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Gastrointestinal Diseases result from several factors, including Viruses, Bacteria, Parasites and Fungi. Gastrointestinal diseases can cause Abdominal Pain, Discomfort, Nausea, and Vomiting. Some Gastrointestinal Diseases can lead to severe complications if left untreated.
Gastrointestinal Diseases arise in the parts of the digestive system, including the Oesophagus, Stomach, Small Intestines, Large Intestines, Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas. Gastrointestinal (GI) Surgery is the treatment of Gastrointestinal Diseases. To know more, visit the best multi-speciality hospital in Patiala and get the finest treatment facilities.
Based on the part of the Gastrointestinal Tract, GI Surgeries are of two types:
Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery
It treats diseases in the Oesophagus, Stomach, Intestines, Gallbladder, Liver, and Pancreas. Doctors recommend this Surgery if the patient has the following symptoms:
Abdominal Pain
Acid Regurgitation
Difficulty Swallowing
Lower Gastrointestinal Surgery
It addresses diseases of the Lower Gastrointestinal Tract, including the Small Intestine, Colon, Rectum, and Anus. Doctors may recommend a few tests to diagnose the problem if the patient has the following symptoms:
Unexplained Weight Loss
Unexplained Weight Gain
Rectal Bleeding
Abdominal Pain
Change in Bowel Habits
OPEN SURGERY: This traditional surgical method involves making a large incision in the body to access the internal organs.
ENDOSCOPY: The surgeon inserts a thin, long, camera-fitted tube through the mouth, nose, or another natural body opening. They also insert minimally invasive surgical instruments through the scope to conduct the Surgery.
LAPAROSCOPY SURGERY: The surgeon makes small keyhole incisions in the Abdomen. They insert a Laparoscope and surgical instruments to operate on the affected area. This Minimally Invasive Procedure is the most prescribed by Gastroenterologists at Manipal Hospitals as it offers faster recovery to patients in comparison to other traditional surgical methods.
ROBOTIC SURGERY: Robotic-Assisted Surgery involves a computer system wherein the surgeons use mechanical arms to perform the Surgery by viewing the monitor that shows the internal structures. It gives better access and allows more precise movements than human arms due to their range of motion. It is Minimally Invasive and more technologically advanced than any other listed procedures.
The doctors recommend GI Surgery in Patiala to treat the following ailments.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Liver Disorders
Colorectal Cancer
Colon Cancer
Rectal Prolapse
Weight Loss
Diverticular Disease
GI Bleeding
Gallbladder Disease
Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Hiatus Hernia
Gastrointestinal Surgery encompasses several risks and complications. Some of these are:
Bile Leakage
Organ Failure
Blood Clotting
Drug Reaction
Anaesthetic Reaction
Urinary Retention
Loose Stool
Urinary Tract Infection
Deep Venous Thrombosis
Pulmonary Embolism
Wound Infection
The risks and complications are lower when Manipal Hospital's trained and experienced Gastroenterologists perform the Surgery.
The doctors perform a physical examination and might ask the patient to get blood and imaging tests before the procedure.
The patient discusses the procedure, and medications they take and declare their medical conditions (Allergies and Pregnancies). The patients must follow dietary and medication restrictions before the Surgery.
A better understanding of the procedure helps make requisite arrangements at home and work.
The patient gets anaesthesia to stop the sensation of pain. The doctors may suggest local or general anesthesia according to the Surgery and the patient's condition.
The patient receives the fluids and medicines intravenously.
The healthcare staff monitors the patient's vitals, including Blood Pressure, Pulse, Oxygen, and Breathing.
Some common Laparoscopic GI Surgeries are:
BARIATRIC SURGERY involves making the Stomach Smaller for weight loss.
NEPHRECTOMY is the surgical removal of part or whole of the diseased or Cancerous Kidney.
ADRENALECTOMY- The surgical removal of one or both Adrenal Glands, present on top of the Kidneys and produce Hormones responsible for body functions.
SPLEENECTOMY- It is the surgical removal of the Spleen from the body.
APPENDECTOMY- It is the surgical removal of the Appendix for treating Appendicitis.
FOREGUT SURGERY- It treats ailments of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract, including the Oesophagus, the Stomach, and Small Intestines.
OESOPHAGUS SURGERY- It treats conditions of the Food Pipe, including Gastric Reflux, providing nutrition and treating Cancer.
HIATUS HERNIA- This Surgery treats Para Oesophagal Hernia and Hiatus Hernias. A Hiatal Hernia occurs when the Stomach shifts upwards into the chest.
NISSEN FUNDOPLICATION- It involves strengthening the muscles between the Stomach and Oesophagus to treat various Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux (GERD) Diseases.
COLON AND RECTAL SURGERY- It is the surgical treatment of Large Intestines, Rectum, and Anus conditions.
GASTROINTESTINAL CANCER SURGERY- It encompasses surgeries for treating Gastric Cancer, Benign Conditions of the Oesophagus, Bowel Tumors, Small Intestine Cancer, Large Intestines Cancer, and Rectal and Anal Cancers.
RETROPERITONEUM SURGERY- It is the treatment for Testicular Cancer.
GALLBLADDER SURGERY- A Cholecystectomy is the surgical removal of the Gallbladder to treat the Gallstones.
LIVER AND BILE DUCT SURGERY- It treats conditions of the Liver, including Liver Cysts.
PANCREAS SURGERY- It treats conditions of the Pancreas, Duodenum, and other associated GI tract structures. Whipple Procedure is the most sought-after Surgery for treating Pancreatic, Intestines and Bile Duct Cancer.
GASTROSTOMY- It is a surgical procedure of creating an opening through the skin of the Abdomen to the Stomach. It involves inserting a feeding tube to deliver food and medicines directly to the Stomach bypassing the Mouth and Throat.
The patient goes to the recovery room after the Surgery. The healthcare staff monitors the vital signs and incision site for infection.
The patient receives pain medications intravenously.
The healthcare staff helps the patients to sit and walk. Walking helps prevent clotting.
The doctor guides the patients for faster recovery.
The patient should:
Take Medicines
Change the Dressing
Keep the Wound Site Clean
Drink Plenty of Fluids
Diet as Specified by the Dietician
Manipal Hospitals resonate with the patients and their health concerns and offer the best treatment facilities at state-of-the-art hospitals.
Our hospitals boast trained and expert Physicians, Surgeons, Internists, Dieticians, and Healthcare Staff who work around the clock to offer their knowledge and services to patients suffering from Gastrointestinal Diseases and other health conditions.
We have a successful track record of GI surgeries over the years. The doctors ensure smooth follow-ups and guide the patients throughout for the best results.
The patient may have swelling in the Abdomen for a few days after the Surgery. The doctors prescribe pain medicines and other relief medications to counter the inflammation.
Avoid lifting heavy things.
Avoid strenuous physical activity like biking, jogging, and aerobic exercises.
Avoid swimming and hot showers.
Yes. After the Gallbladder removal, the Bile from the Liver goes directly into the Digestive System.
Failing to maintain a healthy lifestyle and eating fatty junk food results in and may cause weight gain in patients even after bariatric surgery.
The Gastrostomy Tubes may stay in place for up to twelve months. They may need replacements after that.
Gastrointestinal Disorders affect the organs of the digestive system, including the Oesophagus, Stomach, Small Intestines, Large Intestines, Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas. Gastrointestinal Surgery treats different issues of the Gastrointestinal Tract, including Benign and Malignant Cysts and Tumors. These surgeries also encompass nutrition-providing procedures like Gastrostomy. Doctors can perform GI Surgeries as traditional Open Surgery by making a big incision in the Abdomen. Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic and Robotic-Assisted GI Surgeries are the most sought-after because of Small Incisions, Less Pain, and Faster Recovery. Some risks associated with GI surgery are Infection, Bleeding, Bile Leak, Blood Clotting, Scarring, Constipation, Loose Motions, Hernia, Injury to the Nearby Structures, Drug Reaction, and Pain.GI Surgery can be an outpatient procedure, and the patient may stay in the hospital for one to four days. The recovery time varies for each patient. Get the best GI Surgery treatment with the help of a team of gastroenterology doctors in Patiala.
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