
Dr. Goldy Kamboj

Senior Consultant - Obstetrics & Gynecology

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Reviewed by

Dr. Goldy Kamboj

Senior Consultant - Obstetrics & Gynecology

Manipal Hospitals, Patiala

Endometriosis: Symptoms and Causes

Reviewed by:

Dr. Goldy Kamboj

Posted On: Dec 23, 2019

blogs read 2 Min Read

Endometriosis Treatment in Patiala

What is Endometriosis?

A pain-causing condition generally found in women of the reproductive age group; Where the inner lining of the uterus starts growing onto adjoining organ surfaces like the outer layer of the uterus, and the ovaries and in severe cases reaches adjoining tissues of other organs.

In simple clinical terms, every healthy, uterus bearing human of reproductive maturity develops a thick lining of blood and tissue in preparation for nurturing the post-fertilization embryo. Failure to form an embryo leads to the shedding of this lining, known as menstrual bleeding at the end of each cycle. In the case of endometriosis, this lining grows onto the outer lining of the uterus and may reach adjoining lower abdominal regions causing the region to swell, leading to lesion formation, immense pain, discomfort, and in extreme cases the fibrous tissue may cause organs to stick together, adding to further discomfort.

Stages of Endometriosis

Based on clinical advancement of the condition, endometriosis is broadly divided into four stages-

1. Minimal

2. Mild

3. Moderate 

4. Severe

One thing which needs to be understood here is that the pain levels may or may not correlate with the clinical stages of the condition. A person with stage 4 may report slight discomfort or a person with stage 1 might be observed to have excruciating pain. The pain tolerance of individuals is also variable and hence, symptoms must be reported to a trained medical advisor at the earliest for correct diagnosis and timely care.

Symptoms of Endometriosis

The most common symptoms of Endometriosis observed are heavy bleeding (dysmenorrhea), back pain, low energy levels during menses, diarrhea, loss of appetite, constipation and bloating. 

Other symptoms could be experiencing pain during or after physical intimacy (sexual activity), failure to conceive after active efforts (infertility), and pain during or after urination and bowel movement. 

If you have any symptoms of endometriosis then contact Manipal Hospitals, one of the best Gynecology Hospitals in Patiala having specialists who are experts in treating common to rare gynecological conditions.

Causes of Endometriosis

While research is underway, a clear culprit is yet to be found for the cause of endometriosis. But, a few common factors have been observed to `correlate with higher instances of occurrence.

  • Hormonal imbalance - the short menstrual cycle of fewer than 25 days or prolonged bleeding exceeding 7 days can be a factor.

  • Early-onset of menarche or delayed menopause - Prolonged exposure to estrogen can lead to endometriosis in women

  • Surgical complications - Post-C-section healing may be distorted, leading to the accumulation of endometrial tissue in regions where it should normally not be present 

  • Autoimmune disorder - Certain conditions of the body may impair the ability to recognize self-cells, leading to attack on organs and consequential formation of lesions and scar tissue around the uterus.

Risk Factors and Care Points

40 per cent of cases of endometriosis are found in people who take a diet high in trans-fat. Therefore, taking care of one’s dietary intake is of prime importance.  A low BMI could be a risk factor for endometriosis, hence, maintaining a clinically healthy weight is equally important. Any person with a blood relative having a history of endometriosis (Grandmother, mother, aunt, sister etc.) is twice as likely to develop endometriosis when compared to a person with no family history of endometriosis. Such people must consult expert advice at the first sign and symptoms to avoid health complications in the long run. 

Not undergoing pregnancy throughout life can increase the chances of developing endometriosis later in life. Such individuals should also be extra cautious of their menstrual health and consult gynecologist in Patiala at Manipal Hospitals for medical advice. 

Treatment of Endometriosis

Depending upon the stage of severity and the age of the patient, your doctor could recommend mild procedures of medication coupled with hormone therapy to invasive procedures involving endometriosis surgery. Timely observation and intervention are the key safeguards for the treatment of this condition. Patients with advanced-stage or stage 4 endometriosis might require surgical procedures for restoring optimal bodily functions. The use of high-precision equipment can help minimize blood loss and scarring even for advanced-stage endometriosis. Thus, endometriosis can be treated and patients can regain control of their bodily functions and get rid of the excruciating pain if they consult their healthcare providers timely and undergo the full course of treatment they’re advised. Endometriosis treatment in Patiala is available at Manipal Hospitals, having specialists expert in treating all types of gynecological conditions.

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