Dry skin? Chapped lips? Cracked heels? Dry skin is a condition that, if not taken care of, can lead to major skin issues and even infections. Read on to find out about dry skin treatment to keep your skin healthy.
Common Skin Problems and Their Prevention
Dry skin is a common problem that can affect people of all ages. It can be caused by several factors, including genetics, climate, and certain medical conditions. Dry skin can be uncomfortable and even painful, but there are several things you can do to take care of it.
Use a Gentle Cleanser
Regular cleaning and maintenance of hygiene are important for skin health, but you should make sure you never overdo it. Avoid harsh soaps and cleansers that can strip your skin of its natural oils. Instead, use a gentle cleanser that is designed for dry skin. Look for a cleanser that is fragrance-free and hypoallergenic.
Moisturize regularly
Moisturize your skin throughout the day, especially after showering or bathing. Using a moisturizer suitable to your skin type is important for skin health. When you apply moisturizer to damp skin, it helps to seal in the moisture. To do this, apply moisturizer immediately after showering or bathing while your skin is still damp.
Eat Healthy and Drink Plenty of Fluids
Oftentimes, a diet rich in fats and sugars can also trigger skin conditions such as dryness. Drinking plenty of water and eating fresh fruits can help improve skin health and maintain suppleness in general. The basic of dry skin tips is drinking enough water.
Use an Ointment or Cream
If you have very dry skin, you may need to use an ointment or cream instead of a lotion. Ointments and creams are thicker and stay on the skin for longer to keep moisture intact.
Wear A Sunscreen
Skincare for dry skin requires you to wear sunscreen every day. Although irrespective of your skin type, sunscreen is a must before exposure to the sun. Look for a sunscreen that is fragrance-free and hypoallergenic or that is most suitable for your skin type.
Avoid Hot Water on Skin
Hot water showers are relaxing to the body but they can be harsh for your skin. Hot water can strip your skin of its natural oils, making it more dry. Instead, take warm showers or baths.
Add Moisture to the Air
If you live in a dry climate, you may want to consider using a humidifier. A humidifier will add moisture to the air, which can help to keep your skin from drying out.
Medical Care and Dermatology
If you have severely dry skin, you may want to talk to the best skin doctor in Patiala about other treatment options. Your doctor may prescribe a stronger moisturizer or a medication to help reduce inflammation.
A dietary deficiency can also trigger skin conditions such as dry and flaky skin. Getting medical care from a trained physician is advised. In addition to medical care, you may also want to see a dermatologist. A dermatologist is a doctor who specialises in the science of skin. They can help you diagnose the root cause of your dry skin and develop a treatment plan accordingly.
Following these tips can help you to keep your dry skin healthy and hydrated. If you have severe dry skin, you may want to talk to your doctor about other treatment options. At Manipal Hospitals Patiala we have some of the best skin doctors in the city, to help you take care of your skin and overall health. For more queries about proper medical care for your skin, book an appointment with our experts today.