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Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiology

Manipal Hospitals, Patiala

Understanding Angiography: Procedure, Benefits And Risks By Top Cardiologist In Patiala

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Posted On: Aug 08, 2023

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Risks and Benefits of Angiogram

Angiography is a window into your blood vessels! Have you ever wondered what your blood vessels look like on the inside? Angiography is a medical imaging procedure that allows doctors to see inside your blood vessels. An interventional cardiologist in Patiala uses the procedure to diagnose and treat a variety of conditions, including heart disease, stroke, and peripheral artery disease. 

Continue reading to find out more about this commonly heard procedure. The entire blog is divided into sections that focus on its types, how it’s done, what are the angiography risks and benefits involved. 

How is Angiography Performed

Angiography is performed by injecting a contrast dye into your blood vessels. The dye makes the blood vessels visible on X-rays or other imaging scans. This allows the interventional cardiologist to see the size, shape, and condition of your blood vessels.

Types of Angiography

There are two main types of angiography:

  • Conventional Angiography

This is the traditional type of angiography. It involves injecting the contrast dye into a blood vessel in your arm or leg. The dye then flows through your blood vessels and is visible on X-rays.

  • Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA)

This is a newer type of angiography that uses computed tomography (CT) scans to image your blood vessels. CTA is more detailed than conventional angiography and can be used to diagnose a wider range of conditions.

Benefits of Angiography 

Angiography is a minimally invasive procedure that allows an interventional cardiologist to see inside your blood vessels. It is used to diagnose and treat a variety of conditions, including heart disease, stroke, and peripheral artery disease.

The benefits of angiography include:

  • Accuracy

Angiography is a very accurate way to diagnose and assess the severity of vascular diseases.

  • Timeliness

Angiography can be performed quickly and easily, which can help to get patients the treatment they need sooner.

  • Minimally Invasive

Angiography is a minimally invasive procedure, which means that there is less risk of complications than with more invasive procedures.

  • Effectiveness

Angiography can be used to treat a variety of vascular diseases, including blockages, aneurysms, and arteriovenous malformations.

Angiography is a valuable tool for the diagnosis and treatment of vascular diseases. It can help doctors to assess the severity of your condition and to develop a treatment plan. Consult with the best doctors to get the finest treatment at the best cardiology hospital in Patiala.

Here are some specific examples of the benefits of angiography:

  • Heart Disease

Angiography can be used to diagnose coronary artery disease, which is a narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the heart. This narrowing can lead to chest pain, heart attack, and even death. Angiography can also be used to treat coronary artery disease by placing stents or other devices to open the narrowed arteries.

  • Stroke

Angiography can be used to diagnose stroke, which is a sudden interruption of blood flow to the brain. This interruption can lead to paralysis, speech problems, and other disabilities. Angiography can also be used to treat stroke by opening the blocked artery that caused the stroke.

  • Peripheral Artery Disease

Angiography can be used to diagnose peripheral artery disease, which is a narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the legs. This narrowing can lead to pain, numbness, and even gangrene in the legs. Angiography can also be used to treat peripheral artery disease by placing stents or other devices to open the narrowed arteries.

If you are considering angiography, be sure to talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks of the procedure. Angiography can be a valuable tool for the diagnosis and treatment of vascular diseases. It can help doctors to assess the severity of your condition and to develop a treatment plan.

Risks Involved with Angiography 

Angiography is a minimally invasive procedure, but there are some risks associated with it. These risks include:

  • Allergic Reaction to the contrast dye

The contrast dye used in angiography can cause an allergic reaction in some people. This reaction can range from mild hives to a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis.

  • Bleeding

There is a small risk of bleeding at the site where the catheter is inserted. This bleeding can be serious, but it is usually stopped with pressure.

  • Infection

There is a small risk of infection at the site where the catheter is inserted. This infection can be treated with antibiotics.

  • Damage to the Blood Vessels

There is a small risk of damage to the blood vessels during angiography. This damage can cause a blood clot or a narrowing of the blood vessels.

  • Heart Attack or Stroke

In rare cases, angiography can cause a heart attack or stroke. This is usually due to a blockage of a blood vessel that supplies blood to the heart or brain.

The risks of angiography are generally low, but higher for people with certain conditions, such as diabetes, kidney disease, or a history of heart disease. The risks of angiography can be minimized by taking certain precautions, such as taking antibiotics before the procedure and making sure that your blood pressure is under control. 

Explore our official blog page to read accurate medical content by doctors. You can also book an appointment with our top cardiologist in Patiala for consultation or to gather more information about any aspect related to angiography. 

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