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Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Third Trimester Fetal Development & Baby Growth

Posted On: Apr 08, 2022

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Gynaecologist in Patiala

You’ve made it through the first two trimesters of pregnancy symptoms and fetal development. The third trimester of pregnancy is from week 28 to week 40. While the delivery of your baby is right around the corner, this can be an extremely trying time both physically and emotionally. The baby's growth during pregnancy is at its peak and you will experience kicks and other pregnancy symptoms. Manipal is the Best Gynaecology Hospital In Patiala, visit today to book an appointment.

Baby Growth in the Third Trimester

You’ve probably already picked names, set up the nursery room, and decided who will be in the delivery room with you.

 28 weeks:

The baby has eyelashes and can blink its eyes. Eyesight is developing and the baby can see light. Body fat is being added, the brain is rapidly developing, skeleton and muscles are maturing. The baby can now turn its head from side to side

 29 weeks:

The baby’s head is growing rapidly to be able to hold the fast-growing brain. Muscles, bones, and lungs continue to mature. The baby’s nutritional demands are increasing so the mother needs to consume more vitamins especially Vitamin C, calcium, folic acid, and iron along with protein. 

30 weeks:

The baby’s vision continues to improve and will respond to light. The baby can move the head, open the eyes and make breathing movements through the open nostrils.

 31 weeks:

The baby will now have a spurt in growth. It becomes very mobile, flailing the arms and legs. Fat accumulation under the skin will also increase rapidly making the skin smooth. The lungs become more mature.

 32 weeks:

The baby now starts to prepare for living outside. Fat accumulation beneath the skin continues. Toenails, fingernails, and hair are formed. The baby starts a routine, sometimes is very active and at others very quiet. This routine will continue even after the baby is born. The baby also has favorite positions.

 33 weeks:

Baby begins to lose wrinkles and bones get harder, only the skull hasn’t fused to enable molding during the birth process. The baby’s senses continue to develop. The baby can hear sounds very well.

 34 weeks:

Fat deposition beneath the skin is steadily increasing. This enhances the baby’s ability to regulate its body temperature after birth. The brain, spinal cord, nervous system, muscles, and lungs continue to mature rapidly. Babies born any time after this week do very well. Such babies require greater warmth and care, but generally are as healthy as full-term babies. If the baby is a boy, the testis begins to descend into the scrotum. The baby’s eyes open when awake and closed when sleeping.

 35 weeks:

The baby’s kidneys are fully developed. Most of the basic physical development is complete.

 36 weeks:

The baby’s movements become less frequent as there is less space for movement. The baby sheds the waxy covering on the skin along with the soft hair. This is ingested by the baby and comes out as a thick black sticky substance after delivery

 37 weeks:

From now on the baby is considered full term. The baby’s lungs are filled with amniotic fluid and capable of breathing on its own. The eyelids flutter open and shut.

 38 weeks:

The baby has now put on weight and all organs are ready for independent functioning.

 39 weeks:

The baby: waxy covering is replaced by new skin.

 40 weeks:

The skull bones are not yet fused and this helps them overlap as the head needs to mold to pass through the birth canal. The baby has more than 70 innate reflexes. Consult with our Gynaecologist in Patiala to know more.

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