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Headline: World Kidney Day: Which lifestyle habits increase the risk of kidney disease?
Publication: The Quint (Hindi)
Date : March 9, 2023
Publication name : The Quint (Hindi)
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
Date : March 9, 2023
Publication name : The Quint (Hindi)
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
Flu or the Influenza virus infects the respiratory system, particularly the nose, throat, and lungs. It can cause several symptoms ranging from sore throat, fever, fatigue, runny nose, cough, and more. However, the symptoms can be mistaken for other viral infections. That said, in this video, Dr. Gagandeep Kaur, Consultant of Pediatrics and Neonatology, Manipal Hospitals, Patiala, will share some invaluable insights into how we can identify flu symptoms in adults and kids.
Date : February 16, 2023
Publication name : The Times of India
Link: https://timesofindia.indiatime...
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
Date : February 16, 2023
Publication name : The Times of India
Link: https://timesofindia.indiatime...
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
A stroke, in simple terms, is the damage that occurs to the brain when its blood supply is interrupted. Here are the factors that can increase the risk of stroke in men.
Stroke is the reason many people live their lives in an extremely fragile manner. This is because a person who has suffered from a stroke is most likely to have another. This condition can be sudden, impactful, and life-threatening. India alone accounts for over 6.5 million stroke cases each year, and the number keeps rising rapidly. During the winter season, people with hypertension are more at risk of stroke, and the majority of them are not aware that stroke is more prevalent in men than other genders.
A stroke, in simple terms, is the damage that occurs to the brain when its blood supply is interrupted. The blood vessel to the brain can rupture, or there could be a blockage in the vessel, preventing the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain. This rapidly damages and kills brain cells, resulting in many complications: the patient may become paralyzed, have problems with coordination and balance, and live life in a fragile state, as 1 in 4 people who have had a stroke will have another one. Stroke also causes extreme fatigue for the next few weeks, along with pain, numbness, and weakness.
Most factors increasing the risk of stroke in men come from lifestyle habits that can be improved with some effort and knowledge. Being aware of the early signs of stroke, like numbness or tingling in the extremities, headaches, and balance disorientation, is important to avoid an actual stroke attack. Also, remembering the FAST rule for stroke can save a person's life. FAST stands for Face, Arm, Speech, and Time and is used to quickly test if a person is experiencing a stroke. If a person is experiencing numbness or paralysis on the Face and Arm and is unable to Speak clearly, then it is Time to call for medical help.
Dr. Satwant Singh Sachdeva, Senior Consultant- Neurology, Manipal Hospitals, Patiala.
Date : January 30, 2023
Publication name : NDTV
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
Date : January 30, 2023
Publication name : NDTV
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
Factors like overexertion of the heart and comorbidities such as diabetes and stress are known to cause cardiovascular events. Another major factor is extremely cold weather, which can impact the heart in many ways.
The increasing incidents of various health issues have become very common during winter. When it comes to cardiovascular diseases, India is known to hold a heavy burden of this serious condition, with around 5 million deaths occurring each year. Patients both young and old and across different spectrums of lifestyle are experiencing heart attacks. The cases increase during the winter as blood vessels become narrow in response to the cold environment.
At the same time, factors like overexertion of the heart and comorbidities such as diabetes and stress are known to cause cardiovascular events. Another major factor is extremely cold weather, which can impact the heart in many ways.
Taking care of the heart is crucial, but people cannot stop their daily activities to hyper-focus on their heart health, which is why taking care of a few things ensures that the heart is kept healthy and protected. The first is to keep the body warm by wearing warm clothes, sipping hot drinks, and avoiding sudden fluctuations in temperature to keep the heart going steady. The second is to avoid all bad lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking, and eating healthy, nutritious meals. The last is to take extra precautions if the person already has a heart condition or if a heart disorder runs in the family. Staying in contact with a doctor and informing them of any symptoms ensures that the heart is safe.
(The author is Dr. Deepak Katyal, Senior Consultant, Interventional Cardiology, Manipal Hospitals, Patiala)
Date : January 13, 2023
Publication name : India TV
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
Date : January 13, 2023
Publication name : India TV
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
Urvashi Rautela Accused Of Mental Harassment By Netizens | What Is It & Should You Call It Out?
Date : January 8, 2023
Publication name : News 18
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
Date : January 8, 2023
Publication name : News 18
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
The increasing cases of cardiovascular diseases in India are a serious concern among people of different age groups. People who have a sedentary lifestyle and poor food habits are at a higher risk of heart disorders. Lately, it has also been seen that the risk of this condition is even higher among people who suffer from diabetes and hypertension. India is known as the diabetic capital of the world, with over 80 million people suffering from diabetes. spoke to Dr. Deepak Katyal, Senior Consultant, Interventional Cardiology, Manipal Hospitals, Patiala, to understand more about the two conditions and how they can affect the heart.
Date : January 2, 2023
Publication name : The Healthsite
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
Date : January 2, 2023
Publication name : The Healthsite
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
"Constipation is a very common ailment that affects people of all ages and genders. It has become a common occurrence in young kids as well who have adopted a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits. Constipation is not always the result of a bad lifestyle, it can also be developed as a comorbidity with diseases like IBS, diabetes, hypothyroidism, and general stomach conditions. This condition occurs when the stool is not able to pass effectively through the digestive tract or cannot be eliminated from the rectum. As a result, the stool may also become hard and dry," says Dr Gurbakhshish Singh Sidhu, Senior Consultant, Medical Gastroenterology, Manipal Hospitals, Patiala.
Date : December 18, 2022
Publication name : Hindustan Times Digital
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
Date : December 18, 2022
Publication name : Hindustan Times Digital
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
Due to alcohol, kidney is affected in 4 ways, kidney failure can also happen.
Alcohol Side Effects on Kidney: Dr. Nitin Kumar, Consultant, Department of Nephrology, Manipal Hospitals, Patiala, says that excessive consumption of alcohol has the worst effect on the kidney.
Dr. Nitin Kumar
Alcohol has a bad effect on all the organs of the body (Alcohol Side Effects), but the organ that suffers the most is the kidney. Kidneys filter out all the toxic elements and waste materials including alcohol from the body. However, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a number of serious problems.
According to doctors, in the beginning, there is difficulty in maintaining mental and physical coordination and a confusion-like situation
Date : December 16, 2022
Publication name : Jansatta
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
Date : December 16, 2022
Publication name : Jansatta
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
Headline: Gastrointestinal wellness: Healthy lifestyle habits for a happy gut
Doctor quoted: Dr. Gurbakhshish Singh Sidhu, Senior Consultant, Medical Gastroenterology, Manipal Hospitals, Patiala
Date : November 24, 2022
Publication name : Exclusive Story
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
Date : November 24, 2022
Publication name : Exclusive Story
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
Headline: World Diabetes Day 2022: 5 Tips To Control Blood Sugar Levels This Winter
Doctor quoted: Dr. Prashant Bhatt, Senior Consultant Internal Medicine, Manipal Hospitals, Patiala
Date : November 14, 2022
Publication name : NDTV
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala
Date : November 14, 2022
Publication name : NDTV
Manipal Hospitals :Patiala