Advanced Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery in Bangalore

Endoscopic Lateral Skull Base Surgery

Advanced Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery in Bangalore

Endoscopic Lateral Skull Base Surgery is designed to access and treat tumours situated at your lateral skull base via ear. This is a complex area surrounded by vital nerves and blood vessels. Without treatment, these tumours can impair essential functions. This may include hearing, balance, and overall neurological health. Endoscopic techniques allow surgeons to remove these tumours with reduced trauma to surrounding structures. Such techniques improve outcomes and recovery times. This minimally invasive approach allows our doctors to reach challenging regions with the utmost precision. You will be relieved from the symptoms. This also reduces the risks typically associated with open surgery.

First, the surgical team will conduct detailed imaging using MRI, CT scans, or both. The image can precisely locate your tumor so that our doctors can assess its extent. In the operating room, surgeons insert endoscopes through the ear to access the lateral skull base. Such an approach minimises scarring and enhances recovery time. 

High-definition cameras allow medical specialists to locate the tumour clearly. The microsurgical instruments aid in meticulously removing the tumor. The chances of disturbing nearby structures are minimal in this surgery. Postsurgery, patients receive supportive care. You may need to work with a neurologist or physical therapist. They will monitor your nerve function and other critical parameters, ensuring a smooth and swift recovery.

Advanced Endoscopic Lateral Skull Base Techniques

  • Endoscopic glomus tympanicum/glomus jugulare excision

  • Endoscopic sub-total petrosectomy

  • Endoscopic infra-cochlear approach to petrous apex

  • Endoscopic approach to the facial nerve

  • Endoscopic trans-promontory approach to IAM

  • Lateral Skull Base Conditions

Endoscopic lateral skull base surgery is performed for conditions such as:

  • Tumours including glomus tympanicum, glomus jugulare, vestibular schwannoma, facial nerve schwannomas (FNS)

  • Endolymphatic sac tumours (ELSTs) 

  • Myelodysplastic disorders with skull base lesions 

  • Cancers of ear and temporal bone

  • Skull base osteomyelitis of lateral skull base

Endoscopic Lateral Skull Base Surgery is designed to access and treat tumours situated at your lateral skull base via ear. This is a complex area surrounded by vital nerves and blood vessels. Without treatment, these tumours can impair essential functions. This may include hearing, balance and overall neurological health