
Dr. Pankaj Kumar Garg

Consultant - General Laparoscopic & Bariatric Surgery

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Dr. Pankaj Kumar Garg

Consultant - General Laparoscopic & Bariatric Surgery

Manipal Hospitals, Patiala

10 Steps To Preparing For Weight Loss Surgery

Posted On: Dec 22, 2023

blogs read 6 Min Read

Steps to Preparing for Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery can be a transformational journey for many, but the path to this journey requires perseverance. It's not just about the surgery itself and weight loss preparation, but building a foundation for lifelong success. To get expert advice, consult with our weight loss surgeon in Patiala. So, pull up your socks and understand with us the ten crucial weight loss steps to conquering this uphill task of weight loss surgery:

1. Learn all you can about the journey

  • Research

Dive into different procedures like gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and others. Manipal hospitals have detailed information on their official website to help you understand their pros, cons, and long-term implications. Chart the risks and rewards: Weight loss surgery is a major undertaking with potential complications. Ask the expert surgeons for bariatric surgery at the general surgery hospital in Patiala.

  • Support

Find the support you need, in friends, family and those who are already on this journey to weight loss and management to find the right support.

2. Count the money

  • Insurance cover

Confirm your insurance coverage for the surgery. Understand out-of-pocket costs and any potential limitations to know how much you will need to spend on the entire weight loss procedure.

  • Explore funding options

If insurance falls short, find out other possible offers or consult with the hospital management to get your surgery cost reduced.

  • Plan for potential downtime

Calculate the potential loss of wages during your surgery and recovery periods to account for finances.

3. Baby steps

  • Start with little changes

Embrace a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Ditch processed foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats slowly to be able to sustain the change. Crash diets do more harm than good.

  • Train your body

Start small with walks or swims or an exercise routine of your choice. Gradually increasing intensity and duration. Improved fitness eases recovery and supports long-term weight management goals.

4. Pre-Op Checkpoints

  • Meet your surgeon

Bariatric surgeons are the experts whom you should consult for all your queries, or trusted hospital websites like Manipal Hospitals. This is your chance to ask questions, clarify expectations, and understand what your journey might look like.

  • Test run for surgery

Prepare for various tests, including blood work, X-rays, and others, ensuring you're physically fit to undergo the surgery. Your doctor may prescribe additional tests other than those mentioned here, to examine your health.

5. Home Care and Preparation

  • Stock up

Stock up on recovery essentials so you do not fall back into old habits. Keeping easy-to-make and easy-to-digest soft foods in the house would help the recovery. Get all the family help and support you need.

  • Arrange for support

Plan for childcare, pet care, or any other assistance you might need during the recovery phase.

6. Mental Mountaineering

  • Shift your mindset

Remember, surgery is a tool, not a magic bullet. Long-term weight loss success requires sustained healthy habits and self-discipline. 

  • Prepare for emotional outbursts

Some people may experience postoperative upheaval of emotions. This may include depression, anxiety, or other emotional changes. Consult with our clinical psychologists at Manipal Hospitals Patiala to find the right help.

7. Post-Op Navigation

  • Map your recovery

Understand the recovery process, which can take weeks or months. Be patient and celebrate your victories along the way.

  • Follow your doctor's advice

Take medications as prescribed, attend all follow-up appointments, and strictly adhere to dietary and exercise guidelines given by the dietician and physiotherapist.

  • Listen to your body

Don't push yourself too hard during recovery. Rest when needed and respect your body when it tells you to rest. 

8. Managing Expectations

  • Slow and steady wins the race

Remember, weight loss is a slow process. It may take months or even a year to reach your desired goals.

  • Celebrate non-scale victories

Pay attention to improved energy levels, better sleep, and increased mobility. Your real wins are an improved lifestyle and a fun time with loved ones who have been robbed by weight-related health issues. 

9. Reaching Out for Help

  • Don't hesitate to reach out

If you have questions, concerns, or anxieties, don't hesitate to reach out to your doctor or support group.

  • You're not alone

The path to weight loss may seem daunting, but you are not alone. Our team at Manipal and your friends and family at home are always there to support you.

10. Enjoy the fruit of your toil

  • Celebrate your achievements

As you reach your weight loss goals, celebrate your success and perseverance. 

  • Maintain your healthy habits

Continue practising healthy eating and exercise routines to prevent weight regain and ensure long-term success.

  • Inspire

Share your story and motivate others who are considering weight loss surgery. You can be a bright beam of hope for those who are scared to take the step.

Remember, conquering the mountain of weight loss surgery is personal. Each person and each body is different and it is best to learn about your body’s needs and consult a weight loss expert doctor or bariatric surgeon. Manipal Hospitals has a host of clinical experts who can guide you through your journey. Book an appointment or visit your nearest Manipal Hospital today to learn more about weight loss tips and how to take care of yourself and those you love. 

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