Neonatal Cardiac Center in Bangalore

Neonatal Cardiac Care

Neonatal Cardiac Center in Bangalore

Treatment for TGA (Transposition of the Great Arteries)

Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA) is a congenital heart condition where the two principal arteries leaving the heart, the pulmonary artery and the aorta, are switched in position. This misplacement results in oxygen-deprived blood being circulated throughout the body, necessitating urgent intervention.

To rectify TGA, a surgical procedure is the method of choice. In this operation, the aorta and pulmonary artery positions are adjusted to their proper anatomical placements. The coronary arteries supplying the heart muscle with blood are also expertly reattached. This procedure ensures that oxygen-rich blood flows correctly to nourish the body's tissues and organs. 

After surgery, the heart's function and blood flow patterns normalise, and with timely follow-ups and care, the child can lead a healthy, active life.

Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) Management

Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) is a birth defect characterised by an abnormal opening between the heart's two lower chambers, the ventricles. This condition can challenge the heart's efficiency, leading to symptoms such as rapid breathing or fatigue and in severe cases, heart failure.

Identifying a VSD involves careful physical examinations, listening for heart murmurs, and advanced imaging like echocardiograms. The treatment approach varies based on the size of the defect and its impact on the child. Small VSDs can occasionally close on their own, requiring only regular monitoring. Larger defects might call for surgical intervention.

This surgery seals the opening, ensuring the heart operates effectively. Post-surgery, many children experience a significant improvement in symptoms and lead healthy lives.

Coarctation of the Aorta

Coarctation of the Aorta is a congenital condition where a segment of the aorta, the main artery carrying oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body, narrows abnormally. This narrowing restricts blood flow to the body's lower regions and puts additional strain on the heart.

Swiftly addressing this condition is essential. The treatment might involve a catheter-based procedure, where a balloon is inserted and inflated at the narrowed site to widen the aorta. Alternatively, surgical methods entail removing the narrowed segment and reconnecting the healthy parts of the aorta or using a patch to widen the affected region. 

Both approaches aim to restore optimal blood flow and reduce the strain on the heart. After successful intervention, most children can engage in regular activities and live symptom-free lives.

Consult the specialists at our neonatal cardiac centre in Bangalore for more information.

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