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Endoscopic ear surgery is a minimally invasive technique to treat various ear conditions, such as chronic otitis media, cholesteatoma, and ear tumours. The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. The endoscope is inserted through the ear canal and provides a detailed view of the ear's internal structures on a monitor. The surgeon uses specialized instruments inserted alongside the endoscope to remove the diseased tissue or repair the ear structures. After the surgery, the surgeon removes the endoscope. The patient is usually discharged on the same day, with follow-up visits scheduled to monitor healing and hearing function.
When Do You Need an Endoscopic Ear Surgery?
Endoscopic ear surgery is performed for all ear conditions that require surgery, including:
Eardrum Perforation - Ruptured/torn eardrum due to injuries or infections
Chronic Otitis Media - Repeated ear infections
Middle Ear Bone Deformities
Ossicular Discontinuity / Otosclerosis - Long-standing hearing loss
Cholesteatoma - Bone-eating infection of the middle ear
Mastoiditis - Bacterial infection of the mastoid bone (middle ear infection)
Glomus Tumor, Granuloma, & Osteoma - Tumors of the ear
Patients undergo a thorough evaluation, including hearing tests and imaging studies like CT or MRI scans, to determine the extent of the ear condition. The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. A small incision is made in the ear canal or behind the ear, depending on the location of the condition being treated. This incision is used to insert the endoscope. It provides a detailed view of the ear's internal structures on a monitor. The surgeon uses specialized instruments inserted alongside the endoscope to remove the diseased tissue or repair the ear structures. After the surgery, the surgeon removes the endoscope. Next, the incision is closed with absorbable sutures. The patient is usually discharged on the same day, with follow-up visits scheduled to monitor healing and hearing function.
Common Ear Surgeries
A surgical procedure to repair a damaged or perforated eardrum. A patch of tissue is implanted into the eardrum to restore its function and hearing.
Ossicular reconstruction (Ossiculoplasty)
A procedure that aims to repair the small bones (ossicles) in the middle ear that transmit sound vibrations. It involves replacing or reconstructing the damaged ossicles with artificial implants or cartilage grafts to restore hearing.
Cholesteatoma Surgery
A procedure to remove a cholesteatoma, a noncancerous skin growth that forms in the middle ear and destroys the ossicles and surrounding tissues. It also involves reconstructing the damaged parts of the ear.
Both surgeries treat otosclerosis, a condition that causes the stapes bone (the smallest bone in the middle ear) to become fixed, preventing sound vibrations from reaching the inner ear and causing hearing loss. Prosthetic implants are used to replace the stapes and restore hearing.
Excision of Glomus Tumors (benign tumors of the ear)
This procedure removes a glomus tumour, a rare, noncanceroustumourr that causes hearing loss and tinnitus. Excision of thtumouror also involves preserving the surrounding tissues and structures.
A procedure to access and treat diseases of the middle ear and mastoid bone such as chronic ear infections or cholesteatoma. The diseased or infected tissues are removed in this surgery.
Advantages of Endoscopic Ear Surgery
No visible scars – better cosmetic outcome
High-precision, minimally invasive techniques
Minimal post-operative pain
Daycare surgery with early discharge
No head shaving or mastoid bandage
Minimal tissue dissection and bone drilling
Faster recovery – return to work sooner
Better visualization of deeper areas of the middle ear
Consult our ENT head and neck surgeons if you need Endoscopic Ear Surgery in Bangalore.
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