
The Success of Jaspal Kaur Ji's Knee Joint Replacements | Dr. Vishav Goyal | MH-Patiala

Dr. Vishav Goyal, Consultant in Orthopaedics Joint Replacement and Arthroscopic Surgery at Manipal Hospital Patiala, sheds light on the remarkable recovery of his patient, Jaspal Kaur Ji. Having undergone sequential knee joint replacements, Jaspal Kaur Ji now enjoys a pain-free life. Dr. Vishav Goyal underscores her happiness and successful rehabilitation as a testament to effective orthopaedic care. For consultations, call - 175 5000 222 / +91 97815 29896 or visit: https://bit.ly/DrVishav #ManipalHospitalPatiala #YourManipal #LifesOn #TotalKneeReplacement #PatientTestimonial #SatisfiedPatient