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India has moved its Organ Donation Day from November 27 to August 3, marking the nation's first successful deceased heart transplant on August 3, 1994. Dr. Deepak Jayaprakash Kaddu, Consultant – Urology, Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road and Whitefield, explains live-related and cadaveric organ donations. Live-related involves a relative donating, while cadaveric utilise organs from a brain-dead donor with family consent. Dr. Sanjeev Rohatgi, Lead Consultant - Liver Transplant and HPB - Surgical Gastroenterology Surgery, Manipal Hospital Whitefield, notes the functional heart in cadaveric donations, and, Dr. Ravi Shankar B, Consultant – Nephrology, Manipal Hospital Whitefield and Old Airport Road, highlights how one donor can save up to nine lives. Dr. Prakash Babu SML, Consultant – Urology, Manipal Hospital Whitefield, stresses raising awareness to overcome myths, cultural, and religious barriers hindering organ donation. Read this article to know more.
#ManipalHospitals #ManipalHospitalOldAirportRoad #ManipalHospitalWhitefield #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #Urology #LiverTransplant #Nephrology #OrganDonations
Date : September 5, 2023
Publication name : Bangalore Mirror
Link: https://bangaloremirror.indiat...
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
Date : September 5, 2023
Publication name : Bangalore Mirror
Link: https://bangaloremirror.indiat...
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
Dr. Raj Vigna Venugopalan, HOD & Consultant - Medical Gastroenterology at Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, emphasises that chronic hepatitis, characterised by persistent liver inflammation, arises from factors such as viral infections, excessive alcohol consumption, certain diseases, and specific medications. To prevent complications, he advises early identification and treatment of the root cause, abstaining from alcohol to aid liver healing, maintaining a healthy diet by getting vaccinated against hepatitis A and B for liver protection, undergoing regular liver monitoring through blood tests and scans, sustaining overall health with a balanced weight, routine exercise, as well as collaborating with a doctor to establish a personalised treatment plan. Read this article to know more.
#ManipalHospitalOldAirportRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #ChronicHepatitis #LiverDiseases
Date : September 5, 2023
Publication name : Healthshots
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
Date : September 5, 2023
Publication name : Healthshots
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
Dr. Satish Kumar C.R., Consultant - Clinical Psychology, Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, highlights that rising student suicides in India are attributed to societal pressures, family expectations, intense competition, academic stress, and other factors. In 2021, student suicides exceeded 13,000, reflecting an increase from the previous year. He further highlights that the high cost of education and peer pressure are additional concerns. Read this article to know more.
#ManipalHospitalOldAirportRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #ClinicalPsychology #StudentSuicides
Date : September 4, 2023
Publication name : Lokmat Times
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
Date : September 4, 2023
Publication name : Lokmat Times
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
Dr. A Sivagnanam, HOD and Consultant - Paediatric Emergency, Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, addressed over 350 student reporters during a meeting at Rashtriya Military School, Bengaluru, focusing on mindful eating. She emphasised teenagers' role in promoting healthy food choices among both peers and adults, discouraging processed foods due to their diminished nutritional value. Check out this article for more details.
#ManipalHospitalOldAirportRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #PaediatricEmergency #HealthyEating
Date : September 4, 2023
Publication name : Times of India
Link: https://timesofindia.indiatime...
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
Date : September 4, 2023
Publication name : Times of India
Link: https://timesofindia.indiatime...
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
Dr. Ananya Das, Consultant - Geriatric Medicine, Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, discusses a comprehensive approach to pain management for the elderly in an article by Happiest Health. This approach encompasses medical treatment, rehabilitation, and psychotherapy. The article highlights six non-pharmacological strategies to effectively manage pain: engaging in relaxation techniques like meditation, maintaining healthy sleep patterns, refraining from smoking and alcohol, and nurturing social connections. Read this article to know more.
#ManipalHospitalOldAirportRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #GeriatricMedicine #PainManagement
Date : September 4, 2023
Publication name : Happiest Health
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
Date : September 4, 2023
Publication name : Happiest Health
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
Dr. Rajiv Lochan, Lead Consultant - HPB and Liver Transplantation Surgery, Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, explains that around 32% of Indians might develop non-alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD) due to five specific genetic factors. While conditions like inflammation, hepatitis, and liver cancer can trigger liver diseases, not all of them are solely caused by genes. Dr. Lochan points out that genes, inherited from parents, can influence traits including disease risk. Liver diseases arising from genetic disorders such as haemochromatosis, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, Wilson's disease, and auto-immune liver disease are noteworthy, yet not all liver issues are hereditary. Various factors, including alcohol, viruses, and toxins, can also contribute to liver damage. Read this article to know more.
#ManipalHospitalOldAirportRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #LiverTransplantationSurgery #NonAlcoholicLiverDisease
Date : September 4, 2023
Publication name : The HealthSite
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
Date : September 4, 2023
Publication name : The HealthSite
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
We all are first and foremost Indians. Live and let live should be your motto” said 102-year-old three-time cancer survivor, Mr. Nanjundaswamy, at the Independence Day event hosted by Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road. Dr. Shabber Zaveri, Chairman HOD And Consultant - Surgical Oncology, Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, shares his thoughts in this article. Read to know more #ManipalHospitalOldAirportRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #SurgicalOncology #Cancer #IndependenceDay2023 #IndianIndepenceDay
Date : August 31, 2023
Publication name : The Hans India
Link: https://timesofindia.indiatime...
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
Date : August 31, 2023
Publication name : The Hans India
Link: https://timesofindia.indiatime...
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
Dr. Vishwanath S, Consultant - Nephrology and Transplant Physician, Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, highlights the significance of organ donation. Brain death is a crucial factor in donation eligibility, differing from cultures where only cardiac arrest is deemed as death. While Western nations majorly rely on cadaver donations (70%), India primarily relies on live donations (90%). Dr. Vishwanath emphasises the need for education about brain death and organ donation in India. Rigorous testing ensures live donor safety, and advancements enable donations despite blood group mismatches with minimally invasive surgeries. Check out this video for more details.
#ManipalHospitalOldAirportRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #Nephrology #OrganDonation
Date : August 31, 2023
Publication name : The News Minute
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
Date : August 31, 2023
Publication name : The News Minute
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
Dr. EV Raman, Consultant - ENT, Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, highlights the impact of headphones and earphones on hearing. Prolonged exposure to noise levels above 70 decibels can damage the inner ear. In-ear headphones used for around three hours may cause a hearing loss of 10-15 dB HL. Safer than earphones, headphones cancel out external noise, reducing the need for high volume. Dr. Raman recommends breaks, gradual volume increases, and avoiding levels over 70 dB for hearing safety. Read this article to know more.
#ManipalHospitalOldAirportRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #ENT
Date : August 31, 2023
Publication name : Only My Health
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
Date : August 31, 2023
Publication name : Only My Health
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
Manipal Hospitals Old Airport Road launched a specialised day-care centre for patients undergoing chemotherapy. This centre offers advanced facilities to enhance patient experience and also allows them to access doctors with ease. Read the article to know more.
#ManipalHospitalOldAirportRoad #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #Cancer #Chemotherapy
Date : August 30, 2023
Publication name : Hans India
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru
Date : August 30, 2023
Publication name : Hans India
Manipal Hospitals :Old Airport Road, Bengaluru