, Premachandran KP, Pawar S, Gugale P, Hosamani P, Dutt SN, Nair S, Kalpakkam H, Badhwar S, Kompella KK, Singla N, Navlakhe M, Prayag A, Singh G, Dhakecha P, Chakrabarti A. Prevalence of co-existent COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA) and its impact on early mortality in patients with COVID-19-associated pulmonary mucormycosis (CAPM). Mycoses. 2024 May;67(5):13745. doi: 10.1111/myc. 13745. PMID: 38767273.
  • Vasu PK, Nair S, Aishwarya JG, Sameema VV, Geethu KP. Cog - A Radiological Indicator in Identifying Dysventilation Syndrome. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2023 Apr; 75(Suppl 1):419-423.
  • Muthu V, Agarwal R, Rudramurthy SM, Thangaraju D, Shevkani MR, Patel AK, Shastri PS, Tayade A, Bhandari S, Gella V, Savio J, Madan S, Hallur VK, Maturu VN, Srinivasan A, Sethuraman N, Sibia RPS, Pujari S, Mehta R, Singhal T,"
  • Overview

  • Dr. Satish Nair is the best doctor for head, neck, and ENT in Bangalore. He is currently practicing as the Academic Head and Consultant in ENT, Head and Neck Surgery, and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery at Manipal Hospital on Old Airport Road. His commitment to clinical excellence is evident in every aspect of his practice, as he approaches patient care with deep compassion and professionalism. He is the top surgeon for ENT in Bangalore.

  • Dr. Nair’s surgical repertoire includes advanced procedures in Otology, such as Cochlear Implant Surgery, and minimally invasive techniques like Endoscopic Ear Surgery and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery. He is also proficient in transoral CO2 laser surgery, aesthetic rhinoplasty, voice surgery, and laryngotracheal surgeries. Notably, Dr. Nair has pioneered a minimally invasive approach to parotid surgery, developing the "Nair Incision," a small, hidden incision that exemplifies his innovative spirit.

  • Dr. Satish Nair's extensive experience in management and administration is rooted in his distinguished 23-year career in the Indian Armed Forces. From serving as a medical officer in the challenging terrains of Jammu & Kashmir to his tenure at the prestigious Army Hospital (Research & Referral) in Delhi Cantt, Dr. Nair has developed a robust skill set in hospital administration and management. His time at the Army Hospital R&R was particularly formative, allowing him to contribute to the development of the state-of-the-art ENT department, conduct various conferences, and oversee equipment procurement for the ENT centres of the armed forces.

  • In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Satish Nair is deeply passionate about research. Throughout his career, he has actively engaged in numerous research projects under the aegis of the Armed Forces Medical Research Committee (AFMRC) and the Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO). Training the next generation of medical professionals is another area where Dr. Nair excels. His passion for education drives him to mentor postgraduate students, imparting knowledge through formal and informal tutorials, lectures, clinics, seminars, and demonstrations.

  • Dr. Nair's commitment to professional development extends to his involvement in numerous workshops and academic activities. Over the past nine years, he has conducted various cadaveric dissection workshops at the Advanced Learning Centre of MSR Medical College, including Head & Neck workshops, Endoscopic Skull Base Workshops, and Endoscopic Ear Workshops. He has also authored several books.

  • Throughout his career, Dr. Nair has adhered to three guiding principles: clinical practice, research, and training. These pillars have shaped his approach to medicine and continue to drive his pursuit of excellence. His membership in professional bodies such as the Association of Otolaryngologists of India, the Foundation for Head & Neck Oncology, and the Indian Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, among others, further attests to his standing in the medical community.

    Talks & Publications

  • Col RS Bhadauria, Lt Col S Nair, Dr DK Pal. A Survey of Deaf Mutes. Med J Armed Forces India 2007;63:29-32.
  • Lt Col S Nair, Maj A Bahal, Col ML Gupta, Col R Lakhtakia. REAH: Unusual Case of Unilaterai Nasai Blockage. Med J Armed Forces india 2008;64:280-81.
  • Nair S. Laryngoscope. Mar 2009: 617 In reference to The Role of Allergy and Smoking in Chronic Rhinosinusitis and Polyposis.Laryngoscope.2008;118: 1521-1527
  • Lt ColS Nair, Maj A Bahal, Col RS Bhadauria. Lobular Capillary Hemangioma of Nasal Cavity. Med J Armed Forces India 2008; 64: 270-271.
  • Nair S. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Vol Apr-Sep 2008;60 Role of rhinomanometry to assess nasal airflow and resistance in patients undergoing septoplasty"" JOHNS (April-Jun 2008) 60, 133-136
  • Lt ColS Nair, AVM R C Kashyap. Significance of 6 KHz in noise-induced hearing loss in Indian Air Force personnel. Indian J Aerospace Med; Dec 2008
  • Nair S. Correlation between symptoms and CT scan findings in patients of chronic rhinosinusitis:
  • modified CT scan typing system.Rhinology.2009;47 (2): 181-186
  • Lt Coi S Nair, AViv R C Kashyap. A study of the prevaience and severity of noise induced hearing loss in Indian Air Force personnel. Med J Armed Forces india 2009;July;66
  • Awasthi SK, Satish, A Comparative study of nasal endoscopy vis-à-vis conventional rhinoscopy in aircrew. Ind Aerospace Med 2010;54(2):30-37.
  • Lt Col S Nair, Col Rs Bhadauria, Lt Col S Sharma. Impact of endoscopic sinus surgery on symptom manifestation of chronic rhinosinusitis. Med J Armed Forces India. Jan 2010, Vol 66, No 1.
  • Nair S, James E, Dutta A, Goyal S. Antrolith in the maxillary sinus: an unusual complication of endoscopic sinus surgery. Indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg.(Jan -Mar 2010) Vol 62, No 1;81-83.
  • Lt Coi S Nair, Coi RS Bhadauria, Lt Coi S Sharma. Effect Of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery On Asthmatic Patients With Chronic Rhinosinusitis. indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg (July-Sep 2010) 62(3) (Rhinology):285-288
  • Nair S, James E, Dutta A. A rare case of mucopyocele in the compartmentalised maxillary sinus. Indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg. (Aug -Sep 2010) Vol 62, Supp 2;5222-224.
  • Nair S, Dutta A, Rajagopalan R, Nambiar S. Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in Chronic Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyposis: A Comparative Study. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. Volume 63, Number 1(2011), 50-55, DOI: 10.1007/s12070-011-0
  • Nair S, James E, Chugh R. An unusual case of recurrent post aural abscess. indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg.: Volume 63, issue 1 (2011), Page 58-60
  • Nair S. Importance of Ethmoidal Roof in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Open Access Scientific Reports. Aug 2012; 1: 251. doi: 10.4172/scientificreports.251.
  • Ramalingam WVBS, Nair S, Ramesh AV, Gupta DK, Kumar A. Combined Laryngocele Secondary to Localized Laryngeal Amyloidosis. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. Apr - Jun 2012; 64(2): 193-196.
  • Nair S. Nasal Breathing Exercise and its Effect on Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis.
  • Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Apr - Jun 2012;64(2): 172-176. DOI: 10.1007/12070-011-0243-5.
  • Mittal R, Ramesh AV, Panwar SS, Nilkantan A, Nair S, Mehra PR. Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder: its prevalence and audiological characteristics in an Indian tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinoiaryngology. September 2012; 76(9): 1351-1354.
  • Ramalingam WBS, Nair S, Mandal G. Malignant peripheral nerve Sheath tumour of the oral cavity. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Oct 2012;70(10): e581-585.Nair S, James E, AwasthiS, Nambiar S, Goyal S. A
  • Review of theClinicopathologicaland Radiological Features of Unilateral Nasal Mass. Indian
  • Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2011, DOl:10.1007/12070-011-0288-5.
  • Nair S, Mohan S, Mandal G, Nilakantan A. Tracheal Stenosis: Our Experience at a Tertiary Care Centre in india with Special Regard to Cause and Management. indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery: Volume 66, Issue 1
  • (2014), Page 51-56.
  • Malik A, Ramalingam WVBS, Nilakantan A, Nair S, Ramesh AV, Raj P.
  • Comparison of the use of silastic with titanium prefabricated implant in type I thyroplasty. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2014;80: 156-60.
  • Malik A, Nair S, Nilakantan A. Laryngeal framework surgery for adductor spasmodic dysphonia. J Laryngol Voice 2014;4:28-31.
  • Nair S, Ramalingam WVBS, Bharadwaj R, Ramesh AV, Malik A, Mohan S.
  • Benign Fibrous Histiocytoma of the ethmoids. Med J Armed Forces India.Nair S, Ramalingam WVBS, Bharadwaj R, Mohan S, Malik A. Angiomyxolipoma:Unusual swelling of oral cavity. Med J Armed Forces India.
  • Mohan S, Nair S, Prasad M, Nilakantan A, Malik A. Inverted papilloma of frontal sinus with intracranial extension. Med J Armed Forces India.
  • Nair S, Sood A, Nilakantan A, Ramesh AV, Gupta A. A Survey of Noise Induced Hearing Loss in Indian Air Force Personnel by Extra High Frequency Audiometry.Ind J Aerospace Med 2014;58(1):21-26.
  • Venkatesh MD, Datta R, Satish. Noise Induced Hearing Loss in Armed Forces.
  • Journal of Combat Medical Support and Logistics, Vol 3, No 2, 2013-2014:38-43.
  • Gupta A, Nair S, Nilakantan A, Sood A. Aggressive Fibromatosis of Head and Neck in a child. Indian J Otolaryngol head Neck Surg. Vol 67 (1) (2015):154-157.
  • Nair S, Mohan S, Nilakantan A, Gupta A, Malik A, Gupta A. Impact of 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography Scan on Initial Evaluation of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Our Experience at a Tertiary Care Center in India. World J Nucl Med 2015;14:19-24.
  • Mittal R, Ramesh AV, Panwar SS, Nilkantan A, Sinha VR, Nair S, et al. Mapping of pediatric cochlear implant recipients using electrical auditory brainstem responses as a tool. Indian J Otol 2015;21:14-8.
  • Nair S, Nilakantan A, Sood A, Gupta A, Gupta A. Chailenges in the iVanagement of Laryngeal
  • Stenosis. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2016 Sep; 68(3):294-9.
  • Nair, S., Gupta, A., Nilakantan, A. et ai. impaired Vestibular Function After Cochlear Implantation in Children: Role of Static Posturography. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2017).
  • Nair S, Ramalingam WVBS, Bharadwaj R, Malik A, Prasad R. Ectopic Pituitary Adenoma: Case Report with Review of Literature. Indian Journal of Neurosurgery, 06(02), 117-121.
  • 36. Swetha K, Nair S, Brijith KVR, Aishwarya JG, Nagamani YS, Indeewar H.
  • Selective Neck Dissection Technique in the Treatment of Recurrent Pyriform Sinus Fistula. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019;71(Suppl 1):506-509.
  • Aishwarya J G, Nair S, Anoop P, Shivakumar S, Patil AR, Babu S. Otologic presentation of multiple myeloma with isolated temporal bone involvement:
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic implications. Ann Indian Acad Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2019;3:45-8.
  • Aishwarya, J.G., Nair, S., Patil, C.N. et al. Peripheral T Cell Lymphoma of Parotid Gland: A Diagnostic Challenge. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.2019;71:533-536.
  • Ramanathan, K., Patil, A.R., Narasimhan, S., Nair S. imaging and intervention in Internal Carotid Artery Pseudoaneurysm Secondary to Retropharyngeal Abscess. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02283-0
  • Nair S, Brijith KVR, Aishwarya J.G, Pavithra V. Transcanal endoscopic excision of tympanic paraganglioma: A three-case series. Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lers.2020.10.001.
  • Brijith, K.V.R., Aishwarya, J.G., Shah, A.S., Nair S. Modified CT Scan Scoring System for Evaluating Symptom Severity of Chronic Rhinosinusitis. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02259-0 Ibrahim, A., Kumar, S., Patil, A.R., Aishwarya J.G., Shah A.S., Nair S. Radiological and cadaveric study of anatomical safe zone for transoral base of tongue surgery. J Robotic Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11701-020-01164-6
  • Ramanathan, K., Nair, S., Pavithra, V., Kumar S., Adoor G., Karjigi U., Shivakumar S. Igg4 Related Disease of Skull
  • Challenge. Indian Diagnostic J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02135-x
  • Nair, S., Ibrahim, A. The Importance of Cribriform-Lamella Angle in Endoscopic SinusSurgery. IndianOtolaryngol https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02171-7 Head Neck Surg (2020).
  • Nair, S., Aishwarya, J.G. Endoscopic Ear Surgery: Our Experience. indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02042-
  • Aishwarya j G, Shah AS, Nair S, Kumar S, Kumar S, Brijith KVR, Srivastava N, Ibrahim A. Safe surgical zone during TORS radical tonsillectomy: An anatomical and radiological study. LERS. 2020;3 (2):34-38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lers.2020.04.002.
  • Jain A, Nair S, Thakur D, Shah AS. Glomus laryngicum. Ann Indian Acad Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020;4:53-6.
  • Shankaralingappa A, Patil A R, Nandikoor S, Nair S, Raju H A. imaging in malignant thyroglossal duct cyst. Ann indian Acad Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 (4);57 - 60.
  • Nair, S., Srivastava, N., Brijith, K.V.R. et ai. Surgical Landmarks for Parapharyngeal internal Carotid Artery During Extended Endoscopic Surgery of Nasopharynx: A Cadaveric and Radiological Study. Indian J Otolaryngol Head NeckSurg (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-02508-W 10.4103/aiao.aiao_28_19.
  • Nect Sue. Asiwarya, J.6., Jain, A. tal Mini-incision Parotidectory-Our Technique. Indian Otolaryngoi
  • Surg (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-02882-5.
  • Nair, S., Aishwarya, J.G., Vasu, P.K. et al. Outcomes of Totally Endoscopic Versus Microscopic Techniques in Middle Ear Cholesteatoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Indian Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-02869-2.
  • Nair, Satish & JG, Aishwarya & Warrier, Nagamani & V, Pavithra & Jain, Aditya & Shamim, Mehrin & Ramanathan, Krishna & Vasu, Pooja. (2021). Endoscopic ear surgery in middle ear cholesteatoma. Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery. 4. 10.1016/j.lers.2021.01.004.
  • Shah, A.S., Nair, S., Pavithra, V. et ai. Anatomical and Surgical Study to Evaluate the Accuracy of ""C-M-S"" Technique in Facial Nerve Identification During Parotid Surgery. Indian (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-02329-3.
  • J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 73, 188-192
  • Shamim, M., Vasu, P.K., Kumar, S., Aishwarya, J.G., Nair, S. Giant Facial Nerve Schwannoma with Extra-Temporal Involvement: A Series Of Two Cases. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-03067-W.
  • Muthu V, Agarwal R, Rudramurthy SM, Thangaraju D, Shevkani MR, Patel AK, Shastri PS, Tayade A, Bhandari S, Gella V, Savio J, Madan S, Hallur V, Maturu VN, Srinivasan A, Sethuraman N, Sibia RPS, Pujari S, Mehta R, Singhai T, Saxena P, Gupta V, Nagvekar V, Prayag P, Patel D, Xess I, Savaj P, Sehgal IS, Panda N, Rajagopal GD, Parwani RS, Patel K, Deshmukh A, Vyas A, Gandra RR, Sistla SK, Padaki PA, Ramar D, Panigahi MK, Sarkar S, Rachagulla B, Vallandaramam P, Premachandran KP, Pawar S, Gugale P, Hosamani P, Dutt SN, Nair S, Kalpakkam H, Badhwar S, Kompella KK, Singla N, Navlakhe M, Prayag A, Singh G, Dhakecha P, Chakrabarti A. Prevalence of co-existent COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA) and its impact on early mortality in patients with COVID-19-associated pulmonary mucormycosis (CAPM). Mycoses. 2024 May;67(5):13745. doi: 10.1111/myc. 13745. PMID: 38767273.
  • Vasu PK, Nair S, Aishwarya JG, Sameema VV, Geethu KP. Cog - A Radiological Indicator in Identifying Dysventilation Syndrome. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2023 Apr; 75(Suppl 1):419-423.
  • Muthu V, Agarwal R, Rudramurthy SM, Thangaraju D, Shevkani MR, Patel AK, Shastri PS, Tayade A, Bhandari S, Gella V, Savio J, Madan S, Hallur VK, Maturu VN, Srinivasan A, Sethuraman N, Sibia RPS, Pujari S, Mehta R, Singhal T,"
  • Overview

  • Dr. Satish Nair is the best doctor for head, neck, and ENT in Bangalore. He is currently practicing as the Academic Head and Consultant in ENT, Head and Neck Surgery, and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery at Manipal Hospital on Old Airport Road. His commitment to clinical excellence is evident in every aspect of his practice, as he approaches patient care with deep compassion and professionalism. He is the top surgeon for ENT in Bangalore.

  • Dr. Nair’s surgical repertoire includes advanced procedures in Otology, such as Cochlear Implant Surgery, and minimally invasive techniques like Endoscopic Ear Surgery and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery. He is also proficient in transoral CO2 laser surgery, aesthetic rhinoplasty, voice surgery, and laryngotracheal surgeries. Notably, Dr. Nair has pioneered a minimally invasive approach to parotid surgery, developing the "Nair Incision," a small, hidden incision that exemplifies his innovative spirit.

  • Dr. Satish Nair's extensive experience in management and administration is rooted in his distinguished 23-year career in the Indian Armed Forces. From serving as a medical officer in the challenging terrains of Jammu & Kashmir to his tenure at the prestigious Army Hospital (Research & Referral) in Delhi Cantt, Dr. Nair has developed a robust skill set in hospital administration and management. His time at the Army Hospital R&R was particularly formative, allowing him to contribute to the development of the state-of-the-art ENT department, conduct various conferences, and oversee equipment procurement for the ENT centres of the armed forces.

  • In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Satish Nair is deeply passionate about research. Throughout his career, he has actively engaged in numerous research projects under the aegis of the Armed Forces Medical Research Committee (AFMRC) and the Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO). Training the next generation of medical professionals is another area where Dr. Nair excels. His passion for education drives him to mentor postgraduate students, imparting knowledge through formal and informal tutorials, lectures, clinics, seminars, and demonstrations.

  • Dr. Nair's commitment to professional development extends to his involvement in numerous workshops and academic activities. Over the past nine years, he has conducted various cadaveric dissection workshops at the Advanced Learning Centre of MSR Medical College, including Head & Neck workshops, Endoscopic Skull Base Workshops, and Endoscopic Ear Workshops. He has also authored several books.

  • Throughout his career, Dr. Nair has adhered to three guiding principles: clinical practice, research, and training. These pillars have shaped his approach to medicine and continue to drive his pursuit of excellence. His membership in professional bodies such as the Association of Otolaryngologists of India, the Foundation for Head & Neck Oncology, and the Indian Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, among others, further attests to his standing in the medical community.

  • Fellowship & Membership

  • Life Member
  • Association of Otolaryngologists of India. (LM 3590)
  • Foundation for Head & Neck Oncology, India. (249)
  • The Cochlear Implant Group of India. (LM 280)
  • Indian Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (IAOHNS). (LM 68)
  • Laryngology and Voice Association of India.
  • Skull Base Surgery Society of India (SBSSI-279)
  • Association of Otolaryngologists of India (Delhi Branch)
  • Member Governing Council AOl (Delhi Br): 2014-15
  • Editorial Board (Indian Journal of Otolaryngology & Head Neck Surgery)
  • Editorial Board (Annals of IAOHNS)
  • Editorial Board (World Journal of Otolaryngology)"
  • Field of Expertise

  • General Otolaryngology (Adult & Paediatric)
  • Advanced Endoscopic ear surgery
  • Advanced Anterior & Lateral Skull Base Surgery
  • Robotic & Endoscopic Head & Neck Surgery, Thyroidectomy
  • Mini-Incision Parotidectomy
  • Airway Reconstructive Surgeries
  • Cochlear Implant (Nucleus, Med el & Advance Bionics)
  • Head & Neck Oncology
  • Performing all head and neck oncosurgery (total laryngectomy, open partial laryngectomies, Commando surgery, neck dissection, lateral temporal bone resection, maxillectomy, thyroidectomy and parotidectomy)
  • Laryngeal & Tracheal Stenosis
  • Endoscopic CO2 and KTP laser
  • Open tracheal resection and anastomosis
  • Laryngo-tracheoplasty
  • CO2 Laser Transoral laser surgery of malignancy (glottis, supraglottic).
  • Surgery for obstructive sleep apnoea.
  • Basic Otology
  • Complex middle ear surgery for mucosal and squamous disease,
  • Facial nerve decompression
  • Stapedotomy including laser stapedotomy
  • Advanced Endoscopic Sinus Surgery for primary and revision conditions
  • Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery:
  • Pituitary adenoma
  • Endoscopic skull base repairs.
  • Phonosurgery:
  • Thyroplasty
  • Vocal fold augmentation
  • Facial Plastic Surgery
  • Experienced in both internal and external rhinoplasty techniques.
  • Endoscopic / Minimally Invasive Surgery
  • Thyroideciomy
  • Parotidectomy
  • Neck Dissection
  • Robotic Surgery
  • Thyroidectomy
  • Neck Dissection
  • TORS
  • Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Kannada
  • Hindi
  • Tamil
  • Malayalam


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Patients often seek Dr. Satish Nair’s expertise as the Academic Head & Consultant ENT - Head & Neck Surgeon & Skull Base Surgeon at Manipal Hospitals Old Airport Road - Bengaluru. Consult with Dr. Satish Nair, the best ENT specialist/surgeon in Bangalore. Expert care for all ear, nose, and throat conditions with advanced treatment options.