The surgical approach to childbirth is known as a caesarean section or C-section. To remove the baby, a tiny abdominal incision is created that extends into the uterus. C-sections can be scheduled with a doctor's guidance and are dependent on the mother's well-being. A C-section is the ideal method of childbirth when the mother has health issues including high blood pressure, diabetes, or infections like HIV. Additionally, an emergency C-section is performed if there are issues with the natural delivery, such as the baby not obtaining enough oxygen or the labour being too long.
Parents should consult the best gynaecologist in Patiala to understand all the aspects related to normal and C-section deliveries and determine which delivery method is suitable in their case. Both the natural birth method and the C-section have a long history and have undergone extensive testing. The parents will ultimately make the choice after weighing all the options. Here in this article let's find out the pros and cons of a c-section delivery, why c-section deliveries are gaining popularity and some myths and facts about c-sections.
Visit a maternity hospital in Patiala if you need the best care and treatment during your pregnancy and delivery period.
Pros of a C-Section
Avoid long labour hours.
Avoid the pain and stress.
It enables you to plan the birth of the baby.
Fewer chances of the baby getting hurt in this type of delivery.
In the case of twins, it's less tiring and opted for by numerous women.
Mothers often go for a C-section to avoid sexual problems post-delivery such as lack of vaginal lubrication, loss of sexual desire, vaginal bleeding, or irritation after sex.
C-section procedures are also preferred if the mother has conditions like HIV or her blood has a high viral load since they reduce the chance of the infection spreading to the unborn child.
Cons of C-Section
It is a big surgery and your body will demand more time to recover.
C-section delays the breastfeeding process.
Anaesthesia increases the risk of complications.
The risk of infection is higher in C-section surgeries but can be avoided if an experienced gynaecologist is heading the team and you are at a well-equipped facility.
Myths and Facts About C-Section
I cannot have a vaginal delivery in the future
It’s difficult to go for a vaginal birth once you have had a c-section delivery, but it's not impossible. In many cases, women have been able to perform a vaginal delivery. Every pregnancy is different and so is your body’s reaction to it, hence the statement is not absolutely true.
C-Section deliveries are not safe
No, C-section delivery is completely safe. It is performed in a controlled environment. Delivery is supported in advanced ICU and labour rooms that are equipped with the latest machines, medicines and blood facilities.
Post-partum vaginal bleeding is less in a C-Section delivery
No, the method of delivery does not affect postpartum vaginal bleeding. It will be the same irrespective of the type of delivery.
Only the women who go for C-section delivery suffer from postpartum depression
This again does not hold any truth. Hormonal changes in the body will be the same in all types of deliveries be it vaginal or c-section.
C-sections are easier
Although there is less pain in the process of taking the baby out of the womb, following that you need to take good care of the body to recover from the surgery. The C-section delivery is a heavy abdominal surgery that needs time to heal.
Consult our gynaecologists in Patiala if you require treatment and care during your pregnancy.
At Manipal Hospitals, we have an advanced and well-equipped facility where we can perform C-sections in a very conducive environment. We have the best gynaecologists in Patiala in our team with years of experience and skills to manage any complication that may occur during the delivery. We have the following facilities available that make the delivery smooth:
24*7 Blood Bank
The obs gynae team at Manipal Hospitals has experience in handling both normal to high-risk deliveries. They have made the parenthood journey for various couples smooth and stress-free. Book an appointment with our gynaecologists for the right guidance and the right information about any aspect related to c-section delivery. We invite you to check out our latest blogs on lifestyle topics.