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Consultant - Urology

Manipal Hospitals, Patiala

Common Female Urology Problems And How To Treat Them

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Posted On: Feb 08, 2024

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Common Female Urology Problems

Several common female urology problems affect women at different stages of life. While some may experience these issues briefly, others might manage them long-term. It has been observed that women ignore the symptoms when they first appear and visit a doctor when the problem becomes bigger. In such cases, the complications are more and the duration of the treatment also increases. This article is a compilation of all the symptoms that you must not overlook and immediately see a doctor as soon as you notice any of the symptoms that are listed below by our experienced urologists in Patiala. 


Common Symptoms that Indicate Urology Problems

Here are some common symptoms that may be signs of women's urological problems:

  1. Urinary urgency and frequency: This means feeling the need to urinate often, even if you only pass a small amount of urine each time.

  2. Painful urination: This can be a burning or stinging sensation during urination.

  3. Blood in the urine: This can be a sign of a serious infection or other problem.

  4. Pelvic pain: This can be a dull ache or a sharp pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis.

  5. Urinary incontinence: This is the involuntary leakage of urine.

It is important to note that these symptoms may also appear due to some other medical issue other than urological problems, hence it is essential to visit a doctor immediately to find out the root cause of these symptoms and begin the treatment instantly. 

Consult our urology hospital in Patiala if you need diagnosis and treatment for female urology issues

Common Urological Problems 

Here's an overview of some common female urology problems and their potential treatments:

1. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

  • Symptoms: Burning pain during urination, frequent urination, urgency to urinate, blood in urine.

  • Causes: Bacteria entering the urinary tract.

  • Treatments: Antibiotics, staying hydrated, cranberry supplements (consult a doctor first).

2. Overactive Bladder (OAB)

  • Symptoms: Frequent urination, sudden and strong urges to urinate, accidental leakage (urge incontinence).

  • Causes: Overactive bladder muscle, neurological issues, medications.

  • Treatments: Lifestyle changes (bladder training, pelvic floor exercises), medication, minimally invasive procedures, and surgery (in severe cases).

3. Interstitial Cystitis (IC)

  • Symptoms: Chronic bladder pain, pelvic pain, frequent urination, urgency to urinate.

  • Causes: The exact cause is unknown, possibly linked to inflammation or bladder lining abnormalities.

  • Treatments: Medications, diet changes, bladder distention, nerve stimulation, surgery (in severe cases).

4. Urinary Incontinence

  • Symptoms: Unintentional leakage of urine, stress incontinence (leakage with coughing, sneezing), urge incontinence (leakage with sudden urgency), mixed incontinence (combination of both).

  • Causes: Weakened pelvic floor muscles, childbirth, neurological issues, menopause.

  • Treatments: Lifestyle changes (weight management, bladder training), pelvic floor muscle therapy, medication, minimally invasive procedures, and surgery (in severe cases).

5. Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)

  • Symptoms: Feeling of pressure or heaviness in the vagina, difficulty urinating or emptying the bladder fully, vaginal bulging.

  • Causes: Weakened pelvic floor muscles, childbirth, menopause, heavy lifting.

  • Treatments: Pelvic floor muscle therapy, pessaries (insertable devices to support organs), surgery (in severe cases).

If you are experiencing any urological symptoms, please consult a qualified urologist in Patiala for diagnosis and appropriate treatment. They can assess your situation and recommend the best course of action.

Lifestyle Modifications to Adopt After Developing Any Urological Issue

Adopting healthy lifestyle modifications can significantly improve your overall well-being and potentially reduce the risk of recurrence. Here are some key areas to focus on:

  1. Hydration: Aim for 8-10 glasses of water daily to flush out toxins and prevent UTIs.

  2. Reduce bladder irritants: Limit citrus fruits, spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated drinks as they can irritate the bladder lining.

  3. Maintain a healthy weight: Being overweight puts extra strain on your pelvic floor muscles, which can worsen certain conditions like incontinence.

  4. Increase fibre intake: Fiber helps regulate bowel movements and prevents constipation, which can put pressure on the bladder.

  5. Kegel exercises: Regularly perform Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which support the bladder and urethra. This can improve bladder control, reduce symptoms of OAB or IC, and aid in preventing pelvic organ prolapse.

  6. Pelvic floor relaxation techniques: Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing to manage stress, which can worsen some urological problems.


Urological problems can be prevented if we adopt healthy habits and lead an active lifestyle. Book an appointment with our highly experienced urologists in Patiala for the diagnosis and treatment of urology problems. We also invite you to bookmark our official blog page to read the latest blogs written by our doctors.

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